For those that say they don't shop at Walmart ever........

I believe that for many people (and for many who have posted) making ethical decisions is just as important or sometimes more important than making a decision purely based on price. Value is also a priority over cost to many.

I have conciously avoided supporting certain companies over the past few decades, and that is common amongst my peers. It is sometimes challenging when globalization means that one company operates under a different name elsewhere, but it is possible.

Buying locally has also become more common over the past few years. I read it here in posts, and it is the same around the world. 'Buy American' translates into other countries into 'Buy German' or 'Buy Canadian' etc. Sometimes it is easier to buy locally by shopping at local shops or chains, and not international ones.
my reasons for not shopping at wal-mart have nothing to do with how clean or dirty the store is. in fact, I have no idea how clean or dirty the local wal-mart is.

I remember what happened to my hometown when wal-mart opened... my family owned a small business in the downtown business district for years. wal-mart did not put us out of business, but the bottom line was never the same. I remember the Christmas shopping seasons before and after walmart opened.

But it isn't only about the bottom line. The attitude of the American shopper changed with walmart. People would bring in things for a return after obvious use and expect that they'd get their money back. No receipt? No problem, thanks to walmart .. someone sells the same item cheaper, why don't you? My favorite thing was when people would by something at wal-mart and it would break, they knew we offered repairs and would bring their broken product to us hoping we'd do the repair work for them.

Over time, the bottom line improved. never to the point where it was before wal-mart opened, but enough to stay in business until my dad chose to retire. wal-mart did not put us out of business, but I've seen it happen to other stores in other small towns.

I'd shop in 10 crappy Targets before I'd ever set foot in one clean walmart.

Small family owned businesses are the best. I gladly spend a few extra bucks to shop at those stores. Fortunatly we still have a few around our area but they are fading.

The big stores have really hurt them but not as bad as their customers loyalty. Many people have no loyalty anymore. They will go to Home Depot and buy a John Deere riding mower because its cheaper than at the Deere dealer. When it breaks down they expect that dealer to bend over backwards for them. When they won't the (non)customers bad mouths them and can't figure out why they won't do something for nothing.
I wouldn't shop at Walmart if they gave their stuff away for free. Between their labor practices, their pressure on suppliers and their devastating impact on neighborhoods, I haven't set foot in a Walmart in 15 years. I try to give my business to places that are more in line with my values.

I don't know about pool chemicals as I don't have a pool. However, there are a few pool places in town that I suspect sell that sort of thing. The other things I could get with no problem at any number of other stores.
If the Walmart of today was still Sam Walton's vision of the company, I doubt many people would have issue with it. But he's long gone, and so are the standards and ethics with which he ran the business. Now Walmart is well into the second chapter of the American dream - the chapter that is all about more-more-more and to heck with morals and ethics.

:worship: THANK you. This is so true. The day after Mr. Walton passed, they started stocking all Wal-Marts and Sam's Clubs with beer and wine, which is something he was adament about not doing. Now his children are some of the wealthiest Americans, but a lot of their fortune was amassed through practices Sam Walton would NEVER have condoned.

Evil, evil empire.
Originally Posted by Kurby
is it an american thing? why the hate for walmart?
I wouldn't use the term 'hate', but it is not limited to America. Read up on the image WalMart presents in Germany and China, to name two major countries.

WalMart is certainly not alone in being criticized for labour practices and how they treat customers internationally and their impact on other companies; other international retailers like Carrefour face similar challenges. But to most readers here, WalMart is the better known company, since it began in America.
Walmart failed in Germany in large part because they insulted their customers and refused to learn about and adapt to local culture. They tried to bag customer food items, the employees were forced to smile at strangers, and they sold American sized pillow cases to German customers who have different sized pillows. They didn't do basic research or didn't care enough to do it, and they were driven out. Shopping at Walmart made people uncomfortable in their own country.
That's odd. They don't make them smile at customers here! ;)

Back to the OP, I shop at Target when I want a quick trip for a bunch of items like that, but most often, I buy at more specialized stores, because I find they have better selection and quality. I don't like the Walmart near us, and I've never been to another one, so that's all I can go by. It was recently completely gutted and remodeled, but it’s still a pit. They forgot to remodel the worker's attitudes along with the building, the floors are dirty, sliding doors to refrigerated displays are already sticking and they carry the same low-quality products they always did. I ended up in there recently, and like someone else said, every time I shop there, I remember why I don't shop there.

