Exception for Stupid Mistakes???


Mar 27, 2001
I made a stupid mistake! I THOUGHT I was within my 31 days to cancel, but turned out I was like 30 or 29 days out. I did not know they count at the START of your reservation! Live & Learn! Does DVC ever give you 1 chance at Stupidity??? I want those points back!!

So anyway they are now in a holding account. 34 points.

Ok so I can only make a reservation 60 days out using these points. Do you think I have any chance getting BCV Studio August 11 & 12th using this method? I can't call until June!

My other question is a shady one & I'm sure won't fly....but I'll ask you anyway.....Can I make a ressie now using those 34 points arriving in the next 60 days.....And then cancell it before the 31 day mark. Would those pts go back in as normal or will they always be "branded" as holding points? I bet I know that answer ;)

Since they are in a holding acct, I'd be happy with a studio at ANY WDW DVC resort in August, better to use them than to lose them.
I was told by a MS rep that there is a "one time only" opportunity to correct any points error on the part of a member. This is availabe only once during your entire membership period.

Check with MS to see it this is actually avaible to you. You then need to decide if this is the time to use it.

Good luck
34 points is small change. I'd be really careful about executing a 1-time only option to correct something when only 34 points are involved (assuming it was even available) - especially if this effects your one-time banking option, which in my mind is much more important to have.

Just my opinion.

And yes, once the points have the stigma of being in a holding account, that stays with them regardless of future bookings and cancellations (at least that's my understanding).
Day 31 is the last day to cancel. Day 30 or less it goes into holding.

I was thinking if you called on day 30 would they just put the first night into holding & you could still cancel the rest?
Originally posted by DebbieB
Day 31 is the last day to cancel. Day 30 or less it goes into holding.

I was thinking if you called on day 30 would they just put the first night into holding & you could still cancel the rest?

In '97 I tried to cancel 30 days out, not realizing it was 31 days. No such luck :( At that time they would not break up the reservation either.

I didn't know about the one-time exemption back then, or I would have used it, since it was for about 150 points. I'd been laid off, and couldn't use them in that use year, so I lost them <sigh>. In fact, we didn't return to DVC for a year and a half. The bright side was that we had a ton of banked points to use after that :)

BTW, is the one-time exemption documented anywhere? MS certainly didn't offer it that time, and I've only heard about it through word of mouth (much later).
No, Peter. The exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis and aren't documented. It's more along the lines of the airlines who sometimes make an exception to a non-refundable ticket in an extreme case (such as a person dying before the flight).
Here's the change and cancellation policy:

31+ Days Prior to arrival -- All Vacation points will be restored to the you account in the appropriate Use Year. (For a change, if the new reservation uses fewer points than the original reservation, the remaining points will be restored to the appropriate Use Year).

1-30 Days Prior to Arrival - All of the Vacation Points used to make the reservation will be placed in your Holding Account in the appropriate Use Year. (If a change uses fewer points then those points will be placed in holding).

On the arrival date - All of the Vacation Points used to make the reservation will be forfeited. (Changes that use fewer Vacation Points will forfeit the remaining vacation points.)

If you leave the resort earlier than your scheduled departure date, or if you don't show up for your stay at all, the Vacation Points associated with that reservation will be forfeited. And, if you made your reservation using cash, other policies apply. Please contact MS for details.

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