Effective 2/25/2018, you need at least 75 direct points to qualify for Membership Extras

So, are we still able to ad don 25 point contracts ta this point, or is that a heck no? I was hoping to add on in June, but looks like, its now or never :/
You can still add on, but they may not have the points you want at your resort/UY.
Thanks. What is the best number to call to do this? I was hoping to add on with the man we did a tour with, but I cant find his information. I just remember his name was Cesar.
One way I could see them taking this whole thing, is that you only qualify for the membership benefits (TOWL, discounts, member events, etc) if you are staying on property with points purchased directly. That would really cause a ruffle!
LOL. That would make for super low crowds at the California Member Events!
This is my other issue. If I was going to do 100 points resale at ~$130pt +25 Add On for $185 (I think that's current BLT price) that's about $18,000. If I did 125 points direct that's over $23,000. As I said I just don't think I can find a small enough resale contract to do a 75 point Add On.
Are the prices for the older resorts going up at the end of Feb? I feel like I've read that somewhere but I can't remember where.
It already happened, prices went up in January.
Oh ok. Thanks!! Do you know how much per point cost VGF would be? I know it's a hard resort to come by. I've been looking at resale but now it may not make any difference since the direct purchase at the end of Feb is 75pts vs. the 25pts. Depending on the price I can just pay a bit more and waitlist myself for the exact UY / Points I want.
Oh ok. Thanks!! Do you know how much per point cost VGF would be? I know it's a hard resort to come by. I've been looking at resale but now it may not make any difference since the direct purchase at the end of Feb is 75pts vs. the 25pts. Depending on the price I can just pay a bit more and waitlist myself for the exact UY / Points I want.

Looks like $220/pt. Found the info on this site:http://dvcnews.com/index.php/dvc-pr...ssive-price-increases-coming-for-many-resorts
Oh ok. Thanks!! Do you know how much per point cost VGF would be? I know it's a hard resort to come by. I've been looking at resale but now it may not make any difference since the direct purchase at the end of Feb is 75pts vs. the 25pts. Depending on the price I can just pay a bit more and waitlist myself for the exact UY / Points I want.

It's 220 a point and doesn't seem to have an official waitlist that you can be added to.
I'm going to go repeat this to myself over and over; probably one of the healthier perspectives to maintain about DVC ownership.
At the same time, DVC is a whole lot of money to then be treated like a second class citizen.

It’s a club. But. It’s an even BETTER club if you know the secret handshake.

That would burn at me enough to offset making it feel like a good deal.
We were looking into buying a resale, but may wait now. But quick question - are the membership extra's that good or just ok?

They look great on paper but you have to spend more money to use them so you really won't be saving much. You can get a discount on food but you need to buy the food and Disney is still making a good profit or they wouldn't offer the discount. The AP discount is nice if you really are going to use it or are you spending more money to take an extra vacation to justify the AP purchase? Moonlight Magic events are nice but will you schedule an extra vacation just to attend? We attended the Epcot event and won't be going again. You also need to understand that just a fast as these perks were added, they can be removed or modified. It's like another vacation property that we owned, while selling, the place was kept over the top, added several extras, parities, beautiful grounds, an activity director, restaurants. After selling out the restaurants closed, the grounds lost all of their flowers, no parities, activity director, had to add extra security due to people breaking in and stealing stuff, plus the dues had major increases.

:earsboy: Bill

They look great on paper but you have to spend more money to use them so you really won't be saving much. You can get a discount on food but you need to buy the food and Disney is still making a good profit or they wouldn't offer the discount. The AP discount is nice if you really are going to use it or are you spending more money to take an extra vacation to justify the AP purchase? Moonlight Magic events are nice but will you schedule an extra vacation just to attend? We attended the Epcot event and won't be going again. You also need to understand that just a fast as these perks were added, they can be removed or modified. It's like another vacation property that we owned, while selling, the place was kept over the top, added several extras, parities, beautiful grounds, an activity director, restaurants. After selling out the restaurants closed, the grounds lost all of their flowers, no parities, activity director, had to add extra security due to people breaking in and stealing stuff, plus the dues had major increases.

:earsboy: Bill
so true!! Great points!
So, guide called me back and no june akv... asked if I wanted to wait list.. I haven't called back yet, and I am not sure I am going to worry about it... per Bills post I am not sure it would be that beneficial for us.... I will totally survive not having the perks.. although would be nice they do come at a cost and now raising to 75.. not worth it at least to me.
OK - dear Wife and I have 270 "direct from disney" points.

