Do You Consider Yourself a Feminist?

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So all the more reason to want it to be available without insurance. Not every woman has insurance. They need birth control too.

I am not going to debate the ACA with you.

Are you voting for candidates for office who want to make birth control free and available to all? Otherwise, like I said earlier, it's just talk. And, talk does NOTHING to actually change the status quo, where we can absolutely agree that birth control is not free or readily available to all.

In my experience, birth control under our insurance plan was not "free." It cost about $30 a month under the insurance we had, and when the ACA began to apply to that insurance (which was on a later date than the ACA went into effect in general because it was the type of plan that was allowed to be non-compliant for a couple of years), it dropped to a zero dollar co-pay. I'm glad your plan was good all along, but clearly the ACA made a huge difference for millions of women. Just because it didn't for you doesn't mean that there aren't millions of women using this portion of the ACA to great advantage.

Since our insurance did not cover it "in full" before the ACA applied, I would expect that if the ACA goes away, so will this benefit and millions of women will once again be paying OOP for their birth control pills. Some will stop them because they are no longer in their family budget. But, go ahead and live in a personal nirvana where nothing bad ever happens to women or if it does, it's their fault or they are somehow being irresponsible.
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When it comes to reproduction, being a woman sucks. Having to deal with periods, cramps, PMS, the cost and inconvenience of feminine hygiene products, birth control, Pap smears.... The woman is the sole one who must carry a pregnancy and take on 100% of those ugly symptoms and side effects. She has to labor and deliver the baby, then deal with recovery and hormones and possibly postpartum depression/anxiety, while doing 100% of the breastfeeding, of course. And she’ll do it over and over again — periods to pregnancy back to periods and again pregnancy— however many times until she finally hits menopause and then has to deal with that crap, too. The majority of her life will be beholden to her reproductive organs.

A man will never have to do any of this. He will never deal with the recurring annoyance and pain of a menstrual cycle. He will never have his body put through the immense physical strain of pregnancy. He will never have his health risked by gestational diabetes or preeclampsia. He will never endure the excruciating pain of labor and delivery. He will never die in childbirth.

Really not fair, is it? But, thanks to biology, it’s just the way it is.

So when I hear people argue on behalf of the poor, heartbroken man who wants to keep a baby but can’t stop a woman from aborting, well, I feel sorry for him, actually. I do think it’s sad that it can’t always be an equal decision, but almost everything is unfair when it comes to reproduction and this is just one of the few ways it’s unfair to the man instead of the woman for a change. Blame it on biology.

When it comes to Life , being a man sucks. Statistics from the Kaiser Family Foundation, using data pulled from the CDC shown than for 2017 the number of deaths per 100K by gender was 864.5 for Male and 619.7 for female. If it is broken down by state you still see that in ALL 50 STATES it is higher for men than women. Men are more likely to be in employment that is more physically dangerous ( which also contributes to the "pay gap" ), and 3.53X more likely to die by suicide (Wikipedia). He may never die in childbirth, but he is still more likely to be dead. Last time I checked, death lasts more than nine months. And then at the end we'll die 6 to 8 years younger than you.

And the "poor, heartbroken man" comment - Really ?!? And the blame it on biology? Ok, let's follow that logic. Outside of Rape and forced sex, Women are the Gatekeepers of Sex. The female decides if it's going to occur or not. Females also have a far greater choice available for birth control ( : female condom, diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap, pill, mini pills, patch, shot, vaginal ring, intrauterine devices, hormonal implants, female tubal ligation or occlusion, and Natural rhythm methods. 13 choices, only one of which is permanent. For males : male vasectomy, condoms. Two choices, one of which is permanent. They are working towards a male "pill" but it's far easier to prevent one embryo from attaching to the uterine wall than to prevent the production of millions of sperm ( that "biology" thing you were referring to earlier ). And - believe me - many of us males WANT another option.

I know we've all had our heartstrings tugged by some of the experiences and stories shared in this thread. However, they are the exception and not the rule. The average person is just that - average. He/She goes through life just trying to make it through each day, hopefully finding someone to share this life journey with, and generally just trying to be a decent person. Yet there seems to be this skewed "reality" : that huge swaths of the population are trying to oppress other persons / classes / sexes. To those people, here's a truth bomb for you - you're not that important. Most people are so busy just living their day-to-day life that they don't have the time, inclination, or effort to care whether they lift you up or put you down. As a decent person I will try to help those that need and ask for help, show kindness and respect to all, and try in my small ways to leave the world maybe a little better after I am gone. I will treat you as fairly as you treat me.
Are you voting for candidates for office who want to make birth control free and available to all? Otherwise, like I said earlier, it's just talk. And, talk does NOTHING to actually change the status quo, where we can absolutely agree that birth control is not free or readily available to all.

