For those of you who have stayed in FW Cabins and PO/Riverside(Dixie Landings)


Mar 26, 2001
I can't believe it!!! This is my first post! I have been a "lurker" since the fall. I have been to Disney many times, even my honeymoon, but I have learned more here in just the last few guys are GREAT :D !! My question is, if you have stayed in both the FW Cabins and at PO/Riverside (Dixie Landings), which would you choose to stay in first on a future trip and why? THANKS so much!!
I have stayed at and have enjoyed both but i would pick FW cabins in a second! There is so much more to do at FW than there is Port Orleans. Also, the cabins are much bigger than the rooms you get at Port Orleans. Trust me, pick FW cabins! :D :D :D :D :D

Absolutly FW !!!! It is a lot more relaxing


95 POL
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8/00 DVC member
3/01 BWV, FW
11/01 BWV !
PO is great if you have 4 people or fewer and don't mind eating all your meals out. But if you have a larger group, have children under 12 and don't necessarily need to spend most of your time in the parks there is nothing better than FW. You could spend a week or more just in the campgrounds and never get bored. Also, the transportation particularly to MK is far better than the bus transportation. River Country is like your own private water park without the crowds and rowdy teens (Unless you are a rowdy teen)My vote is FW.
Thanks for the replies guys!! I should mention that I have 5 in my party (3 children, 14, 10 and almost 5) and would be getting 2 rooms at PO for the same price as the cabin. But most important to me is atmosphere!! Any other opinions? :)
Ft WIlderness definately. Done the 2 rooms at Riverside bit and did not care for it at all.

Pooh Bear
Our family of 4 has stayed at DL twice and at FW cabins once, with another trip to FW cabins coming up soon. We loved DL and the atmosphere and enjoyed both our stays there, no complaints! We were in the Alligator Bayou section both times. Our son really loved the trundle bed! The restaurants and pool were great at DL, too. Now having said that, we love FW, too. The cabins are much roomier than a regular room and you have the kitchen and cooking capabilities. The rustic decor is great and FW is a very quiet, laid-back type of place, very peaceful after dealing with the crowded parks all day. There is much more to do at FW, too. The bottom line: I would choose the FW cabins over DL after experiencing both -- to me you get more for your money. :)


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