DVC LOS Contract add on ?


DIS Veteran
Jan 11, 2003
What if Disney offered DVC members the ability to add a " lenth of stay " add on contract with a selling price of $8.00 per point ($8.00 x 300 point contract = $ 2400.00 dollars per person) ?
Would that be a win/win DVC add on ? It would keep the sales force working after current DVC sites sell out.
not really sure what eactly you mean by this LOS add-on? can you explain what you would be getting for this money?

DVC would sell members theme park lenth of stay contracts so every time you visited a resort on points, your entry to any theme park/attraction would be free or pre-paid. The selling price would be be set depending on the amount of contract points you own, 300 point contract x $8.00 ( ? ) per point = one time fee of $2400.00 per person.
I think Disney and members could benefit ?
I'm still not quite sure how this would work. 300 points would be enough for a two bedroom for many times of the year. Two bedroom units hold 8 people. Are you suggesting that the "LOS contract" would cover all 8 of them???

What is the difference between the "LOS add on contract" and just purchasing LOS (UPH) passes at check in for a discount?

I really don't see how this could be priced to benefit both DVC members and Disney.
You would purchase the contract per person and it would be good for the lenth of your DVC contract. A family of three would spend $7200.00 for a life time pass, so to speak. Im not sure about the " fair price " , maybe $6.00 - $7.00 ?
I like the idea of a discount , pay up front and benefit in the future. Although it may empty resorts on the weekends, everyone would try and stretch a point out as far as possible.

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