Double Jogging Stroller, anybody heard of BOB?


Jul 28, 2000
We are in the market for a new stroller for our next WDW trip, and are thinking of purchasing a double jogger this time around. We've been looking at the new Kelty Deuce, and also at the BOB Sport Utility Stroller--both retail for around $400. Does anyone have experience with either of these two strollers? Opinions please!
Hi to another stroller hound - anyway I asked a similar question about a Babytrend double jogging stroller a few months ago in my search for the perfect stroller. Someone responded with the fact that it hurt their forearms after a while of pushing it. When I went to BabysRUs to test drive it - I saw her point. Everytime you turn, you have to lean down on the handle and "pop-a-wheelie" to move. I also tried a neighbor's outside and found the same thing - might be hard to manuever in a crowd. PRO - it is comfortable for all size kids and it pushes straight very easily. So, I know this is long and doesn't exactly answer your question, but I thought I'd give you my 2 cents and bump it up. There's still 31 days left before my trip - plenty of time to run out and get this BOB stroller. Oh, one more thing - did you try looking on web page - they have information on lots of strollers.


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