Gluttony . . . Pure Gluttony. 14 nights food reviews from two little piggies!LAST DAY

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:faint: Oooh, while I was reading that, my heart skipped a beat! In a good way of course. I would love the template if Eeyore's Tailfinder is willing to send it to me. ::yes:: Thanks! I think they would be a great addition to my trip binder that I am working on.

I was going to put a picture of them on here for you to see, and I have the next days reviews all ready to post, but Photobucket has just died on me!! :sad:
I tried the ribs at Flame Tree last trip and didn't like them either, they were very fatty and gristly....YUK!

You had a hamburger "po-boy". That's what we call them down in New Orleans.:goodvibes
I tried the ribs at Flame Tree last trip and didn't like them either, they were very fatty and gristly....YUK!

You had a hamburger "po-boy". That's what we call them down in New Orleans.:goodvibes

I'm sorry you didn't like them but I'm so glad i'm not the only one!!!

A Po-boy?! I like that!!!!
I am really enjoying your report and your pictures are fabulous! It's making me starving and we aren't going until the very end of November!

Thanks for sharing!!:goodvibes
I know that my family will love Disney so much I am already planning next year's trip. Those cards you guys are talking about sound very helpful. I LOVE organization! My husband has been teasing me about the notebook I have filled with info for our trip. The cards would be nice because I would only need the card for the day not the entire notebook.
Wow--2 people besides me who didn't like the ribs at Flame Tree! I was beginning to think I was the only one! :rotfl:

Great reviews and wonderful pictures! Thanks for taking the time to create this great report! :thumbsup2
Ooh, we loooove the Cheesecake Factory!! :banana:

They don't have them here in Australia either, so any time we plan a trip to the USA, Cheesecake Factory is first on our list! Yum!!

My favourite dish is the chicken and noodles with peanut sauce - sounds kinda weird, but it's fantastic! Yum, I really want some now. :(
Great update. I've never been to the Cheesecake factory but it looks good, I might have to make a special trip next time.
Oh wow, that food looks so good! We have never tried the Cheesecake Factory, don't know why, I love cheesecake! Must add it to the (ever expanding) list.

Laur's princess:
Monday 12th May

Finally a whole day of Disney meals!

Late to the bandwagon, but now subscribing. I am a tea drinker also, and though not from across the pond, I should have been. I am having a blast reading your reviews and lingering over the pics. But, come on... you must have some serious metabolism secret... you eat all that and stay that size???? What a great couple you are... thanks for all your hard work on the reviews.

Wednesday 14th May

ALERT – a lot of food coming up!!!!

We love Krispy Kreme donuts and don’t have any close at home so they are a treat when we get our hands on them. We decided we were going to have a Krispy Kreme breakfast today, so yesterday we went to the KK shop on 192 to buy them. (We had already bought 2 one night from the Hess Station to try, and they were a bit dry so we were looking forward to some good ones).

The man “serving” us was SO rude. He kept asking how he could help, then whenever I started to speak he put his finger right in my face to sshhhh me!!! After a few minutes we finally twigged that he had an earpiece in and he was taking orders from the drive-through and not speaking to us at all!!!! Now its funny, but I was fuming! :furious:
This is the selection:-

We got a box of 12, and 11 went in the trash - the worst KK’s I have had in my life. The donuts were so overcooked and tasteless. TG agrees “-5/10 - overcooked and shoddy premises. Disappointing!” I would give them a 2/10. Avoid!:(

So, to get to the point, no KK’s for breakfast! We took an early morning march to PO Riverside foodcourt to get some air and got a Cinammon bun to share, instead of beignets. This was OK, a little dry – it was no Cinnabbon! TG gives it 7/10. I’m a 6/10. Sorry, didn't have the camera as I had no make-up on, couldn't risk TG getting a sneaky shot of me!

As we only had a small breakfast we treated ourselves to some MK popcorn nice and early (think it was before 10am!!!). This was as good as I remember. Hot and really buttery – I just love this! I ate most of it while TG was on space mountain – ha, you snooze you lose Mister! TG 8/10. I’m a 9 (it loses a point because it blew over while I was trying to take a picture and I lost all the top layer which annoyed me!).

Lunch was 12 at the Plaza, MK, somewhere else we have never been. I have been looking forward to going here since I saw a really good review of it on Allears ages ago. We got seated straight away – it was already packed at that time. It’s a really nice setting, quite peaceful and quaint. Our server was good, not especially friendly, but efficient so can’t ask for more! I ordered the Reuban (always wanted to try one) and TG ordered the Club. I had fries with mine and he had potato salad. Then when it arrived we split everything. We also had a strawberry milkshake to share – this was divine!! :lovestruc Really thick, loads of strawberries and it went on forever. We got a full 2nd glass out of the shaker!

