Do you open your SO's mail?


I wine a makes me feel better
Jan 20, 2003
Does anyone open their SO's mail (if you live with them)? I admit, I generally open all letters that come to the house, because I pay all the bills and handle, well, everything. Like the letter from the state of PA, I opened it, found out it was for his jury duty, and organized the papers so he knew who to call to get out of it. Didn't think anything of intruding or anything. He doesn't usually get personal stuff at the house (it's all email and I don't read that) and of course, I let him open his birthday cards!

But today it backfired on me - I opened a box (I thought he had ordered a computer game or something!) and it turned out to be my birthday present from him! :eek: So I taped the box back up and hope he won't notice when he gets home... :o

Sorry Kate! Do you at least like your gift??? LOL

Like you I will open letters, but I draw the line at packages. DH buys many gifts on-line, so there is no point in ruining his fun! Now I will open the packages addressed to my DDs (usually from g-parents), but not any addressed to DH.

PS. If Bryan's days are anything like Jeff's UPT days, he would be hard pressed to notice anything. Of course, that is what he tells me since we didn't meet until well after pilot training.
I do the same as you katerkat. I will usually open packages, too, but usually we are expecting something. I think if DH ordered something online, he'd tell me not to open it or he'd have it sent to work.
I open all the mail, and sort it...everyone has an "in-box" here!

Since I'm the designated bill-payer in this house, my pile is always the biggest one. :rolleyes:

If I'm gone for a few days, no one else bothers to even look at the just piles up until I get back home.

DH does occasionally order things online, and I don't open the's usually something golf related, not a gift for me. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jwsqrdplus2

Sorry Kate! Do you at least like your gift??? LOL

:teeth: Yeah - it's exactly what I told him to get, so I wouldn't have been surprised anyway!
Yep, I open all the mail, expect for cards and such. Of course, DH usually gets home before me and gets to it first! He will tell me if he ordered something and he doesn't want me to open it. I will ship it to my mom's if I order something for him that I really want to be a surprise.
I never open my husband's mail even if I know that it's junk mail. He doesn't open mine either.
yep I open mail here too. DH doesnt shop online so I dont have to worry about that. I will open most everything except cards and such.

He would do the same as well.

What REALLY makes me mad is when he gets the mail first, he and I have a different concept of "junk mail" :rolleyes:
Originally posted by katerkat
:teeth: Yeah - it's exactly what I told him to get, so I wouldn't have been surprised anyway!

Isn't it nice to have a programmable husband???
LOL but if he knows you open his mail anyway he shouldnt be to suprised you opened that. But I'll cross my fingers for you he doesnt notice.
I do open most of my dh mail. I organize the bills, some come in my name and some come in his. I dont open his birthday cards or some others things but he doesnt really seem to care either way.
Nope... we have accidentally but unless my name is on it, I don't open it.'s all bills or junk anyway :rolleyes:
I don't open packages or cards at birthday time.
Originally posted by jwsqrdplus2
Isn't it nice to have a programmable husband???

Any tips on programming my DH to order the stuff himself. Usually, if I tell him something I want, I have to order it myself (at his request).
Yes, I open all of the mail. And I throw away the junk mail that is his too (like CC applications, etc.)

He really doesn't get any mail! :p ;) :D
Originally posted by DonnaS
Any tips on programming my DH to order the stuff himself. Usually, if I tell him something I want, I have to order it myself (at his request).

I wish I could help with an instant reply, but 18 years of observation with my parents, and 10 years of trial and error with DH.

I have seen my mother put several items on layaway, then send my dad to the store to "finish" paying and pick them up. For me, works wonders, or leaving prominently marked catalogs lying around his computer helps. Of course, he does the same thing to me, so I guess we are even!
I'm with Helenabear and Candykisses. We never open each other's mail; we just feel that it's a matter of respect. All of the bills are in my name anyway :D . Here's our deal; I bring home the bacon, and my DW spends it :D :D .
We have the same deal that the Silky family has. :p
Since I'm the one who pays the bills, I open all of them. I also open his junk mail.
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. If it looks personal I don't, but if it looks like junk mail I go ahead open it and junk it. My DH works a swing shift and lots of the time he is here when the mail person comes so if it has his name on it I throw it his way. After 30 years I fairly well know just about what everything is.:p
I have to make my husband open his own personal mail. For us, it is not a matter of lack of respect, but it almost like I'm his personal secretary. :rolleyes: If I didn't open it and process it, it would sit around forever.

Having said that... if something comes marked "personal" and/or "confidential" I leave it for him to open. I'm not out to invade his privacy, just run the household.

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