We drive from Mass to Orlando twice each year and we have a DD who is now 3. We have a 7 inch tv w/ a VCR attached, we bring snacks and drinks of course and many video tapes. She luvs it, and me and DH look forward to it. We usually make good time and stop somewhere past Virginia. On average a good room will cost us about 80$. One rule my "D" H has is, we can't stop for food until we need gas, thank goodness dh is not potty trained yet. I luve the idea that I can pack as much as I want, Usually overpack, but feel much more secure that way. We usually get into Orlando around 2PM on 2nd day. We always arrive on Sunday and leave on Sat early AM due to hubby not wanting to drive the east coast during the week. We have gotten stuck in alot of traiffic in the past years especially from Washingtn on down. If you have kids, i highly recomment a combo tv/vcr. It will keep them very busy. And cost alot less then airfare. I use mine in my kitchen when its not in the van
When you wish upon a star...DVC will take you far...anything your heart desires....will come your way