Every Wish That We Put Into Motion.... (comments welcome!)

Oh, those no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies are major nostalgia for me! My mom made those frequently and they are still a favorite. Hey, they are practically a health food with all those oats!
Good job working your run into everything else!
I agree with @HangWithMerida -- definitely a health food. ;)
Super impressed you get any running in at all with all you have going on!
Well yesterday was REALLY interesting (and I'm so much MORE excited for our XC team now!) and this morning was great.

Let's start with yesterday: I did not do my run. Why? The owner where I work called me Friday evening and told me that I did NOT need to come in on Sunday (because I'm pretty sure he goofed on the schedule and I was the only person available to make pie) so that's happening today.

Alarms were set for 5am yesterday, but I woke up was 4:40. Ugh. On the road be 5:30, and our whole team was there 40min before any of the other teams even showed up. (Which is how our coaches do things. Our runners are never rushed for walking the course or short on warmup time.) The relay race/meet they had is teams of 2, where there are 3 "legs" and each teammate runs each leg once, alternating. When teammate 1 cross the finish line, teammate 2 leaves their starting box and repeats that leg. It gets pretty crazy about midway through the 2nd set because the really fast teams start lapping the really slow teams. Our team finished faster as a group this year than they did last year, which is a GREAT sign, and (at least on the boys' side since I only have boys running and that's all I'm really familiar with) this is such a great group of kids, with some VERY strong freshman runners. Outside of our top-3 it's going to be very competitive for the remaining top-7 spots, which should make for a very fun few months. Also worth noting that our teams ran this after 4 days of team camp and only being home for 2 nights, so they were all still tired.

The exchange student from Spain is super fast. Like....he's gonna run in the low-mid 16s for 5ks kind of fast (and his host family's son, who is going on a full ride XC/TF scholarship to Wake Forest, is going to probably be in the 14s for most of this year.) BUT---DS2's combined splits were 18:15 (on an ankle he rolled Tuesday) and DS1's were 20:25. I shoved them out the door this morning for an optional team/group long run with another school that's touring our HS's course for an enormous invitational this coming weekend. BUT, if we can get 2-3 more boys on our team into the 17s this year they probably have a shot at a team state championship.

MORE excitement! Late last week I was able to change our Tuesday flights for MW to MONDAY since United has changed our flights a bunch of times (and there's a good chance that if they change our return flight again we are going to opt for a late-afternoon flight instead of an early morning flight.) And then THIS MORNING I was able to get a DVC (resort) studio at GF. So if there's anything amazing at GF that is a "must-do" for a 1-night stay, please let me know.

We also have sort-of a cold front moving through (it IS late August, so this is probably actually normal weather) so I'll be doing my 10 miles in a fabulous 73 degrees this afternoon, once DS1&2 get back from their group run.
And then THIS MORNING I was able to get a DVC (resort) studio at GF. So if there's anything amazing at GF that is a "must-do" for a 1-night stay, please let me know.

I stayed at the GF DVC last year for one night for the 5K. I'm not a huge GF fan as I find it a bit stuffy, but it's nice to just hang out in a corner of the lobby and people watch, or along the path behind the DVC building and watch the water. They had not started the construction for Poly DVC yet, so I could walk from my room to the Pineapple Lanai for a Dole Whip in like five minutes! But now that they have torn up that path, I'm going to guess you can't. You might also experience some noise during the day from that construction.

If you are there for a race night, be aware that the buses pick up at the convention center, which is on the opposite side of the main building from the DVC building. It isn't a crazy long walk, but if you walk along the sidewalk across the front of the buildings (kind of follow the monorail line), it's a good 10 minutes. (Nothing compared to your OKW trek last year though!)
I stayed at the GF DVC last year for one night for the 5K. I'm not a huge GF fan as I find it a bit stuffy, but it's nice to just hang out in a corner of the lobby and people watch, or along the path behind the DVC building and watch the water. They had not started the construction for Poly DVC yet, so I could walk from my room to the Pineapple Lanai for a Dole Whip in like five minutes! But now that they have torn up that path, I'm going to guess you can't. You might also experience some noise during the day from that construction.

