DVC Retirement Community?

Pretty depressing thread huh?!! Just think how old you will be in 2057!

Don't wanna even think about it. Unless they come up w/ some great new meds before then, I'll be long gone.
This has to be one of the funniest threads.....as I sit here drinking my prune juice before I go to bed
DVC will add some kind of outside elevator up to the other floors - hopefully larger than the lifts on the buses! We will have to practice parking!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
One bright side to this idea: OKW would probably have it's own seperate bus service since the entire bus needs to be capable of hauling all of us in our wheelchairs, scooters and walkers! This should cut down on the time we wait for busses.
* Batesville Casket company. I retired from there as an engineer.


So did you live or go to Batesville, Arkansas?? I lived Searcy for a while & had great friends in Batesville.

Back to the retirement center-

great thread!!

So did you live or go to Batesville, Arkansas?? I lived Searcy for a while & had great friends in Batesville.

Back to the retirement center-

great thread!!

I believe that Caskbill's signature says that he's from Indiana. That would place him at the Batesville near Aurora, IN, if I'm not mistaken. Been down there once before and almost hit a cow crossing the road. A different world down there! :)
I propose a new addition to the amenities offered at our DVC Retirement Community. How about a mini cosmetic surgery spa? Why not get rid of a few wrinkles and crows feet? A little lipo can tighten up those saggy tummy muscles, too. No more running out to the plastic surgeon, just do it at your resort-home and recuperate right there!

This is not just for the women, either! Look at what it has done for Kenny Rogers and Wayne Newton!!
just think they would have to restripe the whole resort parking blue. for us handicapped. funny stuff.

Ah, then you'll be welcome to my world. Remember parking the car is only half the battle when one uses an ECV or wheelchair. Next impediment is loading the thing into your vehicle. (Don't expect you'll be able to lift it at 75 either. Not unless the brainiacs of tomorrow come up with lightweight personal transport vehicles.)

Of course, by then I expect ECVs and powerchairs to be solar powered and self navigating. Wouldn't hurt to have some decent cup holders too. And they can rev up the engines to do a smooth 20mph. (They can currently top out at 8-12 mph.) Then all OKW needs is a special ECV road to everywhere Disney. No need for busses or cars then. Just tell your voice activated computer navigator where you want to go, sit back and open your digital newspaper (streamed to you inside your special sunglasses/computer viewscreen).

Powerchairs will also be able to climb steps then and stand up over the rude walkers who plant themselves right between you and whatever show is happening.

Won't they need to make all of the pools zero-entry pools so we can all just roll ourselves in?

Already a requirement of ADA. Any remodel of the pool area triggers this as long as it's not a simple patch & paint job. By all means they better give you guys a zero entry or else I can see a lot of gate crashers at SSR.

Which is the ironic thing in all this. SSR is designed to be a resort much more senior friendly. All those landscaped walkways, level ground, automatic doors and elevators in every building. I expect they'll have to replace a lot of toilets though. Knees don't bend as well at 70 as they did at 35.

Yes, this is what happens when one grows up with JRA. You start out life in an old person's body and just get more creative as the years progress. I'm constantly amazed at those young ABs who swore I made "such a big deal out of something" until they got old and discovered just how obstructive it was. Revenge is sweet.
Yes, this is what happens when one grows up with JRA. You start out life in an old person's body and just get more creative as the years progress. I'm constantly amazed at those young ABs who swore I made "such a big deal out of something" until they got old and discovered just how obstructive it was. Revenge is sweet.

Your positive posts and breezy attitude (on screen at least) are a credit to you and an inspiration to all. Thank you, and long may you continue to be the SSR champion :thumbsup2

PS The low level of US toilets amazes me - it's like going into freefall ;)
PS The low level of US toilets amazes me - it's like going into freefall ;)

That's progress for ya. Several hundred years ago, indoor plumbing (in those medieval monasteries) meant squatting over a hole in the floor. I figure we're just getting back to that. :yo-yo:

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