First-time camper /


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2001
First time posting on this board! But have been lurking for a little while.
Our family just decided how GREAT camping sounds from all of your comments made on this board. We have thought about camping in the past but haven't been brave enough to try it! And I am referring to TENT camping. I have camped in my family's 30' trailer as a youngster, but never in a tent. My DH has never camped before. Same for our 3.5 yr old DD.
SO.......we cancelled our ressies for ASMo two weeks prior to Thanksgiving, and have made ressies at the campgroung in a pref. site. YEAH!!
Today we ran out (almost literally) and bought a 18 x 13 four room Feild and Stream tent at Sam's Club. Really great price!! And a self inflating queen size air bed (we already have another queen size air bed at home but liked the self inflating part!!) My DH wants to go back and get another one ...what a lazy guy! :-)
My questions...
What is a good preferred site that is close to a comfort station, and Pioneer Hall and if possible the campfire, but not along a really noisy bus route? Impossible??
How do you, in you experiences, feel about security at Ft. Wilderness?
How is the crowd at FW two weeks prior to Thankgiving and how is the weather?
And last but not least...
Has anyone rented a golf cart from an off-site company? Who and how much?

I hope this isn't too much info I'm asking for!!
But since this is our first time (virgin-campers LOL) we could use all the help and advise we can get.

"Hakuna Matata"

Next Disney Trip:
WDW 11/2001 ASMovies

[This message was edited by Bunchkin on 03-25-01 at 06:00 PM.]
I'm so excited for you! :D I remember our first time camping at FW! You're going to love it!

I'll have to look for one of those self-inflating air mattresses! We always struggle with the the air pump, and they never seem to work that great.

Last time we rented our golf cart from Golf Cart Enterprises. They're cheaper and more convenient than renting from FW. You settle everything over the phone before you go, even payment with a credit card. Then, on the day you check in, your cart is waiting right there for you - and the day you check out, just leave it in the same place where you picked it up! They are very nice to work with!

We have tent camped at FW for years - and we've never had a preferred site. We prefer the regular tent sites in the 1500 loop. The only difference is the hookups. We get electric and water hookup, but we don't need the cable or other stuff. The tent sites seem a little larger and more secluded too. The 1500 loop is close to the Meadows area and within walking distance (10 minute walk) from the Settlement area and marina

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator

Although I have never tent camped at FW, there is a ton of good information at the above site. There are maps there that will give you an idea which sections you might want to request.


Does this mattress inflate itself or by "self-inflating" doesn't this mean the self is you???I know every one I have ever seen that says self inflating it really means that a human is the self that inflates it.The same thing with self cleaning ovens.It still takes a human to clean it.

Have a great time though.You will love it.Before you go put your tent together at home so you will be familiar with it and take some tarps to put on the ground under your tent and over your tent also to help with the rain.Take rope along and tie these tarps to the trees.

Bunchkin, I'm with Rhonda we like the middle area of the campground in the 1100-1700 area. Not preferred but closer to the pool, bike barn, meadows trading post and campfire program. We don't have time to watch cable tv when we're there. There are too many other things to do. You will have a great time.

Mum4jenn They are a self inflating air mattress. You just push a button. We just saw them at Sam's Club here. I told my husband I wish they would or had them when we tent camped.


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

YES they do inflate AND deflate on their own!!!!!! WOW!!!
We just bought it yesterday at Sam's Club. It was $35. And it is a queen size. It also has a raised pillow area the the top. Neat! It runs on 4 D batteries. And inflates in a matter of seconds (90 to be exact). And deflates really quick too.
My suggestion....go buy one quick, before they're all gone!!! :-)

"Hakuna Matata"

Next Disney Trip:
WDW 11/2001 ASMovies

[This message was edited by Bunchkin on 03-27-01 at 08:43 AM.]


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