Does anyone have a map of the Campground loops

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
I'm referring to the one they give you at check in. I've lost mine, and we're thinking of just doing a full hookup, not a preferred loop and I want to be able to look and get "a feel" for loops and locations. I'm going to be making reservations soon for August and thanksgiving, so any help will be appreciated greatly!! We stayed in 1442 last time, we have no complaints, just thought we might save a couple of bucks. Thanks
If you don't want a preferred site try loops 800 or 900. They are close to the Meadows and the campfire program and the pool. We stayed in 800 a few years back, and really liked it. It is also about the same distance from the settlement as 1400. We have stayed in 1300 also, but a little far away from activities, but a nice playground by that loop. If you are planning on renting a golf cart the distance shouldn't make a difference. We always take our bikes for transportation, so we like to be a little closer. Hope this helps.



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