If you are there for a race night, be aware that the buses pick up at the convention center, which is on the opposite side of the main building from the DVC building. It isn't a crazy long walk, but if you walk along the sidewalk across the front of the buildings (kind of follow the monorail line), it's a good 10 minutes. (Nothing compared to your OKW trek last year though!)
We are staying at GF on Monday night, and then 2 nights at the Poly. And then the rest of the nights at SSR, so I will absolutely not have any shortage of dolewhips on this trip. :love: And yes. Just touring GF during Christmas (for the decorations and the Gingerbread House!) it definitely feels stuffy, so I think that 1 night is going to be just about perfect to give me the experience and check the resort off of my list.

I do enjoy people-watching.
10mi long run is in the books, errrr, Strava/Garmin.

Remember this morning when I was excited about a 73 degree run? Yeah. It was more like 78. And the dew point was higher than I thought. And I had a really hard time slowing down enough, but I felt pretty good (until I ran out of water and didn’t remember to use my 2nd fuel 🤦🏻‍♀️.) Took 8oz of water and 8oz of nuun in the soft flasks in the front of my vest, and a raspberry huma that I ate at mile 3…..had to drink extra water around 15min later because my stomach felt weird) and a vanilla gu (which I forgot to eat.)

T+D 141. Was hoping for 13:30 pace, but my body just wanted to go faster than that so I didn’t fight it too hard. Started with my 165bpm playlist.

Did 30/60 for the first mile to force a warmup pace (14:19) and then switched to 60/30 for the 2nd mile (13:10.)

At the start of mile 3 I switched to 50/30 intervals in an attempt to slow my pace. I wasn’t really successful (13:10, 13:20, 13:08, 13:18.)

Because the run was going really well I decided to play around with my cadence/intervals to see how manipulating them would effect my pace at the start of mile 7. I switched to 45/30 intervals and switched over to my 170bpm playlist. Hello there heat-adjusted marathon tempo! 😂 12:40 and 12:14. I was tempted to just roll with it for the rest of the run, but my fuel mistake squashed that idea.

At mile 9 I was starting to feel the effects of forgetting my 2nd gel, and was starting to run low on water, so i switched to 30/30 intervals to coast in to the finish. (13:01) What’s really interesting is that my pace with 30/30 at 170 steps/minute (while running) was the same as my 50/30 at 165 steps/minute. Mile 10 was 13:09, although I did have a goof up where I forgot to unpause my watch after I had to stop and empty some pebbles out of my shoe. I think it was 2-3 intervals worth of gap because I definitely had to run extra ( past my parked car) to get to the full 10.

I had plenty of energy left in the tank, my ankle didn’t make any noises about being ornery until around mile 9, and I think that the decelerations during my transitions are what aggravate it the most. So I’m pretty optimistic about the race in a month. I’ll be back to edit in the data and add a few pics later. I just needed to get all the weirdness I did with the intervals typed out before I forgot.

ALSO I tested my crowned athletics jasmine tank out on this run. I was a little nervous that the higher-cut armpit area would cause chaffing, but I was very happy to not have any at the end of the run.


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@Naomeri do those look like the flowers you saw on your run? My phone won’t let me zoom in on your pic. If they look that same I’m pretty sure it’s Joe Pye Weed which is a native and butterflies LOVE it.
@Naomeri do those look like the flowers you saw on your run? My phone won’t let me zoom in on your pic. If they look that same I’m pretty sure it’s Joe Pye Weed which is a native and butterflies LOVE it.
No, I think the flowers on my run are a wetland plant of some kind. We do have a lot of Joe Pye Weed though
My lower back/hips haven't been happy with my since yesterday. I'm not sure if it's from all the car-riding on Saturday, the 10 miles Sunday, or the anti-fatigue mat being in a weird place at work yesterday, or a combination of a lot of those. It's a weird feeling....like I need it to crack or something. Might be time to get into the chiropractor for some maintenance.
My lower back/hips haven't been happy with my since yesterday. I'm not sure if it's from all the car-riding on Saturday, the 10 miles Sunday, or the anti-fatigue mat being in a weird place at work yesterday, or a combination of a lot of those. It's a weird feeling....like I need it to crack or something. Might be time to get into the chiropractor for some maintenance.

