Does anyone else have a huge binder with tons of papers...


#1 Grand Floridian Fan/Expert
Jan 27, 2001
in it? I have this huge 3-ring binder with tons of Disney Papers in it (confirmations, floor plans, resort pictures, menus, etc).

Does anyone else have something like this?

Have you ever taken it with you?

I can just imagine me plopping this huge thing down on the front desk and sifting through it, and a CM standing there with a very confused look!

~°o°~ CaliforniaDreaming ~°o°~
WL, CSR, GF, and CR!!!
mine started as a small disney store bag full of brochures a friend brought home from her trip. Now, its 1 big disney store bag, a passporter, a binder, and 3 manilla envelopes filled with wdw stuff. My dh threatens to throw it all away if he finds it spread out on our bed again. :D :D

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
No, I have a Disney File BOX!, loaded with everything you mentioned and more. I'm doing a lot of research on this site and printing lots of info, maybe a little too much. I'm a little confused right now and hope that I'm not planning too much. Looking forward to going to the Polynesian June 23! Thanks for letting me realizing I'm not CRAZY as my dear hubby keeps telling me.
Got the three ring binder and the pages have all been protected. The family made fun of me when they saw it, but while on vacation in the evening when checking/planning for the next day, they called it the BIBLE. They couldn't believe all the information that I had.
Yes, I have the sheet protectors, too! Go through those boxes of them pretty quickly, too! I'm about ready to start on binder #2! My back is going to be killing me!

~°o°~ CaliforniaDreaming ~°o°~
WL, CSR, GF, and CR!!!
This thread is so funny!I thought I was the only one! When the kids got new binders this year for school, I got myself a brand new one too that zips all the way around. I can't believe the amount of paper I print out....even if it's just a few key sentences. I also have the Passporter,but haven't written anything in it yet. :)
I thought I was the only one who was using a Notebook from DD school stuff!lol!! It was the only way I could keep things organized!

But I found I didn't use any of the coupons I printed[and i printed a big bunch!! But trying to drive to anything was so hard we gave up!!

Every place you want to go is on the LEFT!! How can that be??

It's nice to know that I'm not alone!! I started with a small folder.... I had to upgrade to a large file with Velcro closure from Staples! I still have a way to go even before I'm done!!
I had a 3-ring notebook that I had filled with all sorts of info before our trip on 4/8 - I was so proud of my notebook and my family joked and made fun of me but let me tell you something, that thing sure did come in handy with all the tips and park info I had in there and they were all glad that I had taken the time to make it and bring it along on our trip! My girlfriend wants to take her family next year and has asked if she can borrow it from me, but I'm secretly hoping I too will be able to return next year, DH wants to do the beach or something different but I'm sure I can get the kids to vote for WDW with me - don't tell him! :D :D :D :D :D :D
I have a 3 ring binder too! My husband thought I was nuts but we took it along and it really helped out!

1993 - Off Site
01/27/01 - YC - 7 days
02/03/01 - 7 day Magic Cruise
Next WDW trip Dec. 2001
Thank goodness for that!

DW has "roughed" everything out on paper for me to type up at the office - sorry boss!

The trouble is that I'm spending soooo much time on the boards getting more tips and info that I haven't done it all yet! - LOL

(sorry DW) - :eek:

i have a binder, a three subject notebook, a file in the computer. and all of the other miscellaneous stuff stashed in my breifcase that i dont need since i quit working! good to here i am not alone!!!


You bet! When I planned our first big trip in '98, I held a (don't laugh!) planning meeting, since there were 3 different "family groups" going. You should've heard the abuse I got when I pulled out my big binder! LOL

But when we were at WDW, and I was the only one who knew what was going on and they realized that I'd planned a pretty great trip, they were bowing and calling me the Planning Queen! :D

One of my favorite things in my binder is a zip-closure nylon pocket (like a kid's pencil holder, I guess!) where I store all of the tickets, confirmations, etc. for the trip. It has the holes for a 3-ring binder, and I can take it out with us for the trip.

My binder also has a zip-close clear cover, and I've decorated it with photos, stickers, etc. from WDW. It makes planning even more fun!


Offsite '78
ASMu 10/98
PO 2/99
ASMo/Poly/PO 9/99
Contemporary 9/00
Poly 9/01
VWL 12/01
LOL - Its good to know Im not alone - I think my MIL will definately think Ive gone overboard when she sees my 15 Disney folders. I have a folder for Wilderness Lodge, a planning folder, budgeting, PS meals, counter service meals, folder for each park, general park folder, SeaWorld folder, Kennedy folder, etc etc. When I read anything about Disney on the puter I make a note and stick the scrap of paper in its designated folder. Then I take all my notes (sometimes dupes) and type them up on the puter. This gets alot of the clutter out of each folder. Husband and son know these folders exist but MIL doesnt know yet
Dont forget my itinerary folder or my transportation folder. Am I taking them with me? Most likely yes. I'll have notes for the parks and meals, and I'll have notes to keep in the room.
I have a knapsack!! In it is all my brochures, notes, guide books etc. - its a grab and go kinda thing. And I have a spreadsheet on my pc with many different pages ie budget, itnerary, packing list, confirmation numbers etc. - this is my whole trip in one place.

I have worn out one copy of the Orlando AAA book and one copy of the 2001 Unofficial WDW guide book already.

Here's another question for everyone - how many Disney related websites do you have bookmarked on your pc?? I will plead the 5th on that one!

<font color="#0000FF" face="Arial" size="3">~CynJ</font></p>

   <img border="0" src="" width="31" height="31"></p>

<a href=""><font color="#0000FF" face="Arial" size="1">Visit my DIS site!</font></a></p>

<font color="#FF00FF" face="Arial" size="1">Sep '01 Doubletree Suites Orlando Maingate

Mar '89 Caribbean Beach Resort</font>
I just oerdered it from thier website. It is a very informative planner that you can keep all of your important info in. It looks like a daily planner.
I began with a 3 ring binder few years ago but now I am using my visor PDA for trip planning. I download 3 channels from park hours, Menus from Around the World (from wdwig) and INTERCOT's Disney World News. I use "Time Travel" software to manage my itinerary, this program come with a countdown clock, so by turning on my visor and tap the software icon I know how many days and hours left before my WDW trip, I don't have to wait for my computer to boot up or go to some website to find my countdown clock. I input resort confirmation number & PS number into "Memo Pad", use "Date Book" to plan each day's agenda and use "Expense" to keep track of my expense report. Just about all the information I need is in my visor, I even write my TR during lunch or dinner. PDA is much smaller and light weight to carry than a 3 ring binder.
In my PC I have 9 Disney links in my "favorites" folders, a spreadsheet with budgets, over 20 electronic maps including WDW, Disneyland, all the parks, water parks, downtown disney, the boardwalk, english and spanish.
In my PDA (Palm Pilot) i have a file of "Tips" which I update when I read a good one in this forums, and a WDW To Go Guide (using Avantgo) with updated information of schedules, transportation, restaurants, etc.

<font face="Tahoma" size="4"><table width="500" cellpadding="6"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFCC00">Saludos desde <font color="#008000">Me</font><font color="#FFFFFF">xi</font><font color="#FF0000">co</font>! ... wish it were <font color="#FFFF00">Epcot's.</font>

Disneyland 91
Disneyland Paris 93
WDW Offsite 97
WDW Dixie Landings 99</font></td></tr></table></font>

It's great to see we are such wonderful planners!

~°o°~ CaliforniaDreaming ~°o°~
WL, CSR, GF, and CR!!!


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