Do you tell your friends/family you own DVC or keep it private?


If the apocalypse comes, beep me.
Apr 5, 2024
I'm curious to see how other people tend to handle this, as I myself am very nervous to tell anyone about the resale contract we are in the process of purchasing (in the middle of ROFR). I'm fearful for judgement we'll receive for spending this kind of money on DVC and being labeled Disney Adults in a negative way, haha.
I'm curious to see how other people tend to handle this, as I myself am very nervous to tell anyone about the resale contract we are in the process of purchasing (in the middle of ROFR). I'm fearful for judgement we'll receive for spending this kind of money on DVC and being labeled Disney Adults in a negative way, haha.
This type of question comes up on the boards everyone once in a while. If doing a search you'll see a ton of opinions on this. For us in general we don't go out of our way to let friends or family know. Either its money, why Disney, what do you do on each trip, etc., etc., etc. We like DVC, enjoy the rides, restaurants, and couldn't be bothered with why others might feel differently.

About the only time we talk about it is if someone has a genuine interest as a potential DVC buyer. Usually in that first few minutes listening to them you can get a feel if DVC would be right for them. But even then its not an inexpensive choice.
This type of question comes up on the boards everyone once in a while. If doing a search you'll see a ton of opinions on this. For us in general we don't go out of our way to let friends or family know. Either its money, why Disney, what do you do on each trip, etc., etc., etc. We like DVC, enjoy the rides, restaurants, and couldn't be bothered with why others might feel differently.

About the only time we talk about it is if someone has a genuine interest as a potential DVC buyer. Usually in that first few minutes listening to them you can get a feel if DVC would be right for them. But even then its not an inexpensive choice.
Thank you! I tried searching again with different wording and did find a relevant thread with really helpful comments/perspectives on this topic!
We have owned for 21 years, so most of our friends know about it. Almost everyone has been to WDW as our guests at least once.

Today we sat at a church breakfast where we sat with newer friends, and the topic did come up. We were talking about how crowded this resort area gets and of course I mentioned how we hightail out of town around July 4, because I love WDW fireworks especially because it’s set to music. So now, even our very new friends know about it!
We don’t hide our DVC (or brag about it or try to defend it). We know that some don’t understand our desire to go back to Disney resorts all the time (just like we don’t understand some of their travel choices) but it doesn’t bother us.
We have a young niece and a bunch of friends with kids and plan to have some ourselves soon (We aren't trying per se, but we aren't NOT trying). We told all of them, since we bought more points than we strictly need ourselves and can use them for joint vacations!
I’ve only owned since 2021. At this point only my parents and in laws know and a few close friends. We do get the you are going to Disney again a lot from people. If someone asks why we go so much I will mention DVC but in general I don’t bring it up.
We kept it very close to the vest and told almost no one for the first few years, but have gradually mentioned it more when it would be appropriate in conversation. I don't know if there was talk about us when it was known or not, but at this point I don't care either way.
Look, I have learned over the past 20 years, the groups that hate you taking a Disney trip are just jealous. Plain and simple. Now, in this time it is even worse. With the cost of the mouse house going through the roof, and it being publicized as much, it will make others even more green with envy.

They knew it was expensive before, but now, they are furious.
I am pretty much an open book about everything.

I have already taught my granddaughter the “who cares what you think” response to an older girl who was teasing her so she is also well on her way.
I'm fearful for judgement we'll receive for spending this kind of money on DVC and being labeled Disney Adults in a negative way, haha.
I wouldn’t worry about judgement from anybody who would toss a label that way

For those not in the


I can see it being being received by some as verging on conspicuous consumption if it is randomly announced out of context. close friends & family, is a different scenario IMO

Not something I’d bring up in conversation with casual acquaintances nor, would I hide where I do vacation if things steer that way.
We have owned for 18 years. Started with 200 OKW and at one point had 650 ish points, after adding on many times. But have since resold some and are down to 300. We also now live 12 mins away from AKL. We are empty nest now. So, yep, our friends and family all know at this point. And, yep, sometimes some snarky comment is made about our love for Disney as if it's an odd thing. My mom and my brother are good for those comments. But our close friends and my in laws all also are Disney folks so they are pretty cool with it. We never would broadcast when we added on contracts. If a friend asked what and where we owned, we'd tell them. Our friends tend to be very curious about it. In fact, we just were at neighbor's dinner party on Sat and one neighbor asked us a ton about it.
There will always be someone who doesn’t understand why you would purchase DVC or go to Disney a lot. These types will voice their unsolicited opinion. I reply with “Disney and DVC make me very happy, what makes you happy?” They usually continue to reply with how much money Disney is, and some other negative thing. Just reply, “so, telling others what makes them happy shouldn’t make them happy, and that is what makes you happy?” They’ll eventually shut up.

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