Gideon's Bakehouse-WOW!

If you don't like your pay or working conditions, yes, contact management, and if they can't or won't fix them, look for another job.

If your employer is breaking laws, point them out, and if it continues, report to the appropriate entity.

Doing an social media post (or web page, not sure what this is from), IMO is an immature way to handle things.

The response from management didn't really cover any of the complaints, so it was about useless.
Who's to say employees are involved at all? The posts are anonymous. Someone could have an axe to grind and pull a stunt like this, assuming they can inflict some damage without ever having to face any repercussions. It's also not impossible someone simply wants to stir a pot for their own entertainment and has no ties to the business. Firebugs enjoy setting fires, not necessarily to carry out any grudge against anyone, simply to enjoy the "spectacle" of the fire and attempts to put it out.
The response from management didn't really cover any of the complaints, so it was about useless.
The response from management did say they would respond; however, they needed time to review everything and "understand guidelines." I'm guessing that means consulting with legal. They had to get something out there to acknowledge the situation, and indicated they would respond more fully when they could.
Well, if everyone quits (and still not sure what's holding them there - if they don't like the pay/conditions, they are free to leave & find another job) - then Gideon's will hire new people, possibly at higher wages. Or much higher wages if the conditions are indeed crummy (pun intended). They might have to close for a few weeks if it is a mass exodus. If no one will do the job for the money they offer, they'll need to offer more money or close. That's pretty much just basic economic logic.
This poster reminds me of a news report I was watching last night. Won’t get into what it was about because it’s here in Germany and no one will really know what I’m talking about but focused on a German celebrity who is accused and part of the German MeToo thing. The focus of the show was on how there’s a lawsuit right now going on concerning more or less press who reported this case. in a nutshell, there are guidelines and ethics when it comes to public reporting accusations to a person or entity. And then how today’s with the Internet and social media. These ethics and guidelines are basically thrown out the window. That on social media anything can be posted taken as fact but we’re real journalistic investigation has stricter guidelines and ethics.

Just throwing that out there. The lawyer they were interviewing in this segment was actually very interesting that our legal system focus on innocent until proven guilty and that the law is that you have to be proven guilty and there’s no burden on having to prove innocence. At least here in Germany there is no burden of having to prove innocence because you can’t prove something that never took place.

I’m just saying in this case I would take with the employees are saying with the grain of salt
I'm still trying to keep an open mind, but some of their demands are crazy ridiculous... $16/hour PLUS mandatory 7.5% tip? Also, I'm a nurse and we do on-call all the time for a fraction of our pay if we don't get called in. They want their full pay whether or not they are called in to work? Good luck.
It, surely, isn't the kind of position that should be reliant on tips - or, in my British opinion, even ask for tips. So, a fair hourly wage seems reasonable.

IF there are health and safety issues, including crazy hot working conditions, that should be addressed. IF it's true, that is.

But, now, what that's about a mandatory tip? I can't read the blurred word - mandatory on "all something orders". ???
This is playing out rather strangely - I agree that the wording from the employees is a bit over-the-top theatrical. I guesss that's on-brand and all, but really? Some of the demands too - don't want to shake the drinks? I mean, that's the job if that's what is called for.

The most concerning things to me are the safety issues, including a lack of a secondary exit. How can that be, really? Would they be allowed to operate like that? Surely someone would have inspected for this. If it's not true, that should be something that management could easily and immediately prove.

The allegations are serious and pretty specific, but also, there's something a little off about all of this.
I'm still trying to keep an open mind, but some of their demands are crazy ridiculous... $16/hour PLUS mandatory 7.5% tip? Also, I'm a nurse and we do on-call all the time for a fraction of our pay if we don't get called in. They want their full pay whether or not they are called in to work? Good luck.
Wait so as a customer I’m now required to pay 7.5% on top of food. I’m getting myself at a bakery.? Talk about entitlement
1) If there are safety violations then all they need to do is report it to code enforcement and get someone who can make the determinations there, access, write them up and fine if needed and get it fixed. I mean the end goal should be fix those issues - if they exist, which given the location I question.

2) If you are being paid improperly for your hiring status, find a union, find a labor lawyer, go through the proper avenues and channels for change.

3) If you are that miserable ~ QUIT. There are jobs all over Orlando, apply elsewhere.

4) Social Media, while fun, is not a source of good information. I have found more and more that the straight up lies and misinformation on social media is out of control and when you look at comments the gullible are in great numbers. SO I personally am not easily moved to sympathy. Use the proper channels to get the job done.
I’ve never been to this place but I hear all about it. It looks pretty cool but to be honest for me I’m not gonna fall for the trap of overpaying for some stuff that looks cool and sold in unique place. I think you wrap things up really pretty and make it a cool thing. People will pay anything. They’re so gullible. I’ve heard their is good with some of the pictures it’s just simply too much overload. I’ve also read my comments how sweet the stuff is so probably not up my alley.

My gut feeling is these employees are typical service/food service type people, but we’re hired because they were the “type“ to fit in with the the theming. Social media attention bloggers, vloggers is given to this place. with all the hype, they probably feel like they’re entitled to some extra stuff when in fact, they’re just simply food-service employees
Who's to say employees are involved at all? The posts are anonymous. Someone could have an axe to grind and pull a stunt like this, assuming they can inflict some damage without ever having to face any repercussions. It's also not impossible someone simply wants to stir a pot for their own entertainment and has no ties to the business. Firebugs enjoy setting fires, not necessarily to carry out any grudge against anyone, simply to enjoy the "spectacle" of the fire and attempts to put it out.

Like a competing cookie company, trying to lure business away? 😂
I’ve never been to this place but I hear all about it. It looks pretty cool but to be honest for me I’m not gonna fall for the trap of overpaying for some stuff that looks cool and sold in unique place. I think you wrap things up really pretty and make it a cool thing. People will pay anything. They’re so gullible. I’ve heard their is good with some of the pictures it’s just simply too much overload. I’ve also read my comments how sweet the stuff is so probably not up my alley.

My gut feeling is these employees are typical service/food service type people, but we’re hired because they were the “type“ to fit in with the the theming. Social media attention bloggers, vloggers is given to this place. with all the hype, they probably feel like they’re entitled to some extra stuff when in fact, they’re just simply food-service employees

I mean, that is pretty much what Disney parks are, right? 😁 Personally, I really like their cookies - to me, they are exactly how I like them. I am willing to pay for that experience and product. If these issues are true though, that is upsetting. We'll see how it shakes out.
While I am sympathetic to the employees if their claims are true, all of their letters are giving off massive theater kid energy and not in a good way. Each letter they put out is diminishing the validity of their cause.

Also no, I will not be tipping for an already overpriced cookie and cold brews. I only tip when I am in a restaurant with a server and Gideons is set up like a quick service situation like Starbucks.


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