Double Dipping w/a Marine and a Mouse... (Update 9/123 pg25-Flying Home!)

According to one of the facebook updates I read, I believe they don't fly out until 4pm tomorrow which should get them in CA around 6PM or so (if they have a direct flight). Probably won't see her on her until Wednesday at the earliest.
you people dont know me well at ALL lol jk.. WE got it at around 730pm Cali time... got the boys all cleaned up and fed (I swear they act like they havent eatten all week LOL) then to bed school and work tmrw BLAh.... But I wanted to post and say ILL BE BACK... when I dont know.. but Ive got to finish before Nenner LOL this weekend im sure.. i plan on being very lazy. might need to book a massage or find a vacation to take from my vacation lol

night all
Well, technically your post reads 1:23AM on my end - so it's wednesday!!!! :rotfl:

From your facebook notes, it sounds like you were having a great time (for the most part). Every vacation has it's little trials and tribulations (especially when traveling with boys). Can't wait to read your trip report on this one!! BTW, did you tell the boys about finding their DS (they don't read this, right :upsidedow).
Today was our last day of vacation and so we all slept in, eventually I got up and got ready then rallied the troops to do the same. Then we headed to the Poly for breakfast at Kona Cafe. We took a bus to the MK, then a water taxi to the Poly.Guess I was way to hungry to tak food porn pics cuz I have none LOL. But I do know that I got the Big Kahuna where I fell in love with the pinapple pancake compote... I heard tons of rave reviews for the Tonga Toast and I was all ready to get it untill I read the Big K's description. Told myself NEXT TIME I would get the Tonga Toast LOL. E had steaks and eggs, P had Minnie’s pancakes, and J hadFrench toast. Everyone agreeded it was a great breakfast and we would definatly do it again you know.. NEXT TIME lol.

Once we were done we road the monorail around to the different resorts since we had time to kill... you know how the song goes "A 3hr Tour" .. ya well a 10min ride turned into an hour ride lol. Finally we get off at the Magic Kingdom after the rail in front of us broke down. We then hop on a bus back to the Pop.

Back in our room the boys and I change into our suits to hit the pool. We say goodbye to T and family as they are leaving today. After they left I put on another load or 2 of laundry (small washers $2 a load) then take the boys to the arcade while E takes a nap (said he still wasnt feeling well), while they are there I check us into our flight at the consierge desk, along with get our time to meet for Magical Express tmrw to take us to the airport. I head back to find my kiddies still at the arcade (good the listened when I said DO NOT LEAVE HERE LOL like they would LOL)


I find the boys still playing games in the arcade and E has joined them (ya I knew mentioning games he woud feel better LOL) I sit in the arcade and read my book while they finish playing. OK as WE all finish playing, what they had some cool games there lol







Look at that determination.

HMM wonder where he gets it from?

guess both of us lol








We all racked up a lot of Tix's that the boys got another junky toy of some sort LOL.

After we had cashed out and the boys had got something some lady gave E her ticket recepit of almost 300 tix. But since the boys cashed out already we didnt want to wait for them to pick out more stuff that we had no room for so, E did the weirdest thing... he said here just keep it.. "FOR NEXT TIME" what have I worn off on him, had he had a great time that he would do this again.. or did he just know me well enough that if I said it enough he knew I would get my way????

As we are leaving we notice the hot day has turned grey and its POURING AGAIN! So we stop and get something to eat since we had an abondance of snack and counter credits still left to use up. P had a pizza, me a turkey chibata samich. J some choc milk. The boys spot a penny presser machine and who can say no to a 51cent souviner?


ok this one was a quarter presser a lil more expensive but still cheap in my book compaired to half the stuff they bought lol

Trying to deceide who gets to push the money in and who gets to hit the button (seriously this happened so many times)..

We wait out the storm a bit and head back to our room. Once there it has slowed down raining but still but the boys wanna hit the pool, so off we all go. They play in the pool in the rain while I sit under the umbrella. We werent the only crazying in the pool at this time, nope we had company with 2 other crazy families. I let them stay for about and hour then tell them its time to get out.

