Does your DVC home resort really matter?

I just feel that I have to jump in and say that sometimes you are "given" points. I went on a waiting list for VGF in early March for my April UY. My guide called me 5 days before 4/1 to tell me that the waitlist has come through. I received 2014 points, which he assured I could bank. Points were in the system the following day and I banked them 4 days before the end of my use year.

If Disney didn't care, they could have waited 3 business days and not given me 2014 points.
You were not given anything. You purchased during your 2014 UY, so you got the 2014 points. Period. Disney was not trying to be kind; they were only doing what they are required to do by law.

Sure, they could have waited a few days, but they would have run the risk of you canceling. That's a no-brainer for any sales organization -- "A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush."

The only "gift" you received was being allowed to bank your points after the banking deadline. That's a legitimate benefit -- although you also have to realize that those points would have been absolutely worthless in five days.

But the claim that a purchaser got something for nothing in situations like this is really silly, and it's very misleading for prospective buyers reading these posts.
You were not given anything. You purchased during your 2014 UY, so you got the 2014 points. Period. Disney was not trying to be kind; they were only doing what they are required to do by law.
I guess it depends how you define purchase date. Contracts were signed (on my part), in April! Not sure there was a paperwork prep date, which would have been late March.
I just feel that I have to jump in and say that sometimes you are "given" points. I went on a waiting list for VGF in early March for my April UY. My guide called me 5 days before 4/1 to tell me that the waitlist has come through. I received 2014 points, which he assured I could bank. Points were in the system the following day and I banked them 4 days before the end of my use year.

If Disney didn't care, they could have waited 3 business days and not given me 2014 points.
The point they are making is it's part of the system and how it works, not something that DVC does out of benevolence. You paid retail for that option, a resale purchase could have easily had the same number of points (already banked) or in some cases, last years banked points as well which obviously wouldn't be helpful 4 days out.
I guess it depends how you define purchase date. Contracts were signed (on my part), in April! Not sure there was a paperwork prep date, which would have been late March.
For an April UY it could have been 31 March with the current rules. Normally they honor when you reach an agreement if it's ahead of the actual signature date.
IMO buying VGF for the purpose of staying elsewhere a significant portion of the time is a less than perfect choice.

Being someone who bought (got a loan) direct at Bay Lake in 2009 and I've only just recently booked at Bay Lake, I gotta say I agree. It seemed just fine for a few years, but when I went to book recently, for the first time at 11 months of course, I realized how silly it had been to do that. We've paid Bay Lake prices for some great trips, but the trips have been at OKW, SSR, and a few days at BW, Jambo and Kidani villas, VWL...

I've also been told that I am quite unlikely to get a couple of nights at a DLR hotel for late March/early April next year.

You've been told by Disney that you're unlikely to be able to use points at a DL hotel for that time?

They REFUSE to stay at Saratoga. That's all that's available. They want either their homes (BWV/BCV) or BLT.

Jersey Week coincides with Wine&Dine Half it seems. SSR is probably going to go soon, so if they are at all willing to stay there, they'll want to snag something, because that's a host resort for the race. Heck, I even tried to change from SSR to OKW (a non-host resort) last year, but after a certain point there was just nothing.
Being someone who bought (got a loan) direct at Bay Lake in 2009 and I've only just recently booked at Bay Lake, I gotta say I agree. It seemed just fine for a few years, but when I went to book recently, for the first time at 11 months of course, I realized how silly it had been to do that. We've paid Bay Lake prices for some great trips, but the trips have been at OKW, SSR, and a few days at BW, Jambo and Kidani villas, VWL...
Thanks for posting that personal experience. I know some take offense at these positions but I think those that do fail to realize 2 issues. One is that these issues almost always come up in the context of a new or possible purchase where they may have real options as well and the other that a lot of people read that do not post routinely. The other question is whether buying DVC makes sense at all for a given potential member. Fortunately even the worse choices are a lot less than many make with other timeshares where it may literally be all of the money down the drain. I've also seen many issues that were even worse such as the timeshare company taking another timeshare in "trade" but they didn't change it to their name and thus the new buyer now owns both and owes the dues on both.
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Thanks for posting that personal experience. I know some take offense at these positions but I think those that do fail to realize 2 issues.

Glad to help. And if anyone has paid any attention over the years, my feelings about it have changed a bit as time went on. I still say that there's no way we could or would have bought in without that loan, but the loan (and despite some extra payments we have not paid it off in the timeframe we fully intended to pay it in) has colored my view on it. Thinking long term, it'll all be a blip, but right now it's not a blip.

