HELP!!! (please)


married her prince
Jul 23, 2001
I followed instructions but still can't get my clip art working in my signature. Instead I see the url address...

Any advice?
This image is protected from hotlinking

It looks like they do not allow direct linking to there.

It looks like they do allow you to download their clipart to use, then use something like to save the img to and then use it here.

Downloading Instructions
PC Users
  1. Right click on the image
  2. From the menu that appears, choose "Save Image...", "Save Picture..." or similar phrase that your chosen browser uses
  3. You should then be prompted for the location to save the image. Navigate to the location on your hard drive where you want to save the file
  4. You can then go back to the location you chose to use the image as you choose
Mac Users

Follow the above instructions, but you will click and hold on the graphic if you are using the standard one-button mouse to get the menu to appear


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