Grocery question?..


Aug 18, 1999
Hi.. Not really sure where to put this question -
My family will be down at Boardwalk in May. We would like to go to the supermaket to get afew things. On the way from the airport is there a supermarket (Publix)?.. etc.



DVC Member !
Hello Tanya,

There are two supermarkets on the way from the airport. If you go on the Beeline to I-4, get off at the exit for SR 535. If you go south (turn left), there will be a Publix about 3 or 4 miles down on the left hand side of the road. Also, if you go north(turn right) about 1/2 mile, there will be a Goodings in the Crossroads Shopping Ctr. on the right hand side of the road.

If you do shop at Goodings, when you exit the shopping center if you go straight through the light, you will be on Hotel Plaza Blvd. Take that till it dead ends into Downtown Disney, turn left and you'll be on Buena Vista Blvd. That will take you to the road you need to turn right on to get to Boardwalk. Sorry I don't know the name of that road, but you can't miss it. It is well marked.

Milo :D

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Thank you for the information. I see it says you are from Phoenix. A friend of mine lived in Mesa for a year.. They came back because of her husbands job. She one day wants to go back -- I heard its beautiful (Arizona) but have never been.
Maybe on day.

Again, thanks.


DVC Member !


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