Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

Overweight "chubby" folks that wear clothing that is too small.:eek: If you're overweight please dress appropriately.:thumbsup2

Yeah, the flip side of this is the overdressed anorexics.

Saw one poor soul wearing a sweater in july, all bones. I'm sorry, but it was gross, what she's doing to herself and what she looked like.

One of my kids asked if she was dying. I said, yes.
Yeah, the flip side of this is the overdressed anorexics.

Saw one poor soul wearing a sweater in july, all bones. I'm sorry, but it was gross, what she's doing to herself and what she looked like.

One of my kids asked if she was dying. I said, yes.

OMG! I did see a LOT of bathing suit tops on my last trip, although it was HOT!!!:scared1:
Yeah, the flip side of this is the overdressed anorexics.

Saw one poor soul wearing a sweater in july, all bones. I'm sorry, but it was gross, what she's doing to herself and what she looked like.

One of my kids asked if she was dying. I said, yes.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You are hysterical! :lmao: I will giggle about this all day. :goodvibes
Laughing out loud right now, can not type, tears running down my cheeks. You should work for Mastercard 'cause that was Priceless!!

I did sense a bit of hostility though. :laughing: I recognize it in myself--yes, I always feel sad for those poor underweight people. The troubles they face...will they be able to stay on the rides and not slide under the safety bars?...Can they find a ::MickeyMo shirt to fit them without alterations?...having to pay full price for a meal from which they only eat the garnish? Life is tough. :laughing:

Whoops--sorry for the rant. I'm pooh-sized and admittedly envious of the people who can wear what they want to WDW without being posted about on "grossest things you've seen in the park"!!! Until now, until Kickapoo! :thumbsup2



Disclaimer: these remarks are not intended to offend anyone other than my SIL and do not represent the thoughts and opinions of the webmaster and no more than 50% of the posters. :laughing:

Edit: I'm adding this so that posters will know that this was only meant to be funny and I had no intention of belittling anyone. I completely misunderstood Kickapoo's post as you will read later on. Thanks.
at least overweight people can lose weight. :)

eta: if anyone with a bias against overweight ppl finds this post offensive, i sincerely apologize.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You are hysterical! :lmao: I will giggle about this all day. :goodvibes
Laughing out loud right now, can not type, tears running down my cheeks. You should work for Mastercard 'cause that was Priceless!!

I did sense a bit of hostility though. :laughing: I recognize it in myself--yes, I always feel sad for those poor underweight people. The troubles they face...will they be able to stay on the rides and not slide under the safety bars?...Can they find a ::MickeyMo shirt to fit them without alterations?...having to pay full price for a meal from which they only eat the garnish? Life is tough. :laughing:

Whoops--sorry for the rant. I'm pooh-sized and admittedly envious of the people who can what they want to WDW without being posted about on "grossest things you've seen in the park"!!! Until now, until Kickapoo! :thumbsup2



Disclaimer: these remarks are not intended to offend anyone other than my SIL and do not represent the thoughts and opinions of the webmaster and no more than 50% of the posters. :laughing:

Um, I meant no hostility, I feel *very* sad when I see these women starving themselves to death. It wasn't supposed to be funny, either, there really was an emaciated woman wearing a sweater in sweltering July heat this last trip. Any extremes from typical body shape are probably unhealthy, I suppose, that's why they draw so much instinctive criticism.
As an overweight person, who has lost over 100#s and worked hard to do that, I say blame Lane Bryant for the awful clothing. Ever notice that when something in a simple style that would look great on a larger person comes out it does NOT come in our size? But guess what, polyester, wild colors and patterned ruffled stuff that is not sized correctly DOES. It is not like very large folks can find appropriate clothing off the rack. Been there, done that. Besides who is to judge? Please send a video of yourself so that we can see your qualifications??

If a person has a smile on their face that is pretty much the only thing I notice. :thumbsup2

Come to think of it I did read a posting on here once about a laundry tip. Seems some folks buy cheap stuff at yardsales and such, wear them to the parks and then discard them thus saving themselves the trouble of packing the stuff back up or washing it. Sounded pretty good to me.

