??False Negative Pregnancy Test?

I got a borderline reading with my first child. How can you be borderline pregnant? :confused3 OK, I know it was too early, but I still found that result humorous!
I did have a false negative. We were going thru infertility testing and my doctor wanted to do a uterine biopsy, so as a just in case, she had me to do a pregnancy test right there at the office. Came back negative, she did the biopsy.

Turns out I was pregnant at the time of the test and biopsy. Had (healthy) dd 8 months later.
Pee sticks are evil. I don't think they are accurate at all. Last time I was pg I took one, and there was a BARELY THERE line. I mean, you had to really hunt to look for it. Even the doctor was not sure. But I insisted on a quant. HCG test. Well, my level was THRU THE ROOF! I was pg with twins and my HCG was much higher than normal! I am sure if I had been only pg with one with a lower level, the pee stick would have shown negative.

Definitely get a blood test from the doc. If your hcg level is over 5, you are pg. Good luck!
I had a few false pregnancy tests with my oldest back in 1988. The tests probably weren't as strong back in the old days (he is 19 now). I also had a false blood test. The blood work came back negative and I really was pregnant with another son (born in 1998). So don't rule it out yet.
Lets see, I had 2 kids & both tests came up postitive the minute the pee hit the stick.

And then & I say and then, ut..oh..I am late.

AF was due June 26th ish 2005 & that day came & past. A week later I took a test. It was July 3rd & it came up negative. I chalked it up to nerves since we were done at 2 kids.

I told myself if I didn't see her by Thursday, I'd test on Friday. Wed night into Thurs my tummy felt hard laying on it & believe me my tummy has no evidence of hardness to it. It is 100% flab.

So I took a test that am & it came up postive.

So yes it can happen.

I did the EPT tests with my 1st 2 & with my 3rd I got the one that says Pregnant/not pregnant on the stick so I wonder if it was because it was a different brand.
I know a girl who was 17 and tested positive (but was NOT pregnant). The guy wanted no part of being a dad so he left her. A dear friend of hers stepped in and said he would be dad to the baby and they married. Then, she really did get pregnant (even though she thought she was already pregnant). She ended up having what seemed to me like the "longest" pregnancy ever because we thought she was pregnant long before she really was!

The test was done at the doctor's office--NOT a home pregnancy test! :eek:

So, it happens. And it changed this girl's (and guy's) life forever. They have since divorced.
With my first pregnancy the tests went:

Home test - NO

Dr's office 3 days later, urine - NO

Dr's office 7 days later, urine - NO

Dr's office 5 days later, blood - YES

And it had been over a month, since I should have had a period.

With my second pregnancy, I was sick and before they would give me any meds, the normal could you be pregnant question, anything is possible was the response. So they did a urine test - came up no. When I reminded them of the first difficutly with the first pregnancy, they did a blood test. Sent me home with a script and told me they would call me with the results. Couple of hours later, I got the call that yep I was pregnant and they would call in a different script for me.

So I would call the Dr's and do the blood test.
With my DD, I tested negative on Friday (2 days late) and positive on Sunday, So yes, there are false negatives!
My sister was having terrible headaches but didn't want to take medication because she felt like she might be pregnant. Finally went to the doctor, and before giving her strong meds, they insisted on a pregnancy test -- negative.

She still walked away feeling like she didn't want to risk it, which was good, because she was indeed pregnant. Fortunately she didn't fill the scrip because she trusted her instincts.
Guys....fair warning - you may want to skip this one....unless you're a doctor!!

Have you girls ever heard of or experienced a FALSE NEGATIVE pregnancy test?

I was 100% convinced that I was pregnant. I'm over a week late (which is not normal for me) - and I'm experiencing a frequent feeling of "let down"... along w/ this, my sleep pattern is WAY off. I took a test and it was negative.

Do you think I should go ahead and make a Dr's appt? - since I AM late...what else could it be??

Thanks for any advice!!!!