We head back to the room, they shower and change and do some more homework, along with take a lil rest. I shower and change and E and I start repacking all our crap. Have to make sure its under 50lbs that was like a job in it self.. something was a bit too much in that one, take it out move it to another, shuffle stuff around, in the end, We had 3 suitcases packed to the GILLS with stuff, a hanging suit case that at the begining could fold and close, but now its so stuffed it cant. We now have 4 carryons AND a camera case and the laptop case.... I tell myself mentally... NEXT TIME this will not happen I will put another suitcase in the ones we carry and pay for an extra bag.

Once we finished getting ready its now time to head to dinner. Hop on a bus to Animal Kingdom as it was the 1st one that came, then jump on a bus to Saratoga Springs. From there we have dinner at the Turf Bar and Grill. Apparently I didnt take pics, I could have sworn I did.. but cant see any.. oh well.. Ill just describe it to ya. Yummy steak for me.. but the sauce was nasty. E had the prime rib.. it was out of the world and Im not a big prime rib fan, but after tasting his I knew I should have gotten that even though my steak was cooked just right it was just the glaze on top that ruined it for me. The boys had what else a pizza for J and a burger for P (did you think they really would go out of the norm for them lol. Dessert was choc lava cake for me, and build your own sundies for the boys. After we were fully stuffed we headed to the water taxi to go downtown. Once here we hop on a bus back to the pop. E Is now extreamly tired of busses, boats, and trains as J called it (monorails LOL) we head home and finish packing the last min odds and ends

…. Oh ya but before that, I loose my kttw card. Have to go back down to guest service to get a new one.. why care about getting a new once since we are leaving in the am... well becuase we still have those 3 days of park tix's on them and cant have someone find my card and use them, let a lone charge on it. Thankfully no one has by the time I head to guest services. Im thinking I just packed it up BUT better safe then sorry. (btw when we get home I did find it stuffed in somewhere)

We watch the Suite Life of Zack and Codey for about 45mins then turn off the tv around 1130pm as tmrw is another long day that starts way to early…. 545 wake up call to get to the airport uggg.. and I know that damn Mouse is going to be way to peppy when all I want to do is sleep.

NEXT UP: Off we go into the wild blue yonder
Looks like you had such a nice lazy day! :thumbsup2

Love E goin' old skool playing Ms Pac Man! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

You are totally going to beat me.
10-7 Tuesday

(apparently I didnt take 1 single pic this day.. why would I it was the saddest day ever! so sorry if its a bit boring without any eye candy :lmao:)

I got up before the wake up call even went off and hopped into shower, as I was getting out I heard the phone ring and then it stopped. A while later it rang again then stopped. I go into the room and E said that Mickey called twice which was weird. We brushd if off and E went to get into the shower. I started packing last min stuff up and then there was a knock at the door. I was bewildered at who it could be at 6am. Tonya was gone, so who the heck could be at the door???? SO what does anyone wrapped in just a towel alone with sleeping kids do.. ANSWERs It LOL.

When I look out the peep hole I see a CM ona Segway. I yell through the door can help you. The CM yells someone called for a wake up call. I shouted Yes thank you we answered it 2times. She shouts back, well I cant leave until I can see that someone is UP. IM yelling through the door IM up. Again she yells Mama I cant leave until I see someone.. So I open the door a crack and say thank you and close it. LOL She then yells thank you and leaves. WEIRD!

As E gets out I tell him what happens and he shakes his head in disbelife. By now P is up and asking whats going on.. oh nothing just giving a CM a cheap show LOL. He gets ready, we finish packing up the bags then the 3 of us head down with out luggage and check it in. I run back to our room get J dressed, P comes back and we gather up all the carry on stuff to take down to meet the bus.

No clue why I showered Im now sweating and hair is all frizzy from the humity.. ya this is going to be a fun ride back. Not to mention the boys are still sleepy.. woohoo cant wait to get on that 4hour plane ride. So the boys and I run back with our carryons.. and E tells us we just missed the bus,.. WHAT? But he says we can get on the next bus in 20mins. You mean I ran for nothing? He laughs… I don’t. Now my hair is a mess, Im sweating and I got up early for a shower for NOTHING.