And finally using the 11 month mark is what really shined a light on the fact that we've ONLY booked at 7 months (or less) since 2009, and it just feels ridiculous. :)

Toffeewoffy (how I adore that username!) is likely too late, but hey, VGF looks amazing, but maybe someone else can see my 6-years-later feelings and see another side of the dodecahedron that buying into DVC can feel like.
I have never had a significant problem with a non-home resort. Wait list to allow them to move a day at a time and not the whole trip at once. It is a little bit of juggling, but it is pretty rare when I do not have the entire trip moved over by the time I need to go. If not we do have to bounce between resorts on the trip but that can be fun if you plan it right.
I have never had a significant problem with a non-home resort. Wait list to allow them to move a day at a time and not the whole trip at once. It is a little bit of juggling, but it is pretty rare when I do not have the entire trip moved over by the time I need to go. If not we do have to bounce between resorts on the trip but that can be fun if you plan it right.

For some they may not mind taking a chance on a waitlist or having to do a split stay.
Based on recent booking patterns and availability getting what you want at 7 months is getting more difficult.

For others who don't like to play that game, buy where you love to stay.

:earsboy: Bill
For some they may not mind taking a chance on a waitlist or having to do a split stay.
Based on recent booking patterns and availability getting what you want at 7 months is getting more difficult.

For others who don't like to play that game, buy where you love to stay.

:earsboy: Bill

Just curious if you can point me to any data that shows this is getting more difficult. Our most recent trip last year was during spring break and Beach Club is not our home resort and we were able to get a 2 BR without any issue. I was worried given the busy time of year. I'd love to review the data myself as we plan our next trip because we almost never stay at VWL which is our home due to the age of our kids now.

This is also why I struggle with buying where you love to stay because we did that when we bought...... and our kids were 4 and under. They loved MK. Now they prefer Epcot and Studios. This has now officially changed where we love to stay. I think over a 5 decade plus contract it is too much to assume that where you love to stay will never change.
Just curious if you can point me to any data that shows this is getting more difficult. Our most recent trip last year was during spring break and Beach Club is not our home resort and we were able to get a 2 BR without any issue. I was worried given the busy time of year. I'd love to review the data myself as we plan our next trip because we almost never stay at VWL which is our home due to the age of our kids now.

This is also why I struggle with buying where you love to stay because we did that when we bought...... and our kids were 4 and under. They loved MK. Now they prefer Epcot and Studios. This has now officially changed where we love to stay. I think over a 5 decade plus contract it is too much to assume that where you love to stay will never change.

More posts of people upset having problems booking at 7 months, personal observations on availability, and the mathematical fact that Disney continues to add new owners who will be booking at 7 months with everyone else.

In addition, Disney is spending big money to create reasons for people to vacation all year long. Creating special celebrations, extending hard ticket event dates, pretty soon we will have Star Wars month, and a Disney run every couple of weeks.

:earsboy: Bill
I bought a resale on the cheap I did not know any details about the 7th and 11th windows. So I bought the SSR bc it was cheaper and lasted longer. I ended up buying a 30 point add on at vwl and bwv mainly due to price again. Now I have never sayed at SSR never plan on it maybe tree house villa one day. I ran into my first 7th month issue for my oct trip and it made me wish I had bought differently. Now I waant to Add on again and its not really worth adding to any resort expect to SSR unless I sell everything and rebuy. So 30 or 60 points never helps for the 11 month window so I decided I am stuck with SSR and with booking at 7 months. I will just adjust my travel times to after spring break and end of August or early September. Any other time better start wanting to stay at SSR.
I have never had a significant problem with a non-home resort. Wait list to allow them to move a day at a time and not the whole trip at once. It is a little bit of juggling, but it is pretty rare when I do not have the entire trip moved over by the time I need to go. If not we do have to bounce between resorts on the trip but that can be fun if you plan it right.
I do believe it has gotten more difficult the last few years and for one simple reason, SSR. IMO even the 11 month window at other resorts has been affected by SSR due to the ripple effect. However, I agree with you that the 7 month window is still very workable if one is realistic and plans ahead. There are 2 problems with the "buy where you want to stay" philosophy. One is it can be very expensive insurance, so much so that it moves many to a situation where owning really doesn't make sense. The other is that unless one wants a single resort most of the time AND plans at 11 months out OR buys at several resorts, it really doesn't move many far enough ahead to justify the expense. That's esp true for new buyers who don't know where they want long term anyway even if they think they do.
For those who really don't care where the stay then buy at the least expensive DVC resort and take your chances should you want to stay somewhere else. Heck don't buy DVC at all and save money by booking a value room.

If you are particular about your resort and want to stay there then buy there at a premium and be happy.

