ENTERTAIN code on Dollar Not Valid


Jul 8, 2002
Just had a very interesting chat online with Dollar. I thought that I would ask them if I needed my Entertain card at the counter to get this rate.

They claim that there is no such rate and that someone has hacked into their system and added this rate. They say that they just found out about it a few days ago and are working on reprogramming things to take it out - took them long enough if this is true since this has been around for quite a while.

Don't know what will happen if you try to reserve under this discount and they say it is not valid. I guess just go armed with the other discount codes.

Buyer beware...

Maybe someone else try asking dollar about this as I may have gotten someone who did not know what they were talking about.

Anyone know the origin of the Entertain discount. When did you first see it/hear it?
This seems very odd to me. That code has been around for a long time and several have spoken with Dollar about it.

If it is true, why would the hackers not go for a super low rate instead of just somewhat low?

I would be surprised if Dollar would not honor the rate for those who are booked.
If you put the entertain code in while trying to make a reservation online right now, the code still works. I would think that if this was an invalid code and Dollar was in fact aware of it, the would remove the code immediately. I work in an IT department and I can tell you, if there is a code somewhere it isn't supposed to be allowing people to get a price they shouldn't be getting it would be removed immediately, not in a few days.. Codes like this are usually kept in tables and aren't hard coded into systems themselves. It takes about 10 keystrokes to remove it or make it invalid.

My suggestion is, if people are unsure of there reservations, call Dollar and ask them to confirm it for you now, as well as a few days before you are due to leave.
I was a bit confused by the conversation that I had too. I was part way thru my online booking and had some questions so I clicked on the chat button and started talking to "chat17".

I tried to cut and paste our conversation but you can not do that with their chat function. If you do check the Entertainment book, there seems to be no mention of Dollar. At least not in my local one. Maybe they were a sponsor at one point but are not any longer and never removed the code.

Just letting people know what they told me today.

I would love it if someone else would contact them and see what they say. Maybe I just got someone who was making stuff up or maybe I got the only one who knew what they were talking about?? Not sure how to tell the difference.
Originally posted by hawt1
I was a bit confused by the conversation that I had too. I was part way thru my online booking and had some questions so I clicked on the chat button and started talking to "chat17".

I contacted Dollar via their chat feature before my last reservation with a question and not to be mean, but they don't seem to be very well informed. I had reserved a car in Fort Lauderdale and had to drop it off in Orlando. I needed to know if they price would be different. The advice they gave me was completely wrong, and actually very invalid. It probably depends on who you speak to there.

I tried to cut and paste our conversation but you can not do that with their chat function. If you do check the Entertainment book, there seems to be no mention of Dollar. At least not in my local one. Maybe they were a sponsor at one point but are not any longer and never removed the code.

Just letting people know what they told me today.

From what I recall of other people's converstaions with Dollar, the Entertain code didn't originate with the Entertainment books. No one does seem to know where it originated from. You are not wrong with your concerns. It is scary to use a code and not know where it came from. There are some other codes that seem to offer similar prices at Dollar and their origins are as questionable like FISH and FVG that have been working too.
I made a reservation using entertain last week. I called them and spoke to a real person and asked whether I needed a coupon using the entertain code. She told me that they were unaware of such a code but that my reservation made no note of a coupon being required. I confirmed my rate and all was well.

Today I went in and again used the entertain code to see if it was now invalid as you mentioned. My rate dropped to $112/wk intermediate for pick-up next Saturday. So, it all seems to be ok.

However, just in case there is an issue, I made a reservation at Avis for a compact car for $119.00/wk as my insurance. If Dollar doesn't honor theirs (and I don't see how they couldn't), then I'll walk over to Avis.
My insurance is a print out of the next best rate. I used a bunch of the other codes and then just stopped prior to confirming the reservation but printed out that page.

There is no mention of Entertain on the confirmation but not sure if they can look up the code.

I also agree with one of the above posters that any monkey could unprogram this if it is a mistake. Maybe they just want to scare a few people into booking at a higher rate but still want the Entertain in there as a drawing card to their site....
A print out of the next best rate probably won't get you anywhere as rates can change daily. Unless you're confirmed, you may have issues. If you are going with someone who can drive, reserve another car under their name at the next best rate.
FYI- My sister is at WDW now. She used the entert code with dollar and picked up her car Tuesday night 8/6, with no problem. Actually she got upgraded (from compact to full size with no additional cost!!!)
I'd say its working well!!!
FYI- My sister is at WDW now. She used the entertain code with dollar and picked up her car Tuesday night 8/6, with no problem. Actually she got upgraded (from compact to full size with no additional cost!!!)
I'd say its working well!!!
Not only is it still working on the website, I just checked rates for our 9-day period, and the price has gone down $23.

I had a base rate of $193 for 10/12 - 10/21, checked the dates again today, and it's down to $170 using the "entertain" code. I made another on-line reservation, and I'll probably cancel my existing one in a few days, after we make sure everything is OK with this code.
but someone on here said originally, this code was in a Florida newspaper promotion!??:rolleyes:
I just reserved a mini van using the entertain code for Christmas week and it was $253 total! National's rate is $521.
I used ENTERTAIN end of July, no problem. $99 for a compact car for a week. Very good rate. No coupon required. I also called twice before my trip, and asked about the rate. The guy says they must honor the rate if the reservation site accepts them. That is true. If someone hacks into the system, well, they'll learn a lesson (take them that long to realise the hack?)

Make sure you print out the reservation. The counter person didn't believe the rate, and asked me how much I'm supposed to pay.
Quite a few people have used it already on their trips that have just passed with no problem. Apparently the code was in one of the travel magazines that you get when you go to FL. I have 2 printouts for my ressie next month!An intermediate for 112 plus everything added on is 149.08! That beats getting a limo and then having to take a cab to DTD and back.
I just called and confirmed my rate using the Entertain rate. She said hers wasn't to second guess where I got the code, as there are plenty of them out there. She said I will have no problems, since the price and confirmation number is listed. My rate code on my confirmation says SWTAM..I did put we were flying on SW.
I orginally made my reservtion with the FISH code for 11/24-11/28 and got a rate of Base $139.99 which wasn't bad. The ENTERTAIN code had me at 159.99. Two nights ago I was checking again and the ENTERTAIN code dropped it to base 128.00. I cancelled the first reservation and kept the ENTERTAIN! I hope there's no problem, but since alot of people have used this I don't foresee any problem ( its also on Mousesaver). If anyone has a problem please post.
Thank You!! Just wanted to say THANK YOU, to those that mentioned their rates went down!! I went in & checked our rate & sure enough our rate went down to 123.00/wk for November, saved us another 31.00!!
Rats! :) I tried ENTERTAIN code and my rate went up from $95.97 to $101. (Its a 3 day rental in West Palm) There is another code mentioned somewhere on these boards "E1I0" or something like that....I tried it a couple of days ago and my rate went down to $89. 70....the same as with no code at all.
Sometimes codes give a higher rate?
Here's another big THANK YOU!!!

I read about the ENTERTAIN code here when I booked my car for November. I thought the rate of $150.00 for a compact (Dodge Neon) was very affordable compared to what the others were offering. (Nothing under $200.00, most were OVER $250.00 for 5 days)

But I just checked again using ENTERTAIN and found the price went down to $108.00!! Savings of $42.00 for same car!

Thanks again! :D

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