I turned to a chiro when I had hip issues during my first marathon training cycle. It helped immensely!
4 shirts and I don’t really like any of them. Ugh. Might have to scrap this costume idea and come up with something different.

Shirt 1 and 2 are too orange-y. Shirt 3 has a green undertone that’s not photographing, and I don’t like how the material feels, and 4 is OK but it has wool in it which I’m not excited about.
4 shirts and I don’t really like any of them. Ugh. Might have to scrap this costume idea and come up with something different.

Shirt 1 and 2 are too orange-y. Shirt 3 has a green undertone that’s not photographing, and I don’t like how the material feels, and 4 is OK but it has wool in it which I’m not excited about.
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I actually think the skirt color looks a little light, and maybe that's what's throwing you off? I like the shirt color second from the left. But if you're not happy, that's the bottom line. I saw a Figment apron on shopDisney (https://www.shopdisney.com/figment-...nal-food-wine-festival-2022-464013235895.html), maybe there's a way to rework that into something? You might need to dump the Food & Wine logo or it may be covered up by your bib.
I actually think the skirt color looks a little light, and maybe that's what's throwing you off? I like the shirt color second from the left. But if you're not happy, that's the bottom line. I saw a Figment apron on shopDisney (https://www.shopdisney.com/figment-...nal-food-wine-festival-2022-464013235895.html), maybe there's a way to rework that into something? You might need to dump the Food & Wine logo or it may be covered up by your bib.
I also have this skirt (that i feel like is too dark?), but it would definitely need testing before use. I’m hoping to figure out something for the half for the Dottie skirt since it’s sooo pretty and I need to wear it to justify hoarding it 🤣 Plus I already own it.
I also have this skirt (that i feel like is too dark?), but it would definitely need testing before use. I’m hoping to figure out something for the half for the Dottie skirt since it’s sooo pretty and I need to wear it to justify hoarding it 🤣 Plus I already own it.
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Yep, you're right. Too dark. GAH! Figment is almost a bright orchid --- so right between these two. But I still think you'd get the point even if it's not exact.
I returned all of the yellow shirts today. I don’t really want to just “settle” for one of them, so I’m going to keep looking through Pinterest, etc for ideas. I may put the skirt up for trade, but I’m not sure at this point what my plan is.

Tuesday I did my 3mi EB run with DH after too much spicy salsa (the best batch we’ve made yet!) and chicken tacos. Nothing noteworthy other than it was pretty much too fast the whole time. We did 45/45 intervals for the first mile and then 60/30 for the remainder. 13:05 avg pace, Avg HR 143

My run on Wednesday just didn’t fit into the day so I ran it today after DS 1&2 got home from practice. 5mi EB. It was really moist out as it rained this morning and last night. T+D was 138 even though it was only 70 out, with 80% humidity. Ugh. I walked the uphills because I was just not in the mood for that much effort today. 45/30 intervals. 13:41 avg pace. 141 avg HR.
I returned all of the yellow shirts today. I don’t really want to just “settle” for one of them, so I’m going to keep looking through Pinterest, etc for ideas. I may put the skirt up for trade, but I’m not sure at this point what my plan is.

I probably missed it in my DISBoards absence, but what character are you striving for with the yellow and purple? The Dottie is beautiful, I hope you can find something to make it work!

ETA: A Google search helped, it’s Figment’s yellow shirt!

Not a tshirt but this tank top is on the Target website:
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So I'm having a bit of a conundrum with this weekend/next week's schedule.
I'm 22 days out from the half marathon that, weather permitting, is going to be an "A" race for me. I'm following the Higdon novice 2 half marathon plan. These are my issues:

-We are headed camping on Thursday morning and it's an 8hr drive. It's a part of the state we haven't visited (Marquette) and DH is planning on doing a lot of sight-seeing and I'm very unsure of how much running (if any?) I'll be fitting in.

