fireworks help was = I'm not going to be able to get the new room

Here is some advice that really helped me get better at fireworks:

First of all, don't worry about getting the "flawless" right away. Your first goal is to get them ALL. Once you have that down, then we work on timing. But, I can't stress this enough, first focus on getting them all, then getting them correctly. You will eventually memorize the order without even trying.

Second, don't feel you have to be right on the firework when you click. You absolutely don't. You can be right next to it, on top of it, below it, etc... as long as you are touching it even a teeny tiny bit, your click will detonate it. I swear, sometimes I'm not even touching it at all and it registers. Good luck, everybody, hope this helps someone! :goodvibes
You only played two games Cat? I played at least ten games yesterday, and about four today before I got enough, maybe the luck of a couple people dcing above me. :rotfl: I actually came in third place I couldn't believe it and I'm sure it was a score under 200,000 but we were so excited we forgot to look! Why don't they put your score in the winning message I'd like to know. solution I came up with last night in my frustration, is to make a separate lobby for beginners or questers or whatever you want to label it. This lobby wouldn't give out credits or pins no matter how high the score or what place you come in, but could work the same way eliminating as the game progresses, or to be extra nice, not eliminating anyone but maybe just playing four levels, I don't know. I think the pros would stay out of that lobby because they don't have the incentive of credits or pins/rooms to be won. At least those of us who have a hard time fighting the pros to stay in the game past stage two or three, whatever the case may be, would have a shot at finishing the tougher quests.

I think it's good to throw in a tough quest now and then or nothing would be considered extra rare, I'd think. I'm fairly new so won't give more on that though. Typhoon Lagoon was easy so at least kids (and adults) could be happy to have the first room even if not this one. DS called his uncle to play fireworks so he could finish the quest. We'll see what happens with the girls since their Uncle will be afk for a week and I don't seem to be having much luck. :badpc:
Hi Cat,

Sorry you are having such a hard time with this quest and wish I could help.

Maybe you should go out and do some shopping and let your husband try - LOL - it worked for the the pirate ship game.

I know it is fustrating but keep trying.

Good Luck!
Here is a very big hug to each and every one of you. Thank you for supporting me when I need it.

I just feel like the fool of world. I just dread fireworks so much I was just overcome by emotion.

I've played fireworks for practice and played it for all but one of the quests. It doesn't really bother that it gives out the most credits and other people can really rank up the credits. It doesn't bother me that it gives out 2 prize crates for every one Haunted Mansion gives out, but it just kills me that you HAVE to collect such a high score for the quests. I really think you should be given a "choice of mini games" to pass the task. That way it is mostly fair for everyone. Most people are good or ok at one of the games.

As suggested, my darling husband did offer to try the fireworks for me. He had never played it before so I walked him through a couple of games and we discussed that he wouldn't win it right off the bat, and he would just practice for couple of days and maybe be able to pass it in later this weekend.

He got on this morning for a couple of hours and says that he did indeed get 150,000 at least 2 times and it didn't register with the quest that he passed. I checked it and the quest is still running on my character so I don't know what happened. He is going to try again on Sunday morning for a little while. Like Blue_tink said maybe by Monday or Tuesday it will be easier.

I didn't really care for the Typhoon Lagoon room so much, I didn't think it was all that attractive but I really liked the Blizzard Beach one (I love snow) LOL
LOL Cat no wonder. You don't have to shovel it every morning through the winter months :lmao: Good luck and never give up! Just click your heels twice and say "There's no place like Blizzard Beach".
Sorry to hear so many are having a hard time with this quest. I'm one of the lucky ones that have learned to play fireworks well, so no problem here but...I spent over 2 hours trying to get the Typhoon Lagoon Room. I do now and always will stink are the Pirates and Haunted Mansion games. :badpc:

Best advice....keep trying, it's not as hard as it seems. Eventually you will be able to anticipate when and where the next firework will appear. There are few variations on each, but they repeat frequently. Definately try to get each one even if its not flawless or even the right shape.

Good Luck!! :cheer2:
Cat, here's a thought on what might have happened when your hubby played fireworks for you. I've done it plenty of times myself too, but maybe he did not press the Q button to "activate" the quest task before he started playing fireworks?
I am not very good at fireworks, but I have gotten three Blizzard Beach rooms (one for me, one for each of my sons).

The best thing I figured out was don't continue in the game after the first round if you don't have at least 37,000 and are at least about 7 or 8 in rank. If you aren't, quit fireworks and try again. It is just luck who you are up against what your rank is.

