Food Questions!


Jul 8, 2000
Hi Everyone:

I've just realized that if we are going to Disney in August, it's going to be a heavily budgeted trip! I have a few questions about some things I've never done before. I hope someone here knows the answers:

1. Do restaurants like Pizza Hut and Domino's deliver to Disney Resorts?

2. If they do, can you use gift certificates to pay for the delivered food?

3. Is there a microwave at the food court at the Coronado Springs resort. I know there was one at Port Orleans. But, like everyone else, we got switched when they closed it down. :(

Those are the main questions I have. If CSR doesn't have a microwave, I'll be bringing an electric eye or hot pot to warm up soup in.

Thanks for any info you can give.


Daisimae :bounce: :pinkbounc :bounce: :pinkbounc
Hi, we are staying at CSR in April for the first time, I am wondering about microwave too. Last April we were at CBR and they had a microwave. I wish I knew that in advance, I would have prepared dd's hot cereal for breakky, instead he was stuck with jar babyfood every morning (until his FREE buffets later in the day!)

I am looking at the issue of saving $$$$$ on food too. This is what we are doing:
(11 days/10 nights)

Upon first day arrival (flying) about 2pm. We are going grocery shopping for bread, peanut butter, jam, cookies, fruit, veggies (bag of baby peeled carrots, celery etc.,), beer, pop, milk, cereal. We are bringing from home: granola bars, dried fruit, bowls, cutley, coffee packs, sugar, coffee mate, baggies, plastic wrap. (Although we will buy refill cups, coffee is for first thing in the morning, and I don't want to use/buy Disney's inroom coffee).

We have three char breakfasts, one at H&V is free, and we'll do Cindy's and Poly.
CINDY's a must, Poly is new to us (so is H&V).

We have having one char dinner, Crystal Palace, a must (done it and Cindy's twice before, LOVE IT)

We have PS at Epcot's Ice Cream Social.

I have menus and a plan for EATING AROUND THE WORLD at Epcot (each person in my family looked over all the counter service restaurants at Epcot and we picked fast food, cost $20 ONLY)

One late lunch at Trail's End Buffet (it's soooooooo reasonably priced).

So that's the meals we planned.

Other than the three char breakfast's we will eat breakky in room (saves time and money)

Lunches will be picnics.

Dinner's will be at resort/park counters.

Thanks to and the menu's sections, I have accurately budgeted our 11 days for about $800 Canadian, that's $500 USF, that's all meals, groceries, and snacks! Two adults, two little kids dd 8 and ds 2. That's pretty good over 11 days and we'll eat well.

I planned:
Maya AKL
Trail's End Buffet FW
Poly's Ohana char breakky
Pepper Market CSR
ALL STAR MOVIE food court
Plaza Pavillion MK
Epcot's Ice Cream Social
MGM counter
I got excited when I saw your e-mail. I thought you had the answers to my questions. Hopefully someone will come along soon with answers for both of us.

Your trip sounds a little like ours. We are going to be in FLA for 8 nights. Then we are taking a 7-day DCL cruise. The 8 land nights will be split up between two hotels. The first, Fairfield Inn at the Marriott Village will be free, thanks to giftcertificates from rewards programs. I have been doing them for the last two years and they helped with our trip in 2000 too. This time we will be getting more from them. Tiffany Town Car will be picking us up at the airport and we will be going to Publix. The Fairfield Inn has a mini-fridge and free cont. breakfast in the am. At the supermarket we are going to get poptarts, chips, potato sticks, boxes of cereal, juice boxes, Coka-Cola, gingerale, Sprite, water, wine and wine coolers, bagles, Miracle Whip, canned tuna, canned chicken, peanut butter, jelly, microwave popcorn and cookies, spray cheese, crackers and paper towels. If I bring a hot pot with me We'll get some canned soup or Chef Boyardee too. I'm going to bring paperware, plasticware and sugar from home along with quart and gallon size Ziplocks with the large zippers, a small can opener, (in our checked luggage), foil, and a couple of small Tupperware or Gladware containers.

