Getting From WL to Polynesian for Breakfast


<font color=blue>OK, I must have really small ears
May 13, 2000
DH and I are staying at WL and have PS for the Kona Cafe at the Polynesian one of the mornings of our trip. When we were there last year, we noticed that the buses stop at WL, then at Polynesian and then Grand Floridian. Can we take any bus that stops at WL to the Polynesian for our breakfast? Or should we drive (we have a car) or go to the MK then take the monorail to the Polynesian? Our PS is for 8:30am I think. Thanks!
I am interested in how to best do this also, so here's a bump!:bounce:
If you have a car I would defintely drive to Poly. If you prefer not to drive I would take the boat to Contemp then hop on the monorail to Poly.
We took the bus that was for Animal Kingdom because it stops at the Poly and GF to pick up people first so the total trip took about 5 minutes to the Poly from the WL. Hope this helps.
Take the boat from the WL to the MK, and either hop onto the boat launch to the Poly or the monorail. They will probably be your fastest options, unless the launch between WL and the Contemporary is running. If it is, take that and then hop on the monorail, saving you one stop over getting on at MK. I think the 1st option, is probably the best, though! Good Luck:D

:) :bounce: :) :bounce: :) :bounce: :bounce: :) :bounce: :) :bounce: :)

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