Their prices are "lower" than Target, but usually by 11 cents. The toy that costs 19.99 at Target is 19.88 at Walmart. Big Whoop. They have like 40 checkstands, but usually only 3 are open, so you wait in line forever. My time is worth more than the $1.10 I'll save on buying 10 items there. I hate those spinny things they use for their bags, too. I watch the prices as they scan my stuff, so I don’t load each bag into my shopping cart as they fill it. Then, when they’re done, the first bag is now turned back too far on the spinny thing to see or reach. God forbid the checker help out with that, they’re already scanning the next person’s stuff, ignoring me and acting annoyed if I ask how many bags were mine, or to hand me the one that’s now on the back of the thing. :rolleyes:

IME, the quality of their stuff is awful, too. The kids clothes I've bought at Walmart shrink and wear out much faster than others. I bought a 2-pack of deodorant there recently that I think it was a whole 50 cents cheaper than getting it at the grocery store or Target. Same brand I always buy, but the plastic seemed thinner on the Walmart ones, the wheels you use to turn the stick up didn’t turn as easily and one even snapped in half. If it was just one of the two, I’d call it a fluke, but being both, and having the same experience with other supposed “name-brand” products, I think the manufacturers are cutting corners on some of their products to sell to Walmart, since Walmart demands low prices, they are getting stuck with the low quality that goes along with it.
That's odd. They don't make them smile at customers here! ;)

We are highly suspicious of random strangers smiling at us... And don't you DARE touch our groceries! :lmao:

I think that what was an issue was that so much of it was written out as policy, like the 'no fraternization policy'. That may be the norm in America, but it isn't in Germany, and it will alienate employees. The first two heads of WalMart Germany also wouldn't learn German and made the official language of WalMart Germany English.
I never shop at Wal-Mart or Target (I like Target I just don't care for their clothing/shoes and their prices are higher on health/beauty items that I can find elsewhere). I mainly shop at Kroger (sometimes Farm Fresh) and Trader Joe's. I buy hair dye with coupons when Kroger has it on sale for $5.99, I buy organic, paraben free face wash from TJ's for $4 and organic paraben free shampoo and conditioner from Kroger for $4 a piece (sometimes I'll buy them online but Kroger's usually the cheapest I can find them). I buy organic paraben free makeup off of ebay from reputable sellers for a fraction of the cost of what it is in stores. And I have a Walgreens close to work so when deodorant (I can't go organic here, I hate sweating), razors, pantyhose, toothpaste, or anything else I need goes on sale I get coupons (I purchase a bunch for $.50-$1.00) and stock up usually for about 6 months worth of stuff (I don't want to have so much that it ends up going bad before I use it).

After being cussed out in line for putting my handbasket with 4 items inside on the conveyor belt and not unloading it by another customer, dirty diapers on the floor (have seen this twice), always out of whatever it is I need, and the general dirtyness of the 3 Walmarts around here I take my money to nice, clean, quiet stores and don't spend anymore money than I did at Walmart. I also like Kroger and Farm Fresh's organic sections.

Oh, and I wanted to add that I would pay more money to shop at Kroger than Walmart (even though I don't). Every single person I have ever come across there is so amazingly friendly. It's very refreshing (same with TJ's).

Around here though there's many close options. Two Walmarts, a Target, a Super K-mart, Kroger, Farm Fresh, 2 CVS', 2 Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowe's, and a Food Lion are within a 5 mile radius of my house so it's not like I'd have to go out of my way to go to more than one place (although I've never found the need to).
The first two heads of WalMart Germany also wouldn't learn German and made the official language of WalMart Germany English.

That is absolutely shameful. I hate to think of what people whose only contact with the US was that Wal-Mart think of our country. It's just embarassing.:sad2:
I am NOT being snarky or judgmental at all but I cannot wrap my brain around why someone would drive out of the way or farther and spend twice as much on something to avoid going into Walmart?? I just don't understand it. My time and money are way too precious to me! I have been in some yucky Walmarts before but if it is gonna save me time and money I suck it up. Just my opinion. I am very fortunate that our closest Walmart is in a very nice neighborhood and is a very pleasant place to shop. Maybe I haven't been in some of the kinds of Walmarts you guys are talking about:scared1:

In addition to my previously stated ethical reasons I also don't shop at Walmart because of the quality issues. In fact this is one of the primary reasons I initially stopped shopping there. For example, we bought some pellets for our pellet stove at Walmart. They were $20/ton cheaper. Well, they were definitely "cheap". We had to burn twice as many pellets to get the same heat level that we got with the more expensive pellets. So no savings there - they actually ended up costing us money. And let me tell you I have discovered that clothing bought at Walmart is NOT the same quality as clothing bought at other stores - even name brands like Hanes I've bought the same underwear at Walmart and at Bobs and the underwear purchased at Walmart was definitely made with a thinner fabric and cheaper elastic; which leads to one of my ethical issues - they advertise as though they carry the same products but they are definitely not the same.

Plus the time oh the time. Well, first there's the extra time I had to spend cleaning the stove because I had to clean it twice as often because I was burning twice as many pellets. :sad2: That aside....I can go to a locally owned store and be in an out in half the time it takes to go to Walmart even if I have to spend more time in the car getting there. When I go to other stores I don't have to spend time circling the parking lot looking for a space, I don't have to spend 10 minutes navigating the store just to get to the aisle that has what I want. Or if it's an unusual item I don't have to spend time hunting around the store to see if they have it; I ask and I'm told if they have it. The employees always know what they have and are always available. Then there's the time savings when I get in line five minutes or so at my local store if not less. At Walmart I used to spend 20 minutes in line. So where is the time savings by going to Walmart?
a question, where do you buy " stuff"
without going to several different stores,

do you shop Target, what if there is no target near you , where do you go?

like if you need a blender, some glue, copy paper, a night light, laundry soap, pool chemicals, all in one trip.

my dh watched this last night
Another question is where you would buy that stuff if you realized that you needed it at 2am.

