drowning at Castaway Cay yesterday

I would like to think not. He quoted "anonymous" and the 2 "sketchy" people posting were both "anonymous" screen names. I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Just know that we've not heard of another death and I'm betting he is recovering. You did all that you could and you were in the right place at the right time to help him. Try not to beat yourself up, you are not responsible for his misfortune and in fact you are the reason he was pulled to safety. I hope you find peace and closure.
JimGA. I understand your concern with the odd postings however I am offended. My heart goes out to the mans family and I just need closure. I know you don't know me but I can assure you I have no interest on violating the family's privacy. I simply cannot sleep and am haunted by the fact that I didn't pull him up the minute I suspected something was wrong. Not all people are devious. :(

He did not mean you, he meant Anonymous0000.

JimGA didn't mean you. I'm sure of that. He was referring to the fisher. You gave an actual account of what happened, as you were there. The other person is just saying they're a "friend" without providing anything of substance, and they don't even know correct dates. Other sites show "anonymous" people trying to gather information too. It's all really fishy.
This upsets me to no end. I can't believe people can be so insensitive. I am totally skeptical now as to who I should even talk to. Somebody is asking for my number claiming he's a close friend. Should I just try calling the ship? I just need some closure. I am sick to my stomach that I didn't pull him out as soon as I saw him. It's haunting me and I can't sleep. I wish someone could help me. I have no interest in violating the family's privacy.
If it's that serious than you should seek professional help through your doctor an a psychologist. When in such a situation the last thing the family needs is relatives/friends crying to them that they feel so horrible. Trust me, I've been in the situation (fire in the house, Wife almost didn't make it) and the two things that bummed me most were people crying to me how awful they felt and seeking my help with their problems and lawyers on my voicemail to assist me with my contacts with the insurance company. While at that moment all I wanted was to be with my Wife and be left alone. She made it through, but it's not an episode we would like to do ever again.
They're fishing at CLN too, but claiming that the person who drowned was an employee of theirs.

I will probably get flamed for this, but was surprised to hear DCL had to pay out for the near drowning on the Fantasy (not sure if the CLN site is accurate). I thought with the statement of no lifeguards on duty they were clear just as say a hotel would be? Same here for SB beach, which has no lifeguards. It was a terrible tragedy, but DCL has stepped it up with lifeguards on board where other lines have not.

I would say I hope they shut this thread down, but based on recent history with the docking threads, a new one would probably replace it. Some of these posts just come off really strange.
... Somebody is asking for my number claiming he's a close friend. ...

Honestly -- do NOT give out your phone number. If someone wants to speak with you, they would provide contact details (including a name and I'd even try to make sure I could tie the name to any other phone/address/email provided before responding).

I recognize your desire for "closure." If you must, try contacting DCL. But don't be surprised if they cannot or will not give any information. It's not their place to do so.

Thank you for doing the best you could for the person. I hope you can take comfort in knowing you didn't just ignore him and did the best you could in the circumstances. Please speak with your doctor if you are having serious problems coping with the event. :hug:
Honestly -- do NOT give out your phone number. If someone wants to speak with you, they would provide contact details (including a name and I'd even try to make sure I could tie the name to any other phone/address/email provided before responding).

I recognize your desire for "closure." If you must, try contacting DCL. But don't be surprised if they cannot or will not give any information. It's not their place to do so.

Thank you for doing the best you could for the person. I hope you can take comfort in knowing you didn't just ignore him and did the best you could in the circumstances. Please speak with your doctor if you are having serious problems coping with the event. :hug:
Thank you
If it's that serious than you should seek professional help through your doctor an a psychologist. When in such a situation the last thing the family needs is relatives/friends crying to them that they feel so horrible. Trust me, I've been in the situation (fire in the house, Wife almost didn't make it) and the two things that bummed me most were people crying to me how awful they felt and seeking my help with their problems and lawyers on my voicemail to assist me with my contacts with the insurance company. While at that moment all I wanted was to be with my Wife and be left alone. She made it through, but it's not an episode we would like to do ever again.
Sorry to hear and thank you. I'm just going to try calling DCL
Honestly -- do NOT give out your phone number. If someone wants to speak with you, they would provide contact details (including a name and I'd even try to make sure I could tie the name to any other phone/address/email provided before responding).