For our family spending thousands on a Disney vacation and hoping to get to stay where we want doesn't make sense. Part of our very expensive Disney vacation is staying at a wonderful Disney themed resort with a wonderful Disney view. The room for us is as important as going to the parks, maybe more so.

:earsboy: Bill
For those who really don't care where the stay then buy at the least expensive DVC resort and take your chances should you want to stay somewhere else. Heck don't buy DVC at all and save money by booking a value room.

If you are particular about your resort and want to stay there then buy there at a premium and be happy.

For our family spending thousands on a Disney vacation and hoping to get to stay where we want doesn't make sense. Part of our very expensive Disney vacation is staying at a wonderful Disney themed resort with a wonderful Disney view. The room for us is as important as going to the parks, maybe more so.

:earsboy: Bill
Bill, I'd suggest that only a small minority will actually use a membership in that way. The rest either want to stay here and there over time and/or don't have enough experience to make an informed decision in this area (basically all new buyers). Really only current experienced owners, VERY experienced renters and those who have been around DVC a lot (parent owned for example) will have enough knowledge and experience to know this information and only a much smaller subset of those will actually care enough to spend the extra $$$ that's often 5 figures or more. One might add to that GF or Poly people who would only look at DVC because it was at their fav anyway. Didn't it take you 3 times yourself so far to arrive at a true favorite? We agree that those whee it's that important and can afford it should buy the ultimate choice such as VGF, I think where we disagree is that IMO this is the ONLY group that should do so. I believe it's far better to make a $15K mistake than a $30K one (up front costs) or more realistically, a $2000 mistake than a $8000 one looked at from the standpoint of buying then reselling fairly soon because it wasn't the best fit.
We originally bought at OKW/SSR because of the price and then ended up buying at BWV because of the location. So these days we book BWV right at 11 months (what a pain it was to get 4 weeks in Oct/Nov) and then use our SSR/OKW to try out other resorts, this year its PVB (and that was booking up right away at 7 months).
We also purchased in 2009. Our trips have changed and we love our home resort more today than we did when we purchased (AKV). We like staying there and enjoying the pool, amenities and animals. We will get our 3 FP+ in each day but come back to the villa and relax. We enjoy the balcony which we never had at Pop. We enjoy listening to the CMs talk about their life in Africa. It is like a resort within a resort.

We spent one night at BLT 10-31-13. Had a terrific room with a partial MK/Lake view and could watch HalloWishes from the balcony since we didn't go to MSSHP that night. But alas even with the view and location...DH's audible sigh just ahead of mine when we pulled up to the entrance set the stark and kinda uninviting, no real landscape or color, once out of the car the CMs were great. The room was clean and lovely...but the shower head was too much and with the draft in there the curtain would blow in and stick to your skin. That creeped us both out. Then the walk over to the Wave for breakfast seemed long when we were used to Boma just inside the lobby. I mean these are truly ticky things but together they change your experience and impression. I had wanted to try each resort and DH is a purist, but went along for the ride that night. At times I tease him that we are going to stay somewhere else...I get the look...and grin because BLT sealed my fate....AKL forever.

Can't wait to be home in 25 days.
Bill, I'd suggest that only a small minority will actually use a membership in that way. The rest either want to stay here and there over time and/or don't have enough experience to make an informed decision in this area (basically all new buyers). Really only current experienced owners, VERY experienced renters and those who have been around DVC a lot (parent owned for example) will have enough knowledge and experience to know this information and only a much smaller subset of those will actually care enough to spend the extra $$$ that's often 5 figures or more. One might add to that GF or Poly people who would only look at DVC because it was at their fav anyway. Didn't it take you 3 times yourself so far to arrive at a true favorite? We agree that those whee it's that important and can afford it should buy the ultimate choice such as VGF, I think where we disagree is that IMO this is the ONLY group that should do so. I believe it's far better to make a $15K mistake than a $30K one (up front costs) or more realistically, a $2000 mistake than a $8000 one looked at from the standpoint of buying then reselling fairly soon because it wasn't the best fit.

Took us several years to learn from our mistakes and I hope that sharing may keep others from making our same mistakes.

:earsboy: Bill
Took us several years to learn from our mistakes and I hope that sharing may keep others from making our same mistakes.

:earsboy: Bill
Information is always good but I fear you're encouraging many to make larger mistakes than you did by suggesting they overbuy.
We have got to the point where we have enough points at 3 home resorts we love to only ever do home resort stays and I have to say I love the peace of mind of having our rooms locked in at 11 months. That doesn't mean we will never swap at seven months we have several times for a treehouse and a few BLT stays but it is no longer a source of stress. We move if something is available and are happy to keep what we booked at 11 months if not. Our home resorts have become more important to us over time

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