Has anyone walked the decks (Not the plank!)?

We’re leaving on our short little 3 day on the Fantasy in less than two weeks. I live 40 minutes from the port so I know how hot and humid it is here, only to be worse onboard south of here. So I’m not interested in walking Deck 4 for exercise (I average 90 minute walks, or about 10,000 steps for one session). Has anyone ever walked all the decks of the ship one by one? Do you know how many steps it is? Thats the only way I can figure out how to get some exercise in...while still inside air-conditioning! I know, I know, there’s a gym. Meh.
Doing some quick measuring and calculations, deck 6 & 7 & 8 hallways give you the best option for laps 9 is slightly shorter and 10 even more (forward the hallways dead-end after the forward elevators) They are pretty close to the length of the jogging track (more like 2.7 to 2.8 laps to make a mile, deck 9 would be 3 laps, deck 10 more like 4 laps). As several mentioned, you would be dodging housekeeping carts, people, mobility devices, strollers most of the time but if you are up for early early walking you could do some brisk laps on those decks.


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