Oh well guess we can grab some chow since we still have a but load of snack and counter service to use up. I get a rockstar bagel and cream cheese. P gets corn flakes and a milk, E a crossant and jelly, and J chocolate milk. Get a couple rice crispy treats to take on the flight and another Rockstar for me. We eat in record time and then go out to meet the bus. A 45min drive on the “magical express” (which by the way aint magical if your going home.. the should name it the “depressing express”) Which on the way they are playing the movie of thanks for visiting bla bla and at 630am NO one wants to hear that. Just turn it off leave us to our silence and memorys.

Once off the DE (depressing express) we through security which my family have become pros at and even start helping others by handing out bins. Since we gave our luggage to the DE we dont have to worry about anything but the milions of carry ons we have. In the Orlando Airport we take the tram over to our gate and wait for them to call our loading zone. The boys of course are starving again… so the see a pretzel and beg for it, ok fine hand over $5 they run off to get it and after a bite they discover it taste nasty. Great $5 down the drain.

Finaly get our boarding # called and off we go to load into our plane. We drag all our stuff and throw it in the overhead bins and under our seats. Relax for an hour P and I sit together I have the window. E and J are together in the seats ahead of us and E has the window. P and I read, E and J slept.. must have been the seats LOL. Before we know it we are touching down (which by the way was a hard landing into the HOTlanta, it was cloudy raining and overcast but the pilot must have thought the ground was farther then what it was. Oh joy he tells us he is also going to be flying our connecting flight to San Diego. Great Ill be sure to file my whiplash complaint now. )

Once off the plane we run through the concourse (which I have found to be a ritual for me since I was little, I was/am always running for my connecting flight in that airport. Oh well 2 times running in 1day.. I should have ran off that 10lbs I have gained while on vacation in no time at this speed LOL) J by this time is extremely tired. And begins crying for us to carry him… sorry dude you and your brother bought too much stuff and Im carrying all that. No room to carry you also. More crying. We finally get to our gate.. wouldn’t you know it all the way to the end just our luck. E picks him up and he stops crying.

They start loading asap, we had #5 but I said hello I have kids I need to get them settled asap, so they let us with some hesitation… DUMB AIRTRAN! Get settled and E puts J in the middle seat and him at the window. Well he had the middle seat already and wanted the window. So he being extremely tired starts crying and whining. E starts yelling at him.. I tell E just switch with the kid and as soon as the seatbelt sign comes on switch back he will be fine with that…. He tells me to mind my own business and I tell him some other choice words along with fine you deal with him then and now I know my vacation is officially OVER… no more happiest place ever.

P and I have a nice time talking behind them which I have given him the window seat. After a few mins of J’s whining we see them switching places and him in a GREAT mood.. E not so much but ya know I DON’T CARE. Once in the air I work on my trip report, P finishes up the las of his homework and J and E work on his.

We land in Sunny San Diego pick up our 27bags from baggage claim and wait on the curb for my mom. A few mins later we hop in the car, we are all exhausted, its noon now in Cali, but we have adjusted to the time change so its really 3pm and we have been up forever so we werent that cheerful when moms came. We gave her a quick run down and the boys told her how the cruise was. We grab some food and head home, cuz tmrw the party is over kids go back to school, and Im back to work. E was off a few more days.

Overall we had a great time, 1 out of 10 with 10 being the best, we all give it a 11. To this day (almost a year later) the boys till talk about the cruise being the best vacation ever. They tell there friends about it, E tells his buddys to do it and my friends now think I am some obsessed Disney Freak now... ok I am! There I said it!

NEXT UP: Recap, Tips, and thoughts for NEXT TIME? :rolleyes1
So you aren't done yet?

(that means I still have a chance..:rolleyes1)

LMAO...remind me I don't need a wake up call when I am in WDW next month..LMAO I totally would have ignored the weirdo segway chick.

I didn't take hardly any pictures the last night either.

And time! :thumbsup2
"Off we go into the Wild Blue Yonder" - thinking about your AF friends?:goodvibes

I'm really glad you actually came home before you left for THIS YEAR'S trip!:rotfl2: I didn't TOTALLY beat you...but I kindof did, right???:rolleyes1

Nice try, huh. :rotfl: I guess I owe you a Konk Kooler...on me! :goodvibes
Our report caught my eye because my husband was a Marine ( I know once... always or something like that). It took me awhile to read, but I enjoyed very minute of it. Thanks for sharing your cruise with us. It was a fabulous report. Loved it! :thumbsup2


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