In my experience, birth control under our insurance plan was not "free." It cost about $30 a month under the insurance we had, and when the ACA began to apply to that insurance (which was on a later date than the ACA went into effect in general because it was the type of plan that was allowed to be non-compliant for a couple of years), it dropped to a zero dollar co-pay. I'm glad your plan was good all along, but clearly the ACA made a huge difference for millions of women. Just because it didn't for you doesn't mean that there aren't millions of women using this portion of the ACA to great advantage.

Since our insurance did not cover it "in full" before the ACA applied, I would expect that if the ACA goes away, so will this benefit and millions of women will once again be paying OOP for their birth control pills. Some will stop them because they are no longer in their family budget. But, go ahead and live in a personal nirvana where nothing bad ever happens to women or if it does, it's their fault or they are somehow being irresponsible.

Which again is why I said it needs to be available for all women. I never said my experience was the same as everyone’s. That is you assuming. Just know that your experience is not the same for everyone either.

Since it is in my state and there has been nothing said by any candidate to change that, it’s not something I have looked at when voting in state elections. Perhaps some of you should look at your state leaders and ask for the same.
A Hypothetical question. Many on this thread have stated opinions that birth control should be available to all and should be free, to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

If/when a viable Male birth control is found, should it also be free and available to all ?
20 couples for ever baby put up for adoption.

And that is your belief not mine. It’s a life from conception. And how is “destroying a life” better than “killing it”?

You are cherry picking your own statistics. It's 20 couples for every healthy, white child in PRIVATE adoption. It is not 20 couples for every baby available for adoption within social services.

Social services has a hard time placing these children. Even as babies. Statistics are it's mostly white couples who choose to adopt. Most of them do not want black, Hispanic, or mixed race children. Most do not want children who have special needs. Most do not want children who have been born addicted or exposed to drugs or alcohol in utero.

There are very few infants available for adoption through social services because it takes years to terminate the biological parents parental rights. It's not as easy as saying, "we are taking your baby and giving it to this lovely couple. Have a nice day!"

The biological parents are given multiple chances, years worth of chances, to get themselves together. Meanwhile, the child bounces around in multiple placements. Research "reactive attachment disorder." These kids have a life of psychological issues because of this early, chaotic environment.

How many at risk, special needs, or unwanted children have you taken into your home? Why not?

How many mothers with unwanted pregnancies have you helped? And then helped them bear the burden of raising a child they are ill equipped to raise? How many of these mothers were drug addicts? How many of these babies have you walked the floor with all night while they screamed in withdrawal? Do you have any idea how much these addicted babies cost to treat? Not just the immediate 1-2 months they spend in the NICU. The lifetime of psychiatric, medical, and educational support they need?

It's hypocritical to say you will make exceptions in certain cases to allow abortion. Either you believe life starts at conception or you don't. Who are you to decide who's life is more worthy? According to you life is life? Why should it matter how that life is conceived? A child conceived in rape could grow up to be a great philanthropist. A child conc5in incest could, too. You can't accuse people of playing God and then do it yourself.

Also, it's hypocritical to call yourself pro-life and support the death penalty. Life is life. Again, you are playing God. Who are you to decide who's life has value. Even Ted Bundy's life had value to his mother.

You gave a long personal anecdote about your friend who had the miracle baby who was told the baby would never survive and the mother wouldn't either and they both were peachy.

There have been many, actual, documented cases of people convicted of murder, rape, pedophilia who were, in fact, not guilty. How many do you think have actually gone to their deaths?
A Hypothetical question. Many on this thread have stated opinions that birth control should be available to all and should be free, to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

If/when a viable Male birth control is found, should it also be free and available to all ?

When it comes to Life , being a man sucks. Statistics from the Kaiser Family Foundation, using data pulled from the CDC shown than for 2017 the number of deaths per 100K by gender was 864.5 for Male and 619.7 for female. If it is broken down by state you still see that in ALL 50 STATES it is higher for men than women. Men are more likely to be in employment that is more physically dangerous ( which also contributes to the "pay gap" ), and 3.53X more likely to die by suicide (Wikipedia). He may never die in childbirth, but he is still more likely to be dead. Last time I checked, death lasts more than nine months. And then at the end we'll die 6 to 8 years younger than you.

