"Diva" Trip - "Cliff Notes" p.236 OLD THREAD!

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No POTC for me. Especially not the 3D version. I'll probably wait till it's out on DVD. It's just not the same without the oh-so-yummy Orlando Bloom.....
Happy Saturday, ladies!!! Hope you are all doing well. It's been kind of quiet here lately. Approaching summer though, I guess that's to be expected. Too nice outside to be on the computer. :thumbsup2

Nothing much planned for this weekend. It was nice and cool all week, now the temps are going up. Ruben and Adam went to a police auction this morning, so the girls and I are just chillin'.


We NEVER go to the movies anymore but for THAT one we will go.
We rarely go to the movies either. In fact, I can't recall the last time we went. I'm thinking it was last summer. :confused3 It's $10 per person, and with 6 people, it's 60 bucks just to walk in the door. Very few movies lately are worth that price.

I don't have Facebook but I'vebeen doing research online.
I think you need to sign up for Facebook. :rolleyes1 ;)
Did you make it to Pirates? How was it?

Or you can do what I do--put all my excess change in a jar and then periodically go to the coinstar machine and trade them in for Amazon cards--the don't take any fee and last week I took a quart size baggie of change--not full--and it was over $50!
That's great, Cheryl! What a good idea!

I'm going to be lost without my laptop for the next 2-3 weeks.
:scared1: So no computer at all for 2-3 weeks???

Happy Friday, all! I hope you all enjoy your weekend. :goodvibes
Same to you, Wendy! How's the marathon training going? I still envy all of you runners.

Ok, the sun is shining here, and that is a rare event so I am going to go sit in it!

Have a great weekend! Tracey
Enjoy the sun, and good luck at the walk! :goodvibes

Well, I finally watched Tangled tonight...great movie!popcorn:: Tomorrow I am taking Ryder to see Mary Poppins and then I am hosting my friends bridal shower on Sunday so it should be a great weekend! I hope you are all happy and healthy and having fun!
It is a good movie. Adam didn't watch it with us, but he walked in when right at the part where she gets stabbed with the mirror piece and he was like, "WTH? She just got shanked!" It was funny the way he was so shocked to see that in a Disney movie.

Anyway, enjoy Mary Poppins! Lots of our group going to see that. I'm jealous. Your weekend sounds busy but fun!

No POTC for me. Especially not the 3D version. I'll probably wait till it's out on DVD. It's just not the same without the oh-so-yummy Orlando Bloom.....
I am not a fan of 3D. It gives me a headache so I don't like how that seems to be the trend with every other movie these days. I didn't even realize Orlando Bloom wasn't in it! Gee, where have I been? What made him decide not to be in it?
We'll probably wait for DVD too, just because of the expense. And with Cars 2 coming out soon, I know my kids will want to go see that.
Well, I finally watched Tangled tonight...great movie!popcorn:: Tomorrow I am taking Ryder to see Mary Poppins and then I am hosting my friends bridal shower on Sunday so it should be a great weekend! I hope you are all happy and healthy and having fun!
Have a wonderful time at the show Sarah! I really liked it but my DH and I still think it will be next to impossible to top Wicked for us.
Oh, and to those of you doing MA at WDW in November....I am going to be there! My cruise is Nov. 6-10 and I will be in WDW Nov 10-16! I can't wait to see the divas in action!


Great!!! We'll be there Nov. 9-14 so we definitely need to meet up a few times! MA is November 12.
:goodvibes Happy Saturday Everybody!!!

I'm so glad it's the weekend. Last weekend was pretty busy but today is turning into a pretty lazy day. Is that wrong.....? It's funny how I work hard all week and then I still feel guilty for not working more on the weekend. Crazy I say. Madi and I are going to run some errands and then come home and watch Harry Potter movies.popcorn:: ABC Family is having Harry Potter Weekend. We've already seen them all but it's nice to see them in order. And that about sums up the day. Probably way to lazy for such a beautiful day but oh well. Plus it is graduation weekend at Chico State so the town is packed with parents and friends, all the hotels are booked. The more I think about it the better it sounds to stay in today.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Take Care :grouphug:

Wow it was dead yesterday! Everyone must have been out enjoying the weekend!! :)

