Flex tickets - 4 park pass , 14 days or 7 days - SW says one thing...


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2000
And Universal says another. The orlando flex tickets that you can get to Universal Studios, SeaWorld, IOA, and Wet n Wild - The Sea World site says the 4 park tickets are good for 7 consecutive days and the Universal web site says they are good for 14 consecutive days. Anyone know for sure? THey seem to agree that the 5 park tickets are good for 14 days.

I was just about to post the same question! I purchased my flex ticket vouchers already, and I have them at home. But I need to know if they are good for 7 or 14 days!!!!!
Both tickets are good for 14 conescutive days.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

What to know how to get to the front of the line at Universal Orlando? Click HERE!
Barry, does it matter when they were purchased? I bought them in January through TicketRes when they were still shipping to your home. Was this changed recently? Like I said, I don't have the tickets in front of me, so I don't know what they say.
No, it does not matter where you got them.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

What to know how to get to the front of the line at Universal Orlando? Click HERE!
Barry, sorry to be redundant , but In the Orlando Official Visitors Guide it has an add for the passes that says "7 days for the 4 park pass" and (get this) "10 days for the 5 park pass".
Have there been recent changes to this pass?

Puff or Barry

What if the ticket says 7 days? AAA Michigan is selling a 4 park Flex that says 7 days. :rolleyes:
With the 4 park Flex Ticket, you can go to USF, IOA, Sea World and Wet n Wild as many times as you want for up to 14 consecutive days. It also includes CityWalk for the first 7 consecutive days after the ticket has been first initiated.
Plus you can get three Universal Express passes at a time.

For those of you going shorter than 14 days, don't worry. You are not really paying for a 14 day ticket. In fact the price is a little bit cheaper than by one ticket for each of those parks.($173/adult for one day tickets and $160./adult for 4 park ticket) The Flex Ticket is one of the few tickets that have not increased in price this year--at least not yet
I have called Universal and AAA several times and also e-mailed Universal concerning this matter. It looks like most people at Universal don't know what is going on. Michigan AAA people haave no clue that the number of days on the tickets have changed. They have had the tickets at their branches for a while already and have not been notified of a change. I tried to explain to a woman at my AAA branch what is going on and she dismissed me as a nut. She said "Why would we be selling these 7 day tickets if you could get 14 day ones in Orlando?" They just see 7 days written on the tickets and that is all they know. I can't even convince them to make a call and get the information they should already have.

Last time time I called (800)UESCAPE I finaly got someone good to help me. She was able to find out that there recently was a change on the amount of days covered. I was connected to Guest Services at the park and a woman told me that my 7 day ticket from AAA would be upgraded for free to a 14 day ticket. She said that there was a list there of certain Flex Tickets that would not be upgraded. Ones from South America or something.
So Cindy, we have done the same thing! I have gone around with AAA - in fact I have purchased and returned the 7 day for fear they would not be upgraded. AAA headquarters was not helpful. So do we dare? For the sake of $50 I almost want peace of mind to buy them in Florida. What are you going to do? :eek:
I am going to buy the tickets from AAA because I think they have to exchange them for 14 day tickets at Universal. The tickets have the same price on them as the ones being sold at the parks now. I will probably be worried about it until I actualy exchange them in Florida, but since the woman I spoke with at guest services seemed confident that I could get my tickets exchanged I'll just buy them at AAA.


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