First Trip to DL/DCA


Backup Driver to Car#1
Dec 29, 1999
Hello everyone.. I am normally a WDW person but this year decided to try DL/DCA. I swapped my Orlando Timeshare for the Lawrence Welk Resort outside of San Diego. So any help in planning will be most appreciated.

Arrive in San Diego on 11/3/2001 and leave 11/11/2001. Thinking of flying Frontier from New York to San Diego (any opinions most appreciated).

How should I plan my week. Knowing that it is a drive (over an hour) to DL should I split visit so that I do DL on say a Monday and DCA on a Thursday/Friday or what. Also, besides San Diego Zoo and SeaWorld, anything else to see in the area.

thanks for your assistance.

Try this link for San Diego ideas

Lawrence Welk Resort is located in Escondido, CA. Escondido is situated in the north inland area of San Diego. Here is a link to the resort

I know North San Diego very well and would be happy to recommend restaurants or activities for you. Just let me know what you are looking for.

You'll really enjoy the Welk resort. There are two golf courses on site, and the units are very nice.

You'll be fairly close (about 20 min) from the Wild Animal Park (sister to the San Diego Zoo). It is really a wonderful experience, and it is unlike most "zoo's" around the country. You get to see the animals living in an environment with different species living together, rather like the savannahs they would naturally live in.

As far as Disney is concerned, I would actually do two days back to back, and just stay up there one night in a hotel.

Enjoy life and great vacations.


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