Do you chew with your mouth open?


<font color=red>Like OMG the TF is SOO psyched to
Jun 21, 2002
I think it is the most disgusting thing, to watch someone chomping away with their mouth open.

Last night we went out to eat at Red Robin. I happened to look over at the table diagnally across from us, and saw a woman disgustingly chomping away on her food with her mouth wide open. At first I thought she might have put too much food in her mouth, but nope, bite after bite...she was chewing with her mouth open.

UGH....that and talking with food in your mouth are two of my biggest pet peeves...

And if you do, I can't eat with you. :lmao: Or at least I can't sit across from you or within earshot.
I think it is the most disgusting thing, to watch someone chomping away with their mouth open.

Last night we went out to eat at Red Robin. I happened to look over at the table diagnally across from us, and saw a woman disgustingly chomping away on her food with her mouth wide open. At first I thought she might have put too much food in her mouth, but nope, bite after bite...she was chewing with her mouth open.

UGH....that and talking with food in your mouth are two of my biggest pet peeves...


Maybe her nasal passages were clogged.

my bolding
And stop biting on the fork...jeez, I can't stand that sound either.

Or sliding the fork between your teeth. Oh the sound that makes! Like nails on a chalkboard. I had a relative that did that to be annoying. It wasn't until I told him he was damaging his enamel did he stop. :laughing:
No, I do not and it annoys me when others do. God gave you lips, close them when you eat. :)

DH has lately become a smacker when eating, I don't know if it's old age or what, but I told him the other night to stop smacking! It's a sound I can put up with for just so long. He never used to do it so it's odd that he is doing it now.

Reminds me back when I waited tables, when I would go back to a table I normally would ask "yes" or "no" questions so people could just nod, instead of having to speak if their mouth was full. This one woman proceeded to talk about the food, all the while chomping with her mouth open and food bits flying everywhere. I knew I couldn't look away, as that would be rude, but it was so disgusting. Most people would hold up a finger as in "just a moment" if they wanted to say something to me but had their mouth full of food. It was just so gross and I couldn't wait to get away from her table!
My FIL eats with his mouth open. My husband knows the rule; I can't be seated where I have to look at him. His father; his problem.
No, I do not and it annoys me when others do. God gave you lips, close them when you eat. :)

DH has lately become a smacker when eating, I don't know if it's old age or what, but I told him the other night to stop smacking! It's a sound I can put up with for just so long. He never used to do it so it's odd that he is doing it now.

The longer I am with my dh, the more his eating habits annoy me :headache:. I swear he didn't do these things when we were dating or I would never had been attracted to him! He eats his french fries like the bookworm eats words on that Yahoo game. I swear he has no insulation in his cheeks and the sound of him chomping on potato chips or Doritos makes me want to leave the room. He doesn't chew with his mouth open, but it doesn't matter because the way he eats grates on my nerves anyway. Not sure how I am going to survive another 30 yrs with this guy :confused:. Or is it just normal for men to start annoying you more after 20+ yrs?
I think it is the most disgusting thing, to watch someone chomping away with their mouth open.

Last night we went out to eat at Red Robin. I happened to look over at the table diagnally across from us, and saw a woman disgustingly chomping away on her food with her mouth wide open. At first I thought she might have put too much food in her mouth, but nope, bite after bite...she was chewing with her mouth open.

UGH....that and talking with food in your mouth are two of my biggest pet peeves...

I hope that I don't; no one has ever mentioned it. My husband does, and refuses to correct his habits. I'm embarrassed to go out with him, especially for a social or work dinner.
I do not, but I have an uncle who does. He has breathing issues and cannot breathe through his nose very well so it's either chew with his mouth open or he can't eat.. That said, It's hard to eat around him.
I do not, but I have an uncle who does. He has breathing issues and cannot breathe through his nose very well so it's either chew with his mouth open or he can't eat.. That said, It's hard to eat around him.

This is my husband. Well, partly. I do know that he has breathing issues (has trouble breathing through his nose--yet won't get it checked out!!!) but he also shoves soooo much food in mouth, it's gross. He does it to the point that he has to stop and try to breathe. LOL

But yes, he chews with his mouth open and also talks with food in his mouth. I seriously do not eat in the same room as him. If we're out at a restaurant, it's not as bad since there's a lot of background noise but when we're home, I could kill him. Does the same thing when swallowing his drink. Sounds as if he's swallowing a brick.

I also have a brother in law who eats the same way. I can't stand to be around him either. Not only does he make so much noise when he eats, he slurps his drinks too. And they're coming over tonight for a cookout. Looks like I'll have to kill two people tonight. ;)
Occasionally I do it on purpose to annoy the kids when they are arguing during dinner.

We all think it's gross so it usually stops the argument right away.

My husband doesn't chew with his mouth open but he eats really, really fast which drives me nuts. He's usually nearly finished while the rest of us are just started. He is also a chomper - makes alot of noise while eating.
The longer I am with my dh, the more his eating habits annoy me :headache:. I swear he didn't do these things when we were dating or I would never had been attracted to him! He eats his french fries like the bookworm eats words on that Yahoo game. I swear he has no insulation in his cheeks and the sound of him chomping on potato chips or Doritos makes me want to leave the room. He doesn't chew with his mouth open, but it doesn't matter because the way he eats grates on my nerves anyway. Not sure how I am going to survive another 30 yrs with this guy :confused:. Or is it just normal for men to start annoying you more after 20+ yrs?

I know what you mean. I shouldn't be able to hear him eating while I am in the other room. Also, whenever he puts peanut butter on anything he gets it all over his hands. He didn't used to be like this.:confused:
I chew with my mouth closed. Recall eating with a room full of Chinese once though. It was a Chinese New Years celebration and it seemed all chewed and talked with their mouths open! Was thinking it was a cultural thing. And it was quite the scene.
I can say that this is one thing that does not bother me! However, one thing that completely grosses me out is what I call lip boogers! When someone is talking and there's a piece that is just on their lips and it goes up and down when they talk. :scared1: Completely grosses me out. I will actually turn my back to them or I think I could vomit. :sick: It grosses me out just typing it
I refuse to eat out with my husband when I know he will order a sandwich type food. It doesn't matter how many times I have asked him not to, he still insists on taking bites big enough to choke a horse. In order to chew, his cheeks resemble a greedy hamster. He can't close his mouth and it is just disgusting. He claims he has to or he can't taste the food :confused:. When we are home, I just don't look at him. I watch tv instead. If he can eat with perfect manners using a fork and knife, why does he have to be this way with sandwiches? :worship: At least he stopped licking the knife. I just pray he doesn't order sandwiches when he is out to lunch with co-workers
No I don't.. Isn't that one of the first things that parents teach their children?


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