I thought the reuban was really good, lots of meat, though the bread was only a mili-second from being burnt!!! The club was OK, fries were good, and I really loved the potato salad, TG - reuben - 6/10, club, 8/10 milkshake - 9/10 . I remember he wolfed most of the fries down, and wasn’t keen on the potato salad. I give it a 9/10 and would definitely return for another lunch. Really nice place to sit down for an hour. In fact, we were already booked for another lunch later in the trip, but would we make it?!
Reuban left of plate, club on the right

We decided to go next door to the bakery for dessert. You need to be prepared for shock at the size of our tray. I had to pretend to the server that we had a couple of kids outside waiting for food, to make us seem a bit less piggy.

Let me explain!!!! The choc cake was dessert for TG. The ice-cream cookie sandwich for me, the rice crispie treat was just because we had never had one, and the krispy kremes were to try again for breakfast the next day - who knew you could get KK’s in the MK?! Not us!! That would have saved a bit of gas and a lot of bad mood yesterday!! TG gives the cake 9/10 – it looked really moist but there was no way I could try it. Ice-cream cookie sandwich – TG has always had these on our previous trips and I’ve never tried it – it wasn’t until everyone on here recommended it that I decided to give it a go, (much to his annoyance for not believing him)! I had the oatmeal and raison cookies and a massive splodge of ice-cream. OMG SO GOOD. I could only manage half of it but it was lovely. The cookies were so ooey gooey and the ice-cream moistened them up even more – what a wonderful combination!!! 10/10! :lovestruc :lovestruc

I wouldn’t usually post such a grim piccie of me, but it’s to show you just how big this mama is!

Onto dinner and our favourite The Crystal Palace! We go here once each trip because we love the characters so much, and we got a little out of control with how much we eat!! This is now one of the few places you can still get the lovely pink lemonade!! I love that stuff! In half the places I asked for it they told me that have low-sugar lemonade instead now! I want my pink princess lemonade back! I wore an Eeyore T-shirt this time and Eeyore made a real fuss – little tip if you are also a fan!
Me and my fave men!! :yay:

The food.- to start I had a tomato and mozzarella salad and Mediterranean salad – liked both of them very much. TG had a roll and bit of salad.

Appetizers and the hard to find pink lemonade!

Entrée’s- I remembered how good the mash was and it didn’t disappoint – huge splodge of that, some prime rib, carrot, a bit of pork. All very nice, nothing outstanding but nothing bad. I also tried the cornbread stuffing – as a new cornbread expert I can advise you that this was the worst of the trip!! It was soggy!! TG had mash, broccoli, carrot and lots of chicken.

My second plate consisted of much more mash, broccoli (I like to be healthy!) turkey and cranberry sauce – don’t know what else was mixed in with the cranberries but it was a bit funny. I also bravely tried some fish – mahi-mahi I think?? It was fishy. We don’t like fish much - unless its battered and deep fried! TG’s second plate was mash, pizza and more rolls!

Onto my favourite part – thank goodness the coconut flan was still here. I have been dreaming of this for two years. I adore it. “Love coconut, love wibbly wobbly flan, helloooo” to paraphrase from dear Stacey (“love Aerosmith, love rollarcoasters, hellooooooo”, that girl is so the reason I stay on-site!!). This is soooo good, really smooth and creamy 10/10. As you can see I had two slices straight up!!!! I only tried a corner of the choc cake – it was nice enough but not a patch on my beloved coconut. TG had ice-cream first, then something else but I don’t know what because I was in a sugar coma by then. :woohoo:

So do you know what happened next? Yup. TG announced he was going up for another look round. I made him get me a THIRD slice of that coconut heaven and I pretty much ate all of it! How is that for gluttony?!!!! It was as good as the first 2 slices but I felt so unwell I had lean on TG all through Wishes. We both give this restaurant 9/10. Great character interaction, gorgeous place, nice food. At this point the little girl at the next table apparently decided I was a character and came over and sat on my lap - if my tummy was resembling Pooh’s then it was time to leave! :rolleyes1

We needed a few days off buffets! :rotfl2:

Up next, another POFQ breakfast, Typhoon Lagoon Mini-Donuts, Earl of Sandwich, POR foodcourt (the return of the magic cookie bar), Whispering Canyon Café.
:scared1: Im a day behind and havent had lunch yet! (Note to self-do not read Pooh's-Honey-Pot's post on an empty stomach)

Flame Tree- I am so not a ribs girl. I ordered the puled pork sandwhich and loved it. I will have another this trip. (hear that DH?)