I have seen many older ladies wearing what appeared to be bras to the parks. Usually are wearing white anklets too. Not sure what is up with that but I can deal.:flower3:

THE grossest thing I have ever seen at DW was this. I was doing my laundry and one woman was complaining about her husband when another told her to look outside and imagine if she was married to THAT! A man was sitting on one of the rockers holding his false teeth in his hands and waving them in the air! Naturally it was MY dh.:jester:

I dare say that any one of us, if we watched ourselves on tape, would see many disturbing things that we do on any given day. Granted some more than others though. :laughing:

Back to doing my scratching now so I will not have to when I am at DW. :rolleyes1

See you soon! Behave now. ;)

Slightly Goofy/Linda
I might be able to top the poopy diaper changing stories. How about a mother using the DRINKING FOUNTAIN as a baby bidet to get the poo off her childs bottom????:scared1: That was as bad as they come. I think people were so shocked they couldn't even say anything to stop her. We did let a CM know though.

Oh man! Looks like we will be buying all bottled water. We had planned to just buy a little a refill at the fountains but, I really don't want hepititis. :scared1:
Two things i thought were gross until i read this. Now i think they are v.tame! lol

1. Gross PDA. Couple in line for EE. They face each other as if they were gonna kiss but instead the woman licks his teeth. eww.

2. While waiting to enter Flights of Wonder (?) Bird Show at AK. Little girl, about 8 years old is biting her nails and putting the nail bits in her bro's hair.


I would have busted out laughing at the PDA couple! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Saw one poor soul wearing a sweater in july, all bones. I'm sorry, but it was gross, what she's doing to herself and what she looked like. .
Trying to sweat off still more pounds!
(Not realizing that just drinking more water to make up for the dehydration will put that much weight back on.)
She needs to go to Anorexics Anonymous.

I have seen various men's exercise accessories to wrap around the body or a limb (one garment being an oversized cummerbund) meant to "sweat off weight". I had always questioned their usefulness, contending that it was the body, not the clothing, that determined which patch of fat (belly?, arm?, chin?) would be absorbed first as a result of ingesting fewer calories than were demanded by metabolism.
I make it a point not to take observation of things like this, but I had one sight that will always stand out as I found it gross.

I can tell you the basics, but there is more to this, but I have to keep it clean for the Disboards.

I realize people come in all shapes and sizes, and we all have different ideas of what is okay and what isn't, but there are some things that are just not acceptable in public. A woman in her late 50's, about 50 lbs overweight was walking around MK is the most bizarre clothing, but it was kind of a gross sight......okay, not kind of, it was.....

She was wearing VERY thin and short white shorts and a VERY thin white tank top with no bra. She pulled the straps off her tank top and put them below her arm pits. Half of her breasts were exposed.

Now, the gross part......her breasts (and I am not kidding) went down to her belly button if not the bottom of her stomach. Her shorts were see-through and it was obvious that she was not wearing underwear of any kind. She had just gotten off of Splash and she was soaked, you could see everything and I do mean everything. So, she was waiting in line for Big Thunder Mountain and let's just say that she had her hands on those see-through spots doing things that made us leave the line.

And that is all I will say. If you want specifics or cannot figure out what I am talking about, you will have to PM me. ;)

This? Is just so...disturbing. :scared1: :eek: :scared1: I would've found a CM and thrown a fit. Honestly, who goes on any water ride wearing thin white clothing and no underwear? Either they're really stupid or a pervert. Throw them out for public indecency. Especially after she did what she did. There are kids around, for pete's sake!

The hot dog in the belly button guy and the guy "enjoying the magic" at the urinal are also insanely gross.

But the guy with the socks in his shorts really cracked me up! BWAH! I love it! :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: :laughing: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Is it bad that I'm finding this thread weirdly entertaining? popcorn::
Um, I meant no hostility, I feel *very* sad when I see these women starving themselves to death. It wasn't supposed to be funny, either, there really was an emaciated woman wearing a sweater in sweltering July heat this last trip. Any extremes from typical body shape are probably unhealthy, I suppose, that's why they draw so much instinctive criticism.