And the "poor, heartbroken man" comment - Really ?!? And the blame it on biology? Ok, let's follow that logic. Outside of Rape and forced sex, Women are the Gatekeepers of Sex. The female decides if it's going to occur or not. Females also have a far greater choice available for birth control ( : female condom, diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap, pill, mini pills, patch, shot, vaginal ring, intrauterine devices, hormonal implants, female tubal ligation or occlusion, and Natural rhythm methods. 13 choices, only one of which is permanent. For males : male vasectomy, condoms. Two choices, one of which is permanent. They are working towards a male "pill" but it's far easier to prevent one embryo from attaching to the uterine wall than to prevent the production of millions of sperm ( that "biology" thing you were referring to earlier ). And - believe me - many of us males WANT another option.

I know we've all had our heartstrings tugged by some of the experiences and stories shared in this thread. However, they are the exception and not the rule. The average person is just that - average. He/She goes through life just trying to make it through each day, hopefully finding someone to share this life journey with, and generally just trying to be a decent person. Yet there seems to be this skewed "reality" : that huge swaths of the population are trying to oppress other persons / classes / sexes. To those people, here's a truth bomb for you - you're not that important. Most people are so busy just living their day-to-day life that they don't have the time, inclination, or effort to care whether they lift you up or put you down. As a decent person I will try to help those that need and ask for help, show kindness and respect to all, and try in my small ways to leave the world maybe a little better after I am gone. I will treat you as fairly as you treat me.
It’s not that simple. It’s institutional. It’s not that anyone believes that one individual man is trying to oppress anyone.
Maternal Mortality Is Rising in the U.S. As It Declines Elsewhere
Deaths per 100,000 live births

Especially among African-American women.
A very close friend of mine died in childbirth. I still can’t believe it. I received her shower thank you the day after her funeral. It’s the saddest death I’ve ever experienced.

A few years before that, someone I worked with died in childbirth.

Unfortunately, it happens.

Editing to add, the speech/language pathologist at my school passed away several years ago due to complications of childbirth. I just remembered that. So tragic.
One the kids at my school’s mother is paralyzed due to complications from childbirth.
You are cherry picking your own statistics. It's 20 couples for every healthy, white child in PRIVATE adoption. It is not 20 couples for every baby available for adoption within social services.

Social services has a hard time placing these children. Even as babies. Statistics are it's mostly white couples who choose to adopt. Most of them do not want black, Hispanic, or mixed race children. Most do not want children who have special needs. Most do not want children who have been born addicted or exposed to drugs or alcohol in utero.

There are very few infants available for adoption through social services because it takes years to terminate the biological parents parental rights. It's not as easy as saying, "we are taking your baby and giving it to this lovely couple. Have a nice day!"

The biological parents are given multiple chances, years worth of chances, to get themselves together. Meanwhile, the child bounces around in multiple placements. Research "reactive attachment disorder." These kids have a life of psychological issues because of this early, chaotic environment.

How many at risk, special needs, or unwanted children have you taken into your home? Why not?

How many mothers with unwanted pregnancies have you helped? And then helped them bear the burden of raising a child they are ill equipped to raise? How many of these mothers were drug addicts? How many of these babies have you walked the floor with all night while they screamed in withdrawal? Do you have any idea how much these addicted babies cost to treat? Not just the immediate 1-2 months they spend in the NICU. The lifetime of psychiatric, medical, and educational support they need?

It's hypocritical to say you will make exceptions in certain cases to allow abortion. Either you believe life starts at conception or you don't. Who are you to decide who's life is more worthy? According to you life is life? Why should it matter how that life is conceived? A child conceived in rape could grow up to be a great philanthropist. A child conc5in incest could, too. You can't accuse people of playing God and then do it yourself.

Also, it's hypocritical to call yourself pro-life and support the death penalty. Life is life. Again, you are playing God. Who are you to decide who's life has value. Even Ted Bundy's life had value to his mother.

You gave a long personal anecdote about your friend who had the miracle baby who was told the baby would never survive and the mother wouldn't either and they both were peachy.

There have been many, actual, documented cases of people convicted of murder, rape, pedophilia who were, in fact, not guilty. How many do you think have actually gone to their deaths?

You are cherry picking your own statistics. It's 20 couples for every healthy, white child in PRIVATE adoption. It is not 20 couples for every baby available for adoption within social services.

Social services has a hard time placing these children. Even as babies. Statistics are it's mostly white couples who choose to adopt. Most of them do not want black, Hispanic, or mixed race children. Most do not want children who have special needs. Most do not want children who have been born addicted or exposed to drugs or alcohol in utero.

