Fantasy Trip Observations

[QUOTE="jstewartgt, post: 60367888, member: 499053"Navigator: Already another thread on this, but we were not a fan of removing the Navigator from the room and still giving advertisements. That being said, we never went to guest services to get one and only missed it a little

I took a break from the boards so must have missed this. Have they stopped leaving Navigators in the room each night?![/QUOTE]
Reportedly, yes. But you can still pick them up from Guest Services. Supposedly this is so they can be more "green", but as the PP pointed out, the presence of paper ads in the room negates that. Imo it's just a money-saving maneuver.
I took a break from the boards so must have missed this. Have they stopped leaving Navigators in the room each night?!
Reportedly, yes. But you can still pick them up from Guest Services. Supposedly this is so they can be more "green", but as the PP pointed out, the presence of paper ads in the room negates that. Imo it's just a money-saving maneuver.[/QUOTE]

Oh no! I always enjoyed reading it at night. I'll be tossing the ads for sure!
Just booked my first cruise with the Fantasy, had only sailed with the Wonder in the past both bad experinces but it was because my husband got sick both times. This time only going to Castaway Cay for both nights, he seems to do better if we are not far away from land. Is there anything anybody can tell me to help out my husband from getting sea sick, first time he tried the bands and they helped, second time nothing helped but we was in the middle of pacific ocean far from land.

Check with your dr. I was prescribed a patch I wore behind my ear. I had no trouble- even on a very bumpy, curvy van ride to get to an excursion where others were not doing well!
My husband cant take Bonine or dramidine it makes him sick, cant take NSIDS (aleve motrine etc) he has a hard time with different meds. I had give up on cruises until I saw this one to Castaway Cay hoping it will be short and only go one place.. Hopefully the bands will work again like they did the last cruise to Bahamas. Took us a while to find them tho...

Has he ever tried Unisom? It’s marketed as a sleep aid now, but it’s what my OB recommended for severe morning sickness (half a pill). It was originally developed to be a motion sickness/nausea medicine but they found that it made people too drowsy and switched it to a sleeping aid. Half a pill didn’t seem to make me drowsy as long as it wasnt already bedtime and it was a life saver for pretty severe morning sickness. I also cruised at around 4 months and while I’m usually a little queasy I had zero issues as long as I took my normal morning unisom.


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