Grand CAL. How much lower will the prices drop ???

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WOW that listing was 265ish two days ago. These owners hit the jackpot by waiting it out. Smart move by them!
That is making me feel pretty good about the contracts I picked up at $225 and $235 within the last 5 months.

$335…. I would honestly consider selling my contracts next year if the market rate is $335pp….. it would be an instant $35k profit after commission and closing costs.

TVM indeed….
I know that I wouldn’t. While I’m disappointed with VDH, I’d sooner buy a contract there at $230/pp than $335 at VGC. That’s more than $100/pp difference. And perhaps that is what Disney is banking on.

They are. That's why they added VGC back to the add-on tool at $310pp. It's a conversation starter for guides to sell VDH.
Yeah, I'm not sure if the math would work for me at that price. Not for the amount of points we wanted.

We paid $37,600 (not including fees/closing/etc.) But at $335 per point it would have been $53,600. That's a massive difference and really closes the gap on whether or not we'd be saving by doing DVC versus just paying cash or renting points.
No way we’d buy VGC at $335, If VGC dropped to be on par with VDH, then might consider a smaller contract there in addition to VDH down the line.
What I’ve learned in 7 years of DVC message board fun is that never, ever, listen to the crowd who says to wait. “Riviera will resale for less than $100 with those restrictions” “prices will drop when dues need paying” “no one wants poly with no bigger rooms” “VDH will kill VGC resale” etc etc etc.
What I’ve learned in 7 years of DVC message board fun is that never, ever, listen to the crowd who says to wait. “Riviera will resale for less than $100 with those restrictions” “prices will drop when dues need paying” “no one wants poly with no bigger rooms” “VDH will kill VGC resale” etc etc etc.
Well, VDH sure did have an effect on VGC resale but not exactly the effect that some thought. I think what's clear is that a lot of the more seasoned DVC members out there were turned off by one of the many missteps, starting with the ikea design that alienated some likely buyers to the far more consequential financial and point chart disasters a few days ago that started a run on VGC contracts. As fascinating as it's been to watch VGC over the past 4 months, I've got my popcorn ready for VDH's next year or 2.

I'm grateful for VDH myself. It forced me to budget for 150-200 points, and that forced budget enabled me to add on that many total points combined at resorts I actually love in VGC, BWV, and OKW(extended) for a lot less than that same 175 is going to cost VDH buyers. Thanks VDH, best of luck!
Sometimes I think "oh, maybe it would be fun to alternate between VGC and VDH." But then I remembered how much I loved the Grand Californian on our last trip and I just can't see myself wanting to give that up. And if anything, I could see us alternating between WDW and Disneyland so if I was going to do more DVC, it would be in Florida. I just hope if/when that day comes...resale will be a good deal! Ha!

I guess if I ever REALLY wanted to give VDH a try, I'd just rent points for a one-off visit or something.
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