Event-only attendees....how many of us are there?


banana fanna fo fenny
Aug 19, 1999
We'll be in WDW from 11/22 thru 12/1 staying at BWV. I know <u>I'm</u> interested in the 'events-only package' but not sure yet about the rest of my family (there are 8 of us).
Anyone else? :)


<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff69b4">Jennybºoºbenny</font>
<font color="4169e1">DVC Member: 3/99
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: AKL/BWV~June '01, BWV~Nov '01</font>
<a href="http://people.ne.mediaone.net/jsmith12/jillian&kylecharacterpage.html">Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</a></font>
My family of 5 will be there, but I'm the only one who will get the events package - if there are any left!!
My family of 4 are interested in events only too. DDs are 7 and 4. We might stay at my folks house in orlando.

<font size=4 color=navy><font face="Garamond">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
1997 (WDW 25th birthday) Institute Villas
1999 DxL
2000 WL and Swan!!!
Me and DH..we arrive at OKW 11/28 - staying until 12/9. We are very interested in participating in the DIS events. They all sound fantastic and we (well at least me..he doesn't frequent this site but is always asking me what I learned about Disney today .. lol!!) are really looking forward to meeting the folks I've been chatting with for almost 2 years!

Have a wonderful day!
5 of us here (me, my DH and 3 kids).


11/01 Beach Club
12/01 Wonder Cruise
12/01 AKL
I am in the same boat, we were planning to be there at BWV that week anyway, DH and kids not sure they want to join us. I am working on them!


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
There will be 4 of us under my name - DH, special sister of mine, and a Disney friend who is coming along and we will all be staying OKW from 11/28-12/7. Can't wait to meet everyone! :)

Whenever they call me a dreamer, I think of Walt Disney and smile:)
At least 3 here; don't know if DH will do the convention activities but 4 if he says he'll plan on it.


WDW Offsite ? - 1976
WDW Offsite Vistana - 1988
Disneyland - 1998
WDW Vistana / Contemporary - June 2000
Just couldn't wait trip - Feb 2001 OKW
DIS-CON 2001 - BWV
Myself and my 2 sons; possibly my sister & my niece...

<img width="200" SRC="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/awilliams/dalcooks.jpg"[/img]

Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."

I have a vacation scheduling problem. I had scheduled the week after the convention for vacation. DD can only miss 5 days of school-district policy. I am really pushing to move the vacation to week of convention but tons of people already off the Monday after T'giving. I am hoping this will all work out.

Fingers crossed - time is not on my side. I am afraid if I don't book the events only tix right away when released we won't get them. But if I book them I'm afraid we won't be able to use them. I can't afford to waste $600.

What to do What to do.


I have accommodations through DVC, so I need events only pkg for myself and two DD's. :)

<font color=red>

<font color=blue>Co-Moderator - Theme Park Attractions and Strategies Board</font>
<font color=red>Co Moderator - Cruise Board</font>
<font color=blue>Co-Moderator - DVC Board</font>
<font color=red>Cruise and DVC Chat Host</font>

luv2nascar - I'm sure you'll have NO trouble selling your events tickets to another DISer! I think the demand will far exceed the supply.
Hopefully there should be enough convention only tickets to meet the demand. We certainly don't want any "shortage" of tickets to occur. With the numbers Linda has spoken of, and the responses here, looks like there shouldn't be any problems!

<font color=red>

<font color=blue>Co-Moderator - Theme Park Attractions and Strategies Board</font>
<font color=red>Co Moderator - Cruise Board</font>
<font color=blue>Co-Moderator - DVC Board</font>
<font color=red>Cruise and DVC Chat Host</font>

[This message was edited by CarolAnnK on 02-01-01 at 09:41 AM.]
Pete thinks the 300-person cap will be reached by early March, if not before. Linda thinks there will be enough event-only tickets to go around. I hope for the latter, but will act as if the former will occur!
Pete and I are both correct.

There will be plenty of event only packages for those that book the event without delay. If you wait around then you may find yourself out of luck. I think it is safe to assume that by March we should be sold out. There will be a waiting list however, of course that has no guarantees . If you thinking about whether or not to bring the family look at the value of the events. We have planned events that can’t be done by the normal park guest and 3 meals are included, plus the photo, etc, etc…. What will they do well your in a VIP viewing section of Epcot eating yummy pastries well watching Illuminations? Mine would not have that! LOL My teens do not what to miss out on 2 hours of TOT with no lines just for us - they are psyched already.

So if you are booking the ‘event only’ package and want to insure your families attendance, book it right away when we release the package and you should not have any problems. We will provide notice at least a day before we start booking these.


Family Board Host

Coordinator Dis Convention 2001
One events only attendee here!


Port Orleans 2000


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