-Next week's runs are supposed to be 3mi, 5mi at HM pace, 3mi, and 11mi long run which I usually do on Sunday.

(And now for the schedule conflicts!)

-Cross country practice has moved from am to pm since the coaches are all teachers and they have to be back in the classroom prepping for the start of the academic year, which makes running on work days a lot harder. Good thing it's my last week!

-On MONDAY I work from 8-4(ish) and the kids have practice at 6:30pm. DH has golf league and doesn't get home until dark. There's a CHANCE I could squeeze in a run between getting home and the boys leaving for practice. This will also require that my kids either make their own dinner, or I have something going for them in the crockpot.

-Tuesday I should be able to fit in a run....the 5mi HM pace?? Whichever run is the most "urgent"

-Wednesday there's basically no chance of me getting a run in. I work again, then ALL of the kids have openhouse for school, which is going to involve me taking DS1 to the career-tech/engineering academy he's in this year, and then finishing packing for camping.

-Thursday we are leaving the house early in the morning for the camping trip and by the time we get there and get set up, it'll be almost dinner time and a run is very very unlikely to happen.

What makes the most sense to scrap/move around? Do I try to do the 11mi run on Tuesday? Push it to next Monday when we are all home?
And unrelated to my training, I'm making a "PR Pie" for DS2 who ran approximately 19:45 in his first varsity XC race (5k) today, as a freshman. The deal is that sub-20min gets a pie, and then there are more incentives for every minute they drop from there. Was really hoping his brother would put together a good race but he went out waaaaay too fast in the first quarter mile and paid the price with an almost PW. So it's been an interesting day.

Our #1 runner on the boys side was in the 14:30s. That kid is just crazy fast.
So I'm having a bit of a conundrum with this weekend/next week's schedule.
I'm 22 days out from the half marathon that, weather permitting, is going to be an "A" race for me. I'm following the Higdon novice 2 half marathon plan. These are my issues:

-We are headed camping on Thursday morning and it's an 8hr drive. It's a part of the state we haven't visited (Marquette) and DH is planning on doing a lot of sight-seeing and I'm very unsure of how much running (if any?) I'll be fitting in.

-Next week's runs are supposed to be 3mi, 5mi at HM pace, 3mi, and 11mi long run which I usually do on Sunday.

(And now for the schedule conflicts!)

-Cross country practice has moved from am to pm since the coaches are all teachers and they have to be back in the classroom prepping for the start of the academic year, which makes running on work days a lot harder. Good thing it's my last week!

-On MONDAY I work from 8-4(ish) and the kids have practice at 6:30pm. DH has golf league and doesn't get home until dark. There's a CHANCE I could squeeze in a run between getting home and the boys leaving for practice. This will also require that my kids either make their own dinner, or I have something going for them in the crockpot.

-Tuesday I should be able to fit in a run....the 5mi HM pace?? Whichever run is the most "urgent"

-Wednesday there's basically no chance of me getting a run in. I work again, then ALL of the kids have openhouse for school, which is going to involve me taking DS1 to the career-tech/engineering academy he's in this year, and then finishing packing for camping.

-Thursday we are leaving the house early in the morning for the camping trip and by the time we get there and get set up, it'll be almost dinner time and a run is very very unlikely to happen.

What makes the most sense to scrap/move around? Do I try to do the 11mi run on Tuesday? Push it to next Monday when we are all home?

When do you return from camping? Could you do the 11 miler on Monday/Tuesday of the following week?

I’m assuming this is peak week. The issue with dropping the 11 miler is the drop in volume may mess with your peaking for race day (your body will think you’re tapering sooner). But at this point in training, the 5 miler at HM tempo is more race specific and relevant to your actual performance (peaking not withstanding). So my recommendation is to try and do the 11 miler (or as much as you can) on Mon/Tues of the following week, and focus on the 5 mile HMT for this upcoming week.


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