Now - for the benefit of NEW buyers..... would someone list these wonderful "extras", so that people can compare Direct from Disney, vs resale?
What, exactly, does that 2x cost GET you?
OK - dear Wife and I have 270 "direct from disney" points.

Now - for the benefit of NEW buyers..... would someone list these wonderful "extras", so that people can compare Direct from Disney, vs resale?
What, exactly, does that 2x cost GET you?
In the past 1.5 yrs

2 years of APs x4 (last ones upgraded for free from Gold to PAP)

Dec 2016 EPCOT DVC Christmas Party

May 2017 Pandora Sneak Preview.

Sept 2017 AK Moonlight Magic.

2017 TiW card.

EPCOT lounge.

I think it’s very worth it.

In May, my DD and I took a 3 night trip and on successive days : Last Wishes at MK, first HEA at MK, DVC preview at AK.

It was an amazing trip.
So, guide called me back and no june akv... asked if I wanted to wait list.. I haven't called back yet, and I am not sure I am going to worry about it... per Bills post I am not sure it would be that beneficial for us.... I will totally survive not having the perks.. although would be nice they do come at a cost and now raising to 75.. not worth it at least to me.
I would at 25 points, I'd think of it as insurance. I'd be surprised if they don't find them. Even if they don't and they do a formal wait list, they may grandfather you if they find them past the cutoff date.

IMO this was inevitable. But what it does do, which I'm sure is what DVD intends, is to make it unworkable to buy both resale and retail unless one is looking at 200 or more points or 2 different home resorts. It certainly makes the retail purchase unreasonable unless one truly can benefit from the perks. I am a little surprised it wasn't 50 or 100 but rather 75. Makes me wonder if they are reconsidering a VIP program.
New strategy for buying.

First, if you’re reading this and not a member yet (and it’s still before 2/25/18), but considering it: buy a 50 point contract now.

You have 10 days to rescind. At this point, I think there’s value to getting in and playing with the system while you’re under the gun for the 75 point minimum.

Take your own online tour. If you like it, great. If not, rescind.

(The 10 day rescind window adds a de facto 10 days to the process, so long as you get in before 2/25/18).
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After 2/25/18.

One thing here is that DVC removed the “buy resale first and then add on”. It no longer matters the order in which you buy, except to line up UY.

I believe that it’s going to have to be a deliberate choice to choose between aligned UYs under one contract or perks if you want between 100-200 points.

1. Find the resale contract of 25-125 points you want, pull the trigger.

2. The day your contract passes ROFR, buy a 75 point contract direct, same UY if avail, different if not.

3. Add new direct member number to pending resale contract if same UY (so can be combined).

This change removes the two-step dance of one contract, then another. It allows a bit of a cram down.
are the membership extra's that good or just ok?
We were fortunate enough to have bought our resale in 2015 - so we do get many perks. Did i consider the "perks" before we bought -- nope. I don't think i was aware of what was available for perks. We bought for the room discount so that we could stay in nicer accommodations at a more reasonable price. Although with having the perks I have used the AP discount, dining and shopping discounts- this coming year we are upgrading 2 to AP's and attending a moonlight magic and going to buy tables in wonderland to save 20% on dining. The moonlight magic is just a bonus and has no monetary value to us because we would be going to AK - party or not.

Having said all that -- our resale saved us a ton compared to direct pricing and even now compared to current resale prices. I think we are taking advantage of the perks because they are there, but by no means could i justify spending 40% more to get these discounts - that even over the course of 10-15 years probably wouldn't make up for what i would have spent extra buying direct. Hope that makes sense. Would we buy resale again in this current situation? -- likely yes. Discounts are great but consider what you would be saving compared to how much more you are paying direct. When you work the numbers many times it would not make sense to buy direct to get the perks -- just to save 10% on 4 people at dinner? it would take a LONG time to add up to what you would have spent.

I think many people are looking at the perks as "here to stay items" -- they can do away with them all next week and all these people would have scrambled to buy their direct add on before the increase all for what - maybe the possibility of getting a discount at a shop or to have spent $4000 for an add on to save $200 on AP (don't quote me on the numbers). The financials don't add up.

Imagine the points sales for this month!!
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