It could be a corpus lutuem cyst. This happens to me sometimes. It delays a period and keeps your temp high, until you finally get your period.
a corpus luteum cyst is a cyst that you get WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT! It releases hormones to keep a pregnancy going. It will resolve by the time the pregnancy is 14 weeks along. If you have a CL cyst, then you are pregnant. Now, you can have cysts and not be pregnant, in fact it is normal, but they are follicular cysts, and one will be the dominant follicle which releases the egg for fertilization. I am an ultrasound tech, and I see CL cysts all the time.. at least 2-3 a week.;)
a corpus luteum cyst is a cyst that you get WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT! It releases hormones to keep a pregnancy going. It will resolve by the time the pregnancy is 14 weeks along. If you have a CL cyst, then you are pregnant. Now, you can have cysts and not be pregnant, in fact it is normal, but they are follicular cysts, and one will be the dominant follicle which releases the egg for fertilization. I am an ultrasound tech, and I see CL cysts all the time.. at least 2-3 a week.;)
Actually that's not correct

Corpus luteum cyst: This type of functional ovarian cyst occurs after an egg has been released from a follicle. After this happens, the follicle becomes what is known as a corpus luteum. If a pregnancy doesn't occur, the corpus luteum usually breaks down and disappears. It may, however, fill with fluid or blood and stay on the ovary. Usually, this cyst is on only 1 side and produces no symptoms.
monorail silver, your "hard tummy" is what was my first clue. I had lost my first baby at 10-11 weeks and didn't try again for 6 months. The first month we had bought a new house and I went there to wait for a furniture delivery. I laid down on the carpet and it felt like a brick in my stomach. Went and got a test that day and voila, pregnant with DD#1.
And so I didn't have to move any furniture or boxes! And when we moved again, I was 8 months pregnant with DS! I don't know what I'll do if we ever move again because those days are gone!
Robin M.
a corpus luteum cyst is a cyst that you get WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT! It releases hormones to keep a pregnancy going. It will resolve by the time the pregnancy is 14 weeks along. If you have a CL cyst, then you are pregnant. Now, you can have cysts and not be pregnant, in fact it is normal, but they are follicular cysts, and one will be the dominant follicle which releases the egg for fertilization. I am an ultrasound tech, and I see CL cysts all the time.. at least 2-3 a week.;)

Actually, you can get these cysts without being pregnant. I've had 2 already while not pregnant.

From Mayo Clinic:

Sometimes a normal monthly follicle just keeps growing. When that happens, it becomes known as a functional cyst. This means it started during the normal function of your menstrual cycle. There are two types of functional cysts:

Corpus luteum cyst. When LH does surge and your egg is released, the ruptured follicle begins producing large quantities of estrogen and progesterone in preparation for conception. This changed follicle is now called the corpus luteum. Sometimes, however, the escape opening of the egg seals off and fluid accumulates inside the follicle, causing the corpus luteum to expand into a cyst.

Although this cyst usually disappears on its own in a few weeks, it can grow to almost 4 inches in diameter and has the potential to bleed into itself or twist the ovary, causing pelvic or abdominal pain. If it fills with blood, the cyst may rupture, causing internal bleeding and sudden, sharp pain. The fertility drug clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene), which is used to induce ovulation, increases the risk of a corpus luteum cyst developing after ovulation. These cysts don't prevent or threaten a resulting pregnancy.
i have 3 adult children the test with urine always said no .. i knew i was went to dr. they did blood test and yep i was , so i would say go to dr's
i had a false positive in the hospital one time. You should of seen me argue with that dr as I knew there was no way I was.
So I imagine a false negative is more then possible.

I can imagine that argument. I was waiting in an examine room when I hear this big argument going on in the exam room across the hall. They were telling her she was PG and she was telling them no way she hadn't been near a guy for 3 months.

Boy there are times when you don't want to meet a gal in the back alley and she was one of them.
OP... are you back yet??? So, what's happening? Don't leave us hanging!!

BTW... how was your trip?
Guys....fair warning - you may want to skip this one....unless you're a doctor!!

Have you girls ever heard of or experienced a FALSE NEGATIVE pregnancy test?

I was 100% convinced that I was pregnant. I'm over a week late (which is not normal for me) - and I'm experiencing a frequent feeling of "let down"... along w/ this, my sleep pattern is WAY off. I took a test and it was negative.

Do you think I should go ahead and make a Dr's appt? - since I AM late...what else could it be??

Thanks for any advice!!!!

My false negative turns 4 on Monday!:goodvibes
A few years ago I was SURE I was pregnant, was concerned because I was spotting and went to see my OB/GYN. She sent me to the lab to have a blood test done which came back as negative.

I called my OB/GYN back and said I know that test came back wrong, can I please come in and see you I am concerned because I KNOW I am pregnant and am spotting. She reluctantly agreed, had me come in and did one of those internal ultrasound.

My false negative turned 5 in March.

Here is a picture of him looking "negative" - he hates those darn ponchos :lmao:



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