Got Great HRH Rate at!! for my Quick Trip in May :D

Disney Debbie

<font color=deeppink>Survivor<br><font color=blue>
Mar 25, 2000
My family can tease me all they like - I kept looking and looking and found $139.00 for our big night in May on !!! That's pretty good for such short notice and no Entertainment rate!! With tax that will be $156.00 - as opposed to the final tally of $218.18 I'd gotten on Expedia. I did learn a lesson though - after I grabbed the rate I went to cancel Expedia and THEN I saw their low price guarantee. So I could have saved the $10 cancellation fee with them by making them match it - but even with the cancellation fee I've saved $52. :D :D :D

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Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
When in May are you going? I have been trying to book a room for 1 night on June 2. The cheapest I found so far is on the website you recommended, but it is for $169.00 a night. I also have codes and entertainment cards, but nothing works! I have a reservation at the Portofino, but really want to saty at the HRH. Glad you got a lower rate!!!


All Star Sports 6/97
All Star Music 6/98
Polynesian 6/99
All Star Movies 6/00
Disney Magic 6/00
Disney Magic 1/01
Hey MickFreak - We'll be there May 20th. It's a Sunday night so maybe that helps! Good luck. :)

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Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
Hi, if you have a AAA card. Bring it along...its good for l0% off on food, merchadise, tickets. Even at the pop/junk food vendors. Good at Hard Rock Hotel store, too, and Hard Rock Cafe.
Good for YOU, Disney Debbie! You worked this like a pro!

Too bad I'll miss you. We'll be there May 24th.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Robin - Ohh - so close! :(

Thanks for the AAA tip - I'm not a member but I might look into that.

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Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
Mickfink, if you can't get HR, you can at least use pool by staying at Portofino, also keep trying people cancel daily...


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