Help I've placed a bid on ebay for Scrapbook stuff

I have a TON of brand new scrapping stuff that I would like to sell on E-Bay, can I upload a picture from my digital camera card or do I have to do it directly from my camera? I asked E-Bay for help, but I can't figure out what they are trying to tell me. I'd appreciate any help--Ü

What I do is take my picture and then save it in My Documents,once in ebay on the picture screen-you can then upload it from your documents. Where are you storing your pictures on your computer?

Or you can add the picture right into your description,here is a explanation I have saved from another message board...

Go to and start an account. Make
an album. When you create the album, there's a spot to
put a password, but don't put one in. It's there in
case you want a password for the album, not saying
that you need to enter your site password just to
create the album. Hope that makes sense! Upload your
pics into your album on imagestation.

After the pics are uploaded, go into the album, then
click on the tiny pic. You'll see it a bit larger.
Click on it again, and it will open in another window.
It should appear in the original large size that you
had it on your computer. In the address bar, you'll
see a name that ends in .jpg

Go to Ebay, and go into your listing. You can revise
your items. Go into the Description, then wherever you
want the large pic to appear, you need to write a
code. I'm going to put spaces into it so that the code
won't try to work on the email. In real life, there is
only 1 space in it, and I'll show you were by putting
an underscore (_). Also, where you would copy and
paste the info from the address bar on imagestation
(the one that ends in .jpg), I'll write TITLE. Hope
that makes sense!

< img _ src = " TITLE " >

You can also start your own website on, but it seems to be more
complicated, and if too many people look at your
images within a certain amount of time, the site will
shut down for a while!

HTH-My first few times it took a long time playing around before I figured it out! Happy ebaying!
Grover in Winnipeg
My head is spinning, but I printed out your post and I am going to give it a try--Ü

Thanks for your help.


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