Good experience with Fidelity resales?

56 Days - I'd happily take that . I agree the Fidelity Prices tend to be some of the lower ones I've seen, and I'm super happy with the Contract I got, but I'm on Day 81 -- it took 71 Days to get through the Closing & Deed Recorded steps, now finally it's in DVC's hands for the final 2 steps. I did not know about the Mason Title option at the time; I will remember that for future.
ET :darth:
I started an Aulani contract (with a foreign seller to be fair) one September and closed in March. VGF one April (regular sale) closed in September. You have to be all over title if you want to close tin a timely fashion and I wasn't in a rush but even that ridiculous timeline took many emails and calls.
Fidelity charges buyers a fee of $195 (over and above of "normal" closing costs). AFAIK, none of the other major brokers do so. Be sure to factor that in to your comparisons & decision.

To be fair when I put an offer in on a contract, they did tell me in advance that there is an admin fee.
There's something else I'm noticing with Fidelity , and I don't know if other brokers have the same attribute:
I made an offer on my contract on 2/9/2 - offer accepted 2/11, passed ROFR 3/6, closed on 4/20, and DVC acknowledged receipt of the transaction.
I just checked the Fidelity site, and that contract is still listed there as "Sale Pending". There are at least 10 other SSR June Use Year contracts in that same boat, as I recall seeing them when I first made my offer. How long should it take to purge them from the listings? It falsely makes it look like there is more current activity going on in the market.
There's something else I'm noticing with Fidelity , and I don't know if other brokers have the same attribute:
I made an offer on my contract on 2/9/2 - offer accepted 2/11, passed ROFR 3/6, closed on 4/20, and DVC acknowledged receipt of the transaction.
I just checked the Fidelity site, and that contract is still listed there as "Sale Pending". There are at least 10 other SSR June Use Year contracts in that same boat, as I recall seeing them when I first made my offer. How long should it take to purge them from the listings? It falsely makes it look like there is more current activity going on in the market.
I have a contract with Fidelity that was sent to ROFR yesterday. It still shows as "available" on their website.. 🤷
There's something else I'm noticing with Fidelity , and I don't know if other brokers have the same attribute:
I made an offer on my contract on 2/9/2 - offer accepted 2/11, passed ROFR 3/6, closed on 4/20, and DVC acknowledged receipt of the transaction.
I just checked the Fidelity site, and that contract is still listed there as "Sale Pending". There are at least 10 other SSR June Use Year contracts in that same boat, as I recall seeing them when I first made my offer. How long should it take to purge them from the listings? It falsely makes it look like there is more current activity going on in the market.
This has been a problem as long as I can think back. It seems to "inflate" the amount of business happening there AFAIC. Another issue is listings still show as available when they are pending! You have to be right on the website every morning as a stalker and remember what was there yesterday. This morning I found a 80 OKW loaded for $85 and I knew it was brand new but, it was the wrong UY aghhhh! Someone else on here put in an offer so we'll see if they are UA and then can track how long before it shows UA and ultimately drops off. I always swear I won't work with them again... :rolleyes1
There's something else I'm noticing with Fidelity , and I don't know if other brokers have the same attribute:
I made an offer on my contract on 2/9/2 - offer accepted 2/11, passed ROFR 3/6, closed on 4/20, and DVC acknowledged receipt of the transaction.
I just checked the Fidelity site, and that contract is still listed there as "Sale Pending". There are at least 10 other SSR June Use Year contracts in that same boat, as I recall seeing them when I first made my offer. How long should it take to purge them from the listings? It falsely makes it look like there is more current activity going on in the market.
Mine from 2/7 offer accepted and closed 4/22 is also still showing upon their website.
Still waiting with you for contract to show up on DVC account.
Mine from 2/7 offer accepted and closed 4/22 is also still showing upon their website.
Still waiting with you for contract to show up on DVC account.
I was just reading on a different thread where a couple people bought resale and it was a 6 month process from start to finish. One of those was because the seller had a scheduled vacation with banked points. WOW!
I will certainly be more selective and ask all the right questions if I ever decide to do this again.
ET :darth:
We are currently working with Fidelity on a contract. I did read on these boards that they could be slow beforehand, so I have been proactive with making phone calls just to make sure things are moving along. Our agent (Shawn Ray) has also been responsive to e-mails. We submitted our offer online and she called us within a day to verify all of the details before she gave the offer to the sellers. Our offer was somewhat low and I appreciated that she did not push back on us making an offer at that amount. She has also been helpful anytime I have asked her for an update. Our offer was accepted on April 8 and the contract went to ROFR on April 15 and was approved on April 23.

Based on the feedback from the boards, I requested Mason Title which was $50 more but I think worth it. (they assume you are going to use First American unless you state you want a different title company) I am working with Cammy at Mason Title and she has been great. We heard from Mason before we heard from Fidelity that our first contract had passed ROFR. We just entered a contract with another company (DVC Resale Market) and Cammy at Mason Title is going to handle both contracts and make sure that the points are all put under the same membership number.

We still have a little way to go before all is complete but my understanding is that once the contract passes ROFR, the rest is really dependent on the title company to close the deal and DVC to get the points transferred. Hope that helps.
Hi, how has the process ended? I too am purchasing two contracts: one from fidelity and one from dvc resales. Fidelity is using Mason Title and DVCresales: attorney Jeffery Sweet

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