A few years ago, I found myself in 'need' of a new TV for the guest room at 2am. A quick trip to the local WalMart and I was back asleep.
what are their pharmacy practices?

The pharmacy practices that I personally am opposed to is that they allow their pharmacists to refuse to give adult women legally and appropriately prescribed medications. Not everyone agrees with me, of course, so I did not remark on that in my post other than to give reason why I don't shop at Target.
Another question is where you would buy that stuff if you realized that you needed it at 2am.

A few years ago, I found myself in 'need' of a new TV for the guest room at 2am. A quick trip to the local WalMart and I was back asleep.

Shops close early on Saturday, and on Sundays, and during the week the latest any shop is open is 8pm, which is not that common. Outside of major centres even the gas stations can close at 8pm. Those hours were expanded only recently.

So I cannot fathom a need that urgent. There is always a 24 hour Pharmacy open somewhere, and on Sundays some flower shops and bakeries, but only owners and families work, not hired employees. Autobahn reststops, airports and train stations are an option for some things on a Sunday.
The pharmacy practices that I personally am opposed to is that they allow their pharmacists to refuse to give adult women legally and appropriately prescribed medications. Not everyone agrees with me, of course, so I did not remark on that in my post other than to give reason why I don't shop at Target.

I didn't know this about Target. Definitely don't like that practice.
I think that what was an issue was that so much of it was written out as policy, like the 'no fraternization policy'. That may be the norm in America, but it isn't in Germany, and it will alienate employees. The first two heads of WalMart Germany also wouldn't learn German and made the official language of WalMart Germany English.

Americans in the USA are expected to learn the language of all immigrants- legal and illegal, that come to the country. We don't want to offend anyone thinking they have to learn english.
My problem with WalMart is their lack of cleanliness, lack of quality, and lack of competent, friendly employees. I shop at Meijers (open 24/7), Target, Kohl's, Costco, and Eddie Bauer and a few higher lever clothing retailers. I'd rather spend $15 on a clearance item at Edie Bauer that will last me a decade than $5.88 on a piece of garbage that will barely make it through a season.

Their (lack) of ethical standards comes in 2nd, to be honest. I know most big-box retailers aren't saints, but from what I can tell, WM is the worst of the worst. But even if WalMart did improve their overall business practices, I still wouldn't shop there until their stores were cleaner, less cluttered, had better quality and nicer/better trained employees.
I do not shop at Walmart (20 Miles away). I buy most of my food at the local farmers market (about 7 miles). I also have my own garden. I know a good butcher who has grass feed beef! If I need pool chemicals I would buy them locally too, lets face it what Walmart sells is junk, it is like feeding McDonalds to your pool everyday. It is cheaper to shop at a local pool store with a well trained staff. It is for your SAFETY. (30 years in the business) ( We also sell mainly American and Canadian made, not something Walmart can say). Other things I see if my local mom and pop shops have them. Do I pay more for somethings? Of course I do, I understand that. I try and support my community so that we all have a better life. I also hate eating at chain resturaunts (not only because the food quality stinks). I also do not like how Walmart bullies factories out of business.

I have not shopped there in over 8 years and i really do not see a reason to ever go again.
They key to getting the best price is to stock up when your grocery store is running good sales (and adding coupons if you have them). I've really priced checked this and I'd say, 95 out of 100 times, the grocery store will offer the better price.
I'm lucky, we have a grocery store (Giant -not all stores have the gas pumps, so not all stores have these deals) that runs specials every week and allows one to buy certain items and save $0.40 per gallon on gas. 1 example might be, buy 10 bottles of Propel and save $0.40 on gas (up to 30 gallons). If you buy enough Propel (say 70 bottles), you'd save $2.80 per gallon (up to 30 gallon and we take gas cans along to get 30 gallon). So, you pay $70 for your Propel water (if you have no coupons) and get $84 in free gas and still have about $0.20 off for your next gas purchase. This store runs about 30 to 40 items each week to allow you to always receive free gas. We could keep 4 cars filled per week free just by making these purchases.

I know I'm lucky to have this store here, but I can assure you, Walmart can't touch that.

Even the sales prices at most of the area grocery stores are above Walmart prices. There is one store that runs really good sale prices on meat and I do stock up on that.

I wish we had something like the store near you! That store would definitely get my business!!
Walgreens or Kroger's.
Our local Kroger wouldn't have blenders, copy paper, or pool chemicals. Wlagreens might have a 'disposable' blender, but they wouldn't have pool chemicals. Neither store would have satisfied my need for a TV.

Also, our local Walgreens would be closed after 10pm.

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