Grand Gathering and DDP ?


DIS Veteran
Jan 5, 2000
If some of my proposed group of 21 (3 2bdrm and a studio) want to use the DDP, how would we do this? Would each unit need to be a separate ressie and all people in that unit have to do same thing, all DDP or no DDP? If we all eat together and some are on DDP and some are not, is that a problem?
Trying to get the answers before I present this to the family. Thanks!
I believe each unit will remain a separate reservation. The Grand Gathering number just ties them all together. So I would not expect the DDP rules to change. Everybody in one unit would either have to purchase the DDP or not - you can not mix and match among the different units. It would be all or nothing for each unit.

As far as dining together, that won't be an issue. You will just need separate checks.

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