DLH concierge and strollers


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
At WDW (Poly concierge) you are able to request and get a stroller that you keep for your entire stay. Will be staying at DLH last part of June and it would be a BIG help if we did not have to tote a stroller on our cross country airplane trek.

Has anyone ever gotten a stroller from Disneyland or the Disneyland Hotel that you kept with you the entire stay? I am more than willing to pay the daily fee - - just want to be able to use it from hotel to park and back, etc.

Should I call the concierge? And does anyone have a direct number? Other ideas?


Bouncing- - just can't help bouncing!

My mom and sister were there in February and they said that they paid $6 (either per day or a one-time fee) and got to keep the stroller for their entire stay. Took it back to their room with them each night. And they are the good ones...like joggers! :)

Hope this helps. :)


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