I recognize your desire for "closure." If you must, try contacting DCL. But don't be surprised if they cannot or will not give any information. It's not their place to do so.

Thank you for doing the best you could for the person. I hope you can take comfort in knowing you didn't just ignore him and did the best you could in the circumstances. Please speak with your doctor if you are having serious problems coping with the event. :hug:

Jsimmet, I have been following this thread out of concern for the injured and/or deceased from the two recent events. I just wanted to add that I agree completely with Lanejudy's above post and just wanted to add a thank you for doing what you did in this circumstance. I think you should be proud you acted on instinct and helped to hopefully save his life.

All of this has also reminded me (1) to snorkel/swim in the ocean with a buddy at all times, and (2) to be watchful of those around me when in these situations. I understand how hard this must be for you, and sincerely hope you are able to find some peace.
I will probably get flamed for this, but was surprised to hear DCL had to pay out for the near drowning on the Fantasy (not sure if the CLN site is accurate).

I would bet they didn't "have to pay". They probably settled because a protracted lawsuit takes a long, long time and a lot of money. That and Disney has a history of trying to do the right thing in a lot of cases. I'm not saying they're perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but many companies settle out of court because it costs less. I worked for the largest company of its kind in the world for years in HR. Our SVP was the corporate lawyer. They settled a *lot* because it was cheaper, even if they were in the right.
surprised to hear DCL had to pay out for the near drowning on the Fantasy

I would bet they didn't "have to pay". They probably settled because a protracted lawsuit takes a long, long time and a lot of money. That and Disney has a history of trying to do the right thing in a lot of cases. I'm not saying they're perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but many companies settle out of court because it costs less. I worked for the largest company of its kind in the world for years in HR. Our SVP was the corporate lawyer. They settled a *lot* because it was cheaper, even if they were in the right.

I agree with phinz... out-of-court settlements occur all the time, often without officially accepting any "responsibility." It means DCL likely felt it would be less expensive to settle than go to trial. The fact that particular settlement didn't make big splashing headlines leads me to believe this was the situation.
Ohhhh, HIM! I would view his opinions with a grain of.....wait, I wouldn't even give them that much credence. His favorite ambulance to chase is the cruise industry.

But, I agree, he probably just does it because he knows that many of those cases will just be "settled", not actually any blame assigned.
I am so confused here. There was a drowning of a man on Serenity Bay, but now Anonymous0000 is saying that the man in the snorkeling lagoon also passed away?

Also, I find it very odd that he wants to speak in person. I smell a lawyer. Either way, I am sorry for his family and I hope they find peace and people aren't using his death as a quick payday. Society is so greedy and litigious these days, it's sad.

Or a very insensitive reporter.
I would bet they didn't "have to pay". They probably settled because a protracted lawsuit takes a long, long time and a lot of money. That and Disney has a history of trying to do the right thing in a lot of cases. I'm not saying they're perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but many companies settle out of court because it costs less. I worked for the largest company of its kind in the world for years in HR. Our SVP was the corporate lawyer. They settled a *lot* because it was cheaper, even if they were in the right.

I agree with phinz... out-of-court settlements occur all the time, often without officially accepting any "responsibility." It means DCL likely felt it would be less expensive to settle than go to trial. The fact that particular settlement didn't make big splashing headlines leads me to believe this was the situation.

You are both correct. My personal experience with a situation where I was injured did not happen on a DCL ship but another Disney property. They were very fair without accepting any liability. No lawyers were involved. That's about as much as I can say. I will say, lots of things happen and we will never know the outcome for several reasons. HIPPA is one and nondisclosure agreements is another.
JimGA. I understand your concern with the odd postings however I am offended. My heart goes out to the mans family and I just need closure. I know you don't know me but I can assure you I have no interest on violating the family's privacy. I simply cannot sleep and am haunted by the fact that I didn't pull him up the minute I suspected something was wrong. Not all people are devious. :(

Jsinmet, my post was not directed at you or others, it was more directed at the random "anonymous" posts.
Some have popped up on the Disney cruise line blog too, the co-workers.

It is really sad that now days we can't trust anyone when they post looking for information, or saying that I was right there. Reading this and other sites now, how do you tell who is genuine and who is a lawyer/reporter looking for a payday or story? Previously I thought these types of threads were ok, but this thread has definitely changed my mind.


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