Crystal Palace is one of my fav spots. I LOVE everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood (it is ok for a grown woman to say that right?). I only wish Rabbit and Owl were there too.

Yum yum. Gotta eat lunch now.
First, as I stated, being 5 minutes from a Cheesecake Factory, I still rarely go there. But I do have The Plan when I do. Because their portions are so huge, I've split my meal with someone in order to have my cheesecake (and eat it, too!)

I'm still amazed how you can put down so much food in such a tiny person. I might sponsor you for one of those eating contests. Usually the skinny Japanese guy wins, but my money's on the skinny Brit. ;)
I only missed a few days and here I missed SO MUCH! You crank out these reviews FAST!!!

I'm really not a rib girl, so not liking the AK ribs was no skin off my back!

I'd rather have a bagel than a KK doughnut ANYDAY.

That icecream sandwich looked DIVINE!

Boma looked interesting... I am trying to work up the courage to go on our next trip... Whenever that will be.

So far, I am loving EVERYTHING you have to say. Keep up the GREAT (fast) work and I will keep reading and salivating!!

Ms. H
Another great update. Those ice cream cookie sandwiches are massive aren't they, but so good. And I didn't know you could get Krispy Kremes in the Magic Kingdom either, and I do love those donuts!
Your reviews are great! Sitting here drooling while reading! We love the cheesecake factory but we can't pass up the avocado eggrolls so it's cheesecake to go for us! Looking forward to more.
Oh wow, that food looks so good! We have never tried the Cheesecake Factory, don't know why, I love cheesecake! Must add it to the (ever expanding) list.

Laur's princess:

Have a look at their dessert menu online - so many cheesecakes you won't know where to start!!!

Late to the bandwagon, but now subscribing. I am a tea drinker also, and though not from across the pond, I should have been. I am having a blast reading your reviews and lingering over the pics. But, come on... you must have some serious metabolism secret... you eat all that and stay that size???? What a great couple you are... thanks for all your hard work on the reviews.


Well if you ever want to house swap and live here let me know . . . I would love to live nearer to the mouse!!!! I am so working on TG to emigrte! :goodvibes

And as for the metabolism, we're just dead dull at home, you wouldn't recognise us! We have treats at the weekend but apart from that we exercise 4 or 5 times a week, walk our 2 dogs every day, and cook all our meals from scratch. I honestly don't eat that badly all of the time!! Or so I say . . .!!;)

Flame Tree- I am so not a ribs girl. I ordered the puled pork sandwhich and loved it. I will have another this trip. (hear that DH?)

Crystal Palace is one of my fav spots. I LOVE everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood (it is ok for a grown woman to say that right?). I only wish Rabbit and Owl were there too.

Well if Yak and Yeti doesn't start getting better reviews I will try that sandwich next year, thanks!! :goodvibes

It is SO OK to love the Pooh characters!:love: I wanted Eeyore at my wedding but Disney don't allow it so had to "settle" for Mickey!

And don't forget Baby Roo and Heffalump!! We need more characters!!!

First, as I stated, being 5 minutes from a Cheesecake Factory, I still rarely go there. But I do have The Plan when I do. Because their portions are so huge, I've split my meal with someone in order to have my cheesecake (and eat it, too!)

I'm still amazed how you can put down so much food in such a tiny person. I might sponsor you for one of those eating contests. Usually the skinny Japanese guy wins, but my money's on the skinny Brit. ;)

If only we had stuck to our plan not to have an appie! Still we did better than my friend! What a waste of strawberry cheesecake!!:rotfl2:

And your money would be in very safe hands, and bless you forever for calling me skinny!!!!! I think I have th worlds chunkiest legs so I may stick your quote up on my desk!

I only missed a few days and here I missed SO MUCH! You crank out these reviews FAST!!!

That icecream sandwich looked DIVINE!

Boma looked interesting... I am trying to work up the courage to go on our next trip... Whenever that will be.

Ms. H

It was Soooooo divine!!

Boma - honestly go, its really nice food and apart from a few different spices and a lot of coconut its not that different from the other buffets!!!!

Another great update. Those ice cream cookie sandwiches are massive aren't they, but so good. And I didn't know you could get Krispy Kremes in the Magic Kingdom either, and I do love those donuts!

Well I haven't reviewed it yet but we go to Crystal Palace for breakfast at the end of the trip, and they have them there - BUFFET KK'S! WHOA!!! :woohoo:
Just to let you know about the Rueben sandwich's bread--the brown parts are pumpernickle bread swirled with the regular rye bread. A lot of ruebens are made either with rye bread, pumpernickle bread, or a bread that has those two flavors swirled. So from the picture, it doesn't look burnt, just normal--but I could of been wrong, it wasn't me who had the sandwich!! :)
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