First Time Booking


Earning My Ears
Mar 25, 2000
This will be the very first cruise ever for me and my family, so I have a few of those dreaded questions.

First, when I pay my deposit up until what time can I get a "full" refund if I have to cancel?

I plan on getting the insurance added to the cost of the cruise. If we are not able to go on the cruise and it has been paid in full, what type of refund would we get?

Thank you for any help! I have so many questions and I know that this is the place to come. I love reading the information that each of you give here each day!

The cruise we have planned is for September 13, 2003 on the Disney Magic. Western.
First, when I pay my deposit up until what time can I get a "full" refund if I have to cancel?

You can have your deposit refunded in full up until the final payment is due at the 60 day mark.

I plan on getting the insurance added to the cost of the cruise. If we are not able to go on the cruise and it has been paid in full, what type of refund would we get?

This would depend on the reason that you have to cancel. I would call DCL to receive the particulars. You also might want to check CSA or Travelguard for competitive insurance rates.



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