We had a LONG but good day at the meet yesterday. It was Katy's first meet since she moved up in the age groups and now instead of 25's she has to swim all 50's which means 2 lengths of the pool and where she used to swim 50's she now has to swim a 100 (or 4 lengths). I was REALLY proud of them both though. Shelby had a little bit of a rough day because this particular pool is a salt water pool and they don't switch sides for the longer swims so when they have the shorter ones the kids switch and the short side has no blocks. I know for those that aren't familiar with swim it is probably confusing but usually the timers have to be on the side where the kids END so they can see them come in and at this pool they don't switch so the kids have to and at the side where they started they don't have the big blocks to start on and they just had to jump off the edge of the pool. For kids like Shelby that is a disadvantage cuz she can really jump far out when she uses the blocks and so it hurt her a bit and slowed her down. So her times went up a bit from time trials. But she still managed to get 1st in one of her races and a 3rd and they were both in both relays. Katy didn't fare AS well because again this was her first year doing double the lengths but for being her first year and swiming the longer races AND swimming against much older girls I thought she did pretty good. She got a few 4th places and got a 3rd in her best stroke, the fly. So for her that is pretty good. And that was swimming against 9 swimmers (our pool only has six lanes but this was a comp pool with 10).

Anywho it started out really chilly but finally warmed up and luckily never got as hot as I thought it would which was a good thing cuz esp out on the pool deck it can get pretty miserable standing out in that sun so that was nice. Then we all came home and just crashed like we usually do after a long day at a meet :)

Today I just have to do the mounds and mounds of laundry that always accumulates after and I would like to do something fun but not sure if everyone will be up for it or if I will have time because the girls need their towels and such for practice next week so we shall see.

Next week should be another fun week for the girls at school. Katy has her field trip to the River Cats (our local minor league baseball team) which she gets from when she did her tutoring. It is a reward trip that all the tutors are getting. I am not getting to go with her on that one because it is not just her class but all the tutors from all the different upper grades and they actually had enough volunteers for that one LOL. I am excited for her though and know she will have fun! :) And then the very next day she and Shelby both get to go to the community pool across the street from the school on another reward trip that all the upper grades get for not getting any citations all year. Katy got to go on it last year but this is Shelby's first year. They get to go for half the day to swim so it is a nice little reward for not getting in trouble all year. :)

Then on the weekend it is Shane's b-day so we are going to take him to see Pirates and have a bbq at my parents place afterward. Not sure about Sat or Monday but I am sure we will find something fun to do to enjoy our 3 days with no meets or anything else and then only 2 weeks left of school after that and the best part only 2 weeks till our trip!!! Can't wait!

Anyway that's bout it for me.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and glad we are all still here!! ;)
If you wait til September to renew they will use your June expiration date still. I believe your pass has to be expired 6 months before they backdate it like that:headache:

Vintage, This is what happened to me: I had an annual pass that I let expire knowing I would not go back to DL for a while. I ended up going back to Dl 5 to 6 months after the annual pass expired and since I knew I had another trip within 6 months of the second annual pass purchase I happily bought another annual pass. I never said anything about renewing the prior pass but low and behold the cast member wanted to treat the second purchase as a renewal. I think not. I said that renewing was not part of my plan -- that this was a completely new transaction. She was not a happy camper but at the end of the day I got the new pass with expire date one year form this purchase date. That was the only time that ever happened but looks like maybe Disney is going to try doing that again.

Just be very frank in Sept and say no. I do not think all Cast members try doing. Good luck


I guess i don't read the fine print on anythhing and didn't know about the 6 months.
The last time we had annual passes we didn't renew them when we decided to get passe again I bought one day passes about a month before and then upgraded once I got into the park. I was asked if I had a pass before and they used all that information for new pass but was not told that I had to renew they just upgraded from the tickets that I had for that day.
Hope they don't give you a hard time.
Wow, it's like a ghost town around here.....


Hopefully everyone is out and about, having fun! Me? Well, I went to Walmart this morning. :confused3 lol

Well, got some things to do around the house. Catch y'all later!! Have a great Sunday. And remember, if you are thinking about the summer exchange, don't delay. Times running out to sign up. :)
Wow it IS dead round here!! EEK! Beth Great minds must think alike. I was at Wallyworld this morning as well!! ;)

While at the