


Are the elevaors on the ship small? Do they have ones just for people in wheelchairs or a I going to have a hard time getting my godson on an elevator? He is 14 but hs an adult sized wheelchair plus I have a 2 year old in a stroller or would I be better off sitting her on his lap to go places?
The elevators seemed pretty small to me. A wheelchair and a stroller might be a tight fit. The mid-ship elevators are a bit bigger but they have a peculiar shape; very narrow at the door, wider as you go back towards the glass.
You might want to sit her on his lap....unless he can guide the wheelchair himself.

The elevators are not the best...but the aft and forward elevators are not bad. The problem I ran into was the RUDE people trying to get on the elvators before the people getting off,
could get off. And if you go up to the elevator and press the button, wait for the elevator
for a long time, the elevator comes and people who have NOT been wating...walk on
in front of you and leave you standing there, waiting for the next elevator. I had this happen to me several times....and I finally had to say something to the people.

So, don't worry about it if you need the whole elevator for your family......just use it.

A typical problem with the elevators on the ships is that there are four elavators and they're controlled by pushing one of the two sets of buttons to signal that you want to go up or down.

You might push the button closest to you on the right side of the waiting area and the elevator on the far left might be the one to arrive. In order to watch all of the elevators, you'd have to stand farther back from all of the elevators and then be prepared to move briskly to the one that arrives.

On our Jan 19th cruise, I remember noting that one of the elevator banks that has a floor indicator above the doorway of each one wasn't working correctly or else it was stuck. But I can't remember which bank it was on.


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