As far as regular meals go. My goal is for us to have one large sit-down meal a day. I'll tell you what I've scheduled:

Day 1: Breakfast: Airport - Lunch Red Lobster (with GC's) - Dinner McDonalds at PL (with GC's)

Day 2: Breakfast: Free At Hotel - Lunch Crystal Palace - Dinner Packed From Room

Day 3: Breakfast: Free At Hotel - Lunch Hard Rock Cafe (with GC's) - Dinner At IOA (AAA Discount)

Day 4: Breakfast: RainForest Cafe (with GC's)- Lunch At AK (with Connections coupons) - Dinner Pizza Hut (with GC's)

Day 5: Breakfast: Chef Mickey's (with Connections coupons) - Lunch In Room at CSR - Dinner Hoop-Dee-Doo (full price :( )

Day 6: Breakfast: Food Ct at CSR - Lunch Packed From Room - Dinner Fish & Chips at Epcot UK (with Connections coupons)

Day 7: Breakfast: In Room at CSR - Lunch Food Stand at MGM Studios - Dinner Hollywood & Vine (Fanstamic Dinner Package)

Day 8: Breakfast: In Room at CSR - Lunch In Epcot With Connections coupons - Dinner Pizza Hut (with GC's)

Day 9: Breakfast: Food Ct at CSR then onto the ship, where the food is pre-paid and we don'thave to carry it around with us!

The night we order Pizza Hut, I want to pack up some extras and use them for our packed meals with the potato sticks and the sodas we bring with us. We also will have a soft-sided cooler for our stay at CSR. We change the ice every morning and night. We keep DH's milk for cereal, a couple of sodas and juice boxes, the small jar of Miracle Whip, and anything that we have opened, like the canned meats. DH needs to have a snack two hours after breakfast, for health reasons. We bring Poptarts in the backpack he carries and he goes to a stand and gets some fresh milk. Sometimes he gets a fruit cup that we share. He eats the watermelon and grapes. I eat the honeydew and cantalope melon.

We will be bringing the sodas, water, wine and wine coolers on the ship with us. That way cuts down on shipboard costs. DH got some heavy plastic souviner bags at Epcot in 2000. We just put everything in there and carried it on board. The crew thought that we were big shoppers! LOL Little did the know. Buy the end of that 3-day cruise the waiters knew not to asked if we wanted drinks because we had our own. LOL

I have to use a scooter in the parks. On land I bought a souviner cup, and carried sodas into the park, in the basket, along with a few small snacks. When we got thirsty I just went to a counter stand and asked for a cup of ice, split the ice between the two cups and we both got a drink. We saved the souviner cup, plastic souviner bags and the drink strings that you wear from the last trip. They will be packed again for this trip. We also have Britta water bottles that we didn't use last time. I'm still going to bring one of them, just in case, Along with Kool-Aid and Crystal Light mixes, to go with the water we get.

Like I said. The trip is highly budgeted. I'm doing the same thing with shipboard expenses too. Choosing spa treatments and excursions now, so we will know how much they will cost and deciding what types of souviners we will buy for ourselves and family so there won't be any tempations to overspend.

Wow, this is a lot. Sorry it is so long. Maybe it will give others some ideas.

Daisimae :cool:
I thought that food and drinks were included in the price of the Cruise?? Aren't they???
All of your food is included in the price of the cruise, as is soda consumed during your meal. If you want soda between meals, you pay for it. Alcoholic beverages are not included in the cruise price. There is free water available on the ship, but if you want bottled water there is a charge.
Yup, that's right! The way I worded it may have been misleading. I put that the food was pre-paid because you really pay for it in your passage price. But, since they don't take money from you on the ship, we love to feel that it is FREE!! ;)

Daisimae :D
You ladies remind me of myself!

We're going for 11 days in April, 6 days staying offsite, a 3-night cruise, and 1 more night offsite.

Because i'm splurging on the cruise, i'm really budgeting for the land-time. We're staying at a suites hotel with a full kitchen available to me. i am planning for my family of four to eat 1 meal per day at Disney, most breakfasts in the room, except the Sunday we're there, and maybe our last day. We will have 2 or 3 dinners in the room... easy, easy, and quick dinners. I'm budgeting $100.00 per day for our meals. Any extra $ will be bonus $ for more souvenirs.

I'm not sure how much to plan for the cruise... we're not doing Nassau, maybe we'll snorkel, of course we'll shop!

Daisimae, Were you able to bring wine and wine coolers to your table in restaurant? Did they charge you? DH will bring beer onboard. Maybe i'll bring wine. I don't drink too much, just a glass of something with dinner, or later after dinner. How much are you budgeting per day when on cruise?

Thanks so much for sharing your great ideas!

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