Sorry, Kickapoo. I guess I just misunderstood. I agree with you that anorexia is serious, as is being overweight; I thought you were being funny and I was trying to be funny back.

These are all seriously making me die laughing. I can't breathe! LOL.

Nope, I haven't seen anything gross like this, and hopefully I won't in September.
Not at WDW, but a related story. . . Last November at the "Battle of the Boot" (Arkansas vs. LSU footballgame) at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock. All tailgating takes place on a golf course--a muddy golf course. Inside the stadium, a sink in the ladies room was stuck on AND was spraying out onto the floor, so it was flooded. The floor was NASTY with all the mud from everyone's shoes. An hour or so later, I go in and the flood had been mopped up, but the mud was still caked on the floor, kinda smeared around, you know. (I was pregnant, visiting the ladies often) A woman came in, layed her toddler down on the NASTY floor and proceeded to change his diaper, directly UNDER the diaper changing station:confused3

Oh, and the guy with the socks. . . .:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Now that is justice.
not at the parks but in WDW!! We were eating at Spoddles one night last summer and my friend jarrett got FRIED calamari and after eating a few bites of it he noticed one started to move the little suction cups were moving!!!:scared:!! him and my friend maggie were frecking out and at first i was frecking out but i got so tired of it i threw it in my mouth and said there its gone happy now!! lol i have a vid of part of it! you cant really see it but it really was moving!! as soon as it updates ill but the VID on here
View My Video
the grossest thing is i saw i kid about 3,4 years old she put her finger
in her nose and stuck it right in her mouth it was gross:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:
Not at WDW, but a related story. . . Last November at the "Battle of the Boot" (Arkansas vs. LSU footballgame) at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock. All tailgating takes place on a golf course--a muddy golf course. Inside the stadium, a sink in the ladies room was stuck on AND was spraying out onto the floor, so it was flooded. The floor was NASTY with all the mud from everyone's shoes. An hour or so later, I go in and the flood had been mopped up, but the mud was still caked on the floor, kinda smeared around, you know. (I was pregnant, visiting the ladies often) A woman came in, layed her toddler down on the NASTY floor and proceeded to change his diaper, directly UNDER the diaper changing station:confused3 .

:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
Gross and funny at the same time - I saw a man walking towards me at MK with white lycra cycling shorts on. No, it gets worse! He had, how can I say this delicately, err, a rather large bulge at the front but it was all mishapen and knobbly. Now (honestly) I don't make a habit of casting my eyes southward but this was just mesmerising.

As he walked closer the bulge got lower and lower until eventually a pair of socks fell out of the bottom of one of the legs. I double-up laughing and he went very red, took the socks out and walked the other way :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

What made it gross was that it was at the MK!!

You told me that wouldn't tell anybody. Now my feelings are hurt :lmao: :rotfl2:
My family was having lunch in the Columbia Harbour House at Magic Kingdom. My husband went to use the bathroom and came racing back out with a horrified look on his face. Bracing myself for a doo-doo story, I was shocked when he told me what actually happened. Apparently, there was a man standing at one of the urinals who was... how should I say this... "shaking it" a little longer than any man should in public.

I was a little surprised that my husband looked, but he said it was obvious what was going on when he walked in the door. A few minutes later we heard someone at the next table telling his wife the same story!

The same thing happened to me at Kings Island park in Ohio. This guy was standing there went I walked in. I was done and walking away and he was still there, as I walked by I caught a glimpse of a handing shaking :scared1: ( no he wasn't shaking hands with John :lmao: ) after I washed my hands he was still there. :eek:
The same thing happened to me at Kings Island park in Ohio. This guy was standing there went I walked in. I was done and walking away and he was still there, as I walked by I caught a glimpse of a handing shaking :scared1: ( no he wasn't shaking hands with John :lmao: ) after I washed my hands he was still there. :eek:

Ya know...why don't these guys just get a room???? :confused3 :confused3 :confused3

I mean, do they feel they are "extra" impressive and want to show off a talent that even the gong show wouldn't air???

Hmmmm.... maybe if someone were to walk up behind them with a gong.... I don't know .... permanent performance anxiety???? Might be a good pavlovian training method!


:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:


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