Hard Rock Cafe-we loved it!!


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
After all the neg. talk about Plant Hollywood food,I wasn't expecting much from Hard Rock. Except HR had a room dedicated to Backstreet Boys,and DD is a fanatic fan!! So, for a Surprise I registered at
and got there All Access card,which gave us PS and $10.00 off your bill. Not bad!!

When we got there they were sending people away but I flashed the card and we were Directed to a small line for a table. It wasn't long till we were seated and choosing our food.

Wow,what a great meal!!!:bounce: I had the rosemary chicken,it was tender while still being cooked all the way thru!!! It was sooooo goooood!!

DD was so excited to see the Backstreet boys,Nsync,and O Town stuff!!!
Hey thanks for the tip!! I just registered at HardRock.com, and hopefully I will get a ten dollar off coupon too!!

Thanks again!

I have the card also. So, when you go to get in line (if there is a line), you just go to the front of it and show the person your card? Cool!
A whole room with Backstreet Boys stuff....oh man, I love them and my dd loves them. I wonder if you can request to sit in that room?
I guess I need to go ahead and make a PS, so that way I know I won't have to wait in line. Did you eat there for lunch or dinner?
are u guys registering for the all-access card for 24.95????? if so, does it really give u the 149 rate at the hotel i've got a reservation end of july for the "rack rate" of 185????? will 24.95 save me 35 a night???? thanks alan
They have a person at the door,that you show your card to,if 6 others have shown their cards,you all will have to wait for the next available table.

WE ask for the "Florida Room" but it was full. But you can walk in and enjoy the posters,costumes and such!!

WE ate Dinner there!!

If you go to HR website the 1st of may and login,you will see what you have won in their May contest.

alanvines- I got my card free in Feb. for their 30th Anniversary!!:jester: But everything they said about the card worked for me!!:p
We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe last week and got our ten dollars off but were very disappointed in the food. Ribs weren't great. Had much better food at Mythos for less money!
We ate there last Sunday for lunch at 1pm and there was no line---walk right in!

The food was great! And the warm chocolate chip pie with ice cream was to die for!!

Earlier this year I used my Discover cash back bonus to get partner gift certificates as it doubles the value of the bonus, so HR is a partner and I had a GC to use to pay for our meal.

Got some great photos of Kiss, ACDC & Alice Cooper stuff, too.

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