Good luck!
I tried all day too and just can't do it - computer too slow and I get kicked at the end of level three or two. I feel for you cat and am not happy about the quest myself. :sad2:
I agree with DashZap.just sign out and try with a different group. You will eventually end up with a bunch of peeps you can stay with in the top 10, That seems to be the important thing. :rotfl2:
just keep practicing, you also might get lucky and be in a group of low scorers so you can get all the way to level 5, i got 200,000 last night to finally get blizzard beach, i was like woohoo! fireworks can be frustrating at times, but it is just a game,
Pixie Dusted said:
Sorry to hear so many are having a hard time with this quest. I'm one of the lucky ones that have learned to play fireworks well, so no problem here but...I spent over 2 hours trying to get the Typhoon Lagoon Room. I do now and always will stink are the Pirates and Haunted Mansion games. :badpc:

Best advice....keep trying, it's not as hard as it seems. Eventually you will be able to anticipate when and where the next firework will appear. There are few variations on each, but they repeat frequently. Definately try to get each one even if its not flawless or even the right shape.

Good Luck!! :cheer2:

To tell the truth it not spotting the fireworks, it's working the keyboard. I'm not fast enough with my hands. Just typing takes me forever. I have to go back and correct every post like 2-3-4 times and I still end up hitting the wrong keys, and it's the same in fireworks. I can get through the first level fairly well when I'm just not being overwhelmed by failure, but as they add more and more icons to choose from I'm just not fast enough to hit the correct key and get the correct icon up in time. Any game that involves speed is going to kill me. It one of the reasons I played very few video games in the 1970s, none at all in 1980s & 1990s, and few online games in the 2000. I like puzzle games the best and old fashioned sit down together board games.
Ok, let me ask you this: are you relying on physically LOOKING at the arrow keys as you scroll through the fireworks? (or even looking at the line of firework options onscreen?) -- if so, this is a big handicap that's going to have to be overcome. I would suggest playing a couple of practice games where you're not at all concerned about score. Just practice using the arrows without looking. Once you get the feel for that, you are going to see a BIG improvement. *hugs* Good luck! :goodvibes
Personally I find the fireworks game pretty easy as I average around 220,000 points per game. However, I wonder in amazement of those people who get upwards of 250,000 points.

Let me give you a tip that I've learned by playing repeatedly. Just as in shooting a gun, Lead your target (ie. watch the speed of the firework and it's angle then keep your target slightly in front of it.) What this allows is for you to see the little "sparkle" when it's getting ready to disappear and helps gauge when you should click for the flawless. If you keep your cursor over the target you cant see the "Sparkle" and it will disappear without you even knowing it.
PrincessOp said:
Ok, let me ask you this: are you relying on physically LOOKING at the arrow keys as you scroll through the fireworks? (or even looking at the line of firework options onscreen?) -- if so, this is a big handicap that's going to have to be overcome. I would suggest playing a couple of practice games where you're not at all concerned about score. Just practice using the arrows without looking. Once you get the feel for that, you are going to see a BIG improvement. *hugs* Good luck! :goodvibes

No, I don't look at the keys, I look at the computer screen.
I have played this game hundreds of times. I just can't get it.
I just wanted to add...I don't think this has been said, and this is for anyone else having trouble (since Cat is okay now). At each level beginning, it puts your cursor on the first fireworks icon. I always move it to the middle before they start shooting up, b/c the first one that comes up is usually near the middle. If not, it's close enough to quickly move to the right or left. Memorizing the order of icons is a MUST like people said, and always know which is the last one, so you know if you have that one, you can move your cursor to the RIGHT and it will "go around" back to the first icon. It's easier when you know that you can get to the 1st purple one faster from the red planet one, by hitting the right arrow just once, for instance. Once you follow what everyone else has said about making sure you click on each firework, no matter how fast and no matter if you have the wrong icon (sometimes you get ok for wrong icon, if it's close, rather than oops), and memorize the icons and know which one is the "latest" on the right side, you will be fine.

Another tip I didn't see on here is if two fireworks of the same sort come up at the same time and they are on opposite sides on the screen: don't wait! Click one and get good or whatever, then race to focus on getting the other one. Getting a "good" on two fireworks is a better score than getting "flawless" on one, and totally missing the other! (I think so anyway, don't quote me on this: but it seems to be true).

~Mia~ <----(can get over 200,000 if I can stay in the game, never made over 250,000 or won the magic)
well think on the bright side you dont get to hear the annoying music.. :)
cuteswimgirl said:
well think on the bright side you dont get to hear the annoying music.. :)

I turned off the music ages ago. That took care of that problem. :rotfl:

Cat, a couple of things that might help your typing speed. In the short term, you might want to try an ergonomic keyboard. I've seen some S-shaped ones and one that is hinged and looks like an inverted V. You may just be using the wrong keyboard for you. I have difficulty moving between the various keyboards we have here at home. In the long term, it might help to start playing a musical instrument. That's not much different from playing fireworks but it is different enough to take away the feeling of frustration. Over time, you should be able to develop better keyboard skills just by being confident with a musical instrument.

One thing that helped me with fireworks was some finger stretching exercises. My fingers were more relaxed when I finished and were more cooperative for fireworks.
Hi Cat. :)

I remember not being able to pass the first level, lol. I think that what really helped me was knowing how to type, that seemed to increase my accuracy on hitting the fireworks. I wish that I could somehow play the game for you. :(

Brain (who can always get 240K :teeth: )


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