HE Made it


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2000

To all the Wonderful Dis Family members

I have been wanting to post all week but some forces have been keeping me from it..but
to all you wonderful Dis Family members who sent my special downs buddy who has
been having a rough time with the big CA fight some trading pins to get him started ,
just wanted to let you all know he made it to WDW this week. He has been there since
Sunday and will be starting back home tomorrow am. This has been a really stressing
time for him, friends and family that love him.But this trip has brightened him up to say
the least.
When he gets home next week, he will be facing another go round of Chemo. But I
wanted to thank you all publically ( tried to contact each one of you personally) You
really are alot of great folks.

Since this got stuck in the old board thought I would repost for those who were generous enough to help him out and may have missed original post on old board. Again to all of you THANK YOU for making his trip a great one.


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