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Earning My Ears
Mar 26, 2001

I enjoyed Universal - it's my favorite theme park. The one criticism I have is that they are not always very organized. For example, the ticket agents were not sure about what time the park opened the next day. They said they had wait until the brochures came out to tell. What I didn't understand is how they knew what time to get to work in the morning!

Anyway, I saw a behind the scenes documentary on the Travel Channel about Universal and they said that the park is touched up with new paint every night - is that really true??

Also, I noticed that the Jurassic Park ride looked completely different and had different dinosaurs. Was that the one at Universal Hollywood?

I also noticed that the CaroSuessal in Suessland was depicted as having moving parts. When I went on it I couldn't get anything to move and I'm a pretty strong guy.

Give me more info.
I can assure you that openning times are not set in stone. If a large number of guests are lined up at the gates, the park will open usually before schedule. The gate staff could tell you the park opens at 9am but it may be sooner.

Yes, new paint goes down somewhere in the park every night.

The Caroseussel has moving parts. Each character has a special movement the rider makes it perform. Usually the head will nod, or turn. The roof of the ride also has a few animated effects.
I too noticed that the dinosuars were different in the Jurassic Park River Ride. Even the long neck dino was gone, but there were new ones on the inside part of the ride.


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