There are very few infants available for adoption through social services because it takes years to terminate the biological parents parental rights. It's not as easy as saying, "we are taking your baby and giving it to this lovely couple. Have a nice day!"

The biological parents are given multiple chances, years worth of chances, to get themselves together. Meanwhile, the child bounces around in multiple placements. Research "reactive attachment disorder." These kids have a life of psychological issues because of this early, chaotic environment.

How many at risk, special needs, or unwanted children have you taken into your home? Why not?

How many mothers with unwanted pregnancies have you helped? And then helped them bear the burden of raising a child they are ill equipped to raise? How many of these mothers were drug addicts? How many of these babies have you walked the floor with all night while they screamed in withdrawal? Do you have any idea how much these addicted babies cost to treat? Not just the immediate 1-2 months they spend in the NICU. The lifetime of psychiatric, medical, and educational support they need?

It's hypocritical to say you will make exceptions in certain cases to allow abortion. Either you believe life starts at conception or you don't. Who are you to decide who's life is more worthy? According to you life is life? Why should it matter how that life is conceived? A child conceived in rape could grow up to be a great philanthropist. A child conc5in incest could, too. You can't accuse people of playing God and then do it yourself.

Also, it's hypocritical to call yourself pro-life and support the death penalty. Life is life. Again, you are playing God. Who are you to decide who's life has value. Even Ted Bundy's life had value to his mother.

You gave a long personal anecdote about your friend who had the miracle baby who was told the baby would never survive and the mother wouldn't either and they both were peachy.

There have been many, actual, documented cases of people convicted of murder, rape, pedophilia who were, in fact, not guilty. How many do you think have actually gone to their deaths?

There have been cases of the wrong person being convicted. That happens less and less with better DNA evidence but has happened. Again, death penalty in EXTREME cases. Not all.

Call me hypocritical all you want but I have as much right to my beliefs as you do.

I would prefer to say there should be no exceptions to abortion. But I also know that isn’t realistic.

I am not playing God. I am not choosing who lives or who dies. But I do feel that there are extreme circumstances where the death penalty should be an option. And there are extreme circumstances where abortion should be an option. Unless I sit on the jury, I am not making that decision.

The site I got that statistic from didn’t seperate by race. And wasn’t talking about children/babies who had been removed from the home. If the child is removed from the home, that is a social services issue. And the way they operate is a whole seperate issue.

As for the story of my friend, not sure why you brought that up but I am sorry if her outcome was different than what you would prefer. She is very pro life and retells her story often.

Have I helped mothers? More than you could possibly know.

And I don’t give a rat’s tail about cost for the medical care of a baby. If the baby needs the medical care, the baby should get the medical care. What I find amazing is the things you are saying have been happening with abortion perfectly legal. It’s a drug abuse problem.
But then you’re not pro-life. Like is life. Your pro the lives you deem are worth living.

Exacty. Many of The same people who are crying to ban abortion are screaming for the death penalty be be used more often. "As a deterrent" I am told. I am not suggesting anyoen on this thread is one of those people.

A Hypothetical question. Many on this thread have stated opinions that birth control should be available to all and should be free, to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

If/when a viable Male birth control is found, should it also be free and available to all ?

In most states, they will be declared unconstitutional almost immediately & will not go into effect (I think). In Louisiana, the bill is written so that it won’t go into effect unless the one in Mississippi that was put in place first is upheld.

I certainly hope it plays out that quick and this stupidity is put out of its misery.

Another sad thing is to think about how much money is going to be spent on both sides to have this play out through the court system. And on one side of it, that's going to be taxpayer money spent to defend the states from the legal challenges they are fully aware they are going to face. Money that could be usefully spent to provide additional resources for child care, prenatal care, health insurance, education, job searching assistance (all of which would have an effect of reducing abortion rates btw).
Exacty. Many of The same people who are crying to ban abortion are screaming for the death penalty be be used more often. "As a deterrent" I am told. I am not suggesting anyoen on this thread is one of those people.


Just for your information since the poster you quoted was speaking to me—I do not believe the death penalty should be “used more often”. I think it should be an option in extreme cases.

I don’t believe it’s a deterrent which is why I don’t believe it should be used more often.

Ever seen “Dead Man Walking”? That movie was so heart wrenching. Seeing what Sean Penn’s character went through and what his family went through was so hard. Seeing that, would make many rethink their position on the death penalty. But then you see the scenes of what he did. The torture he handed out to that couple. How does one determine that he should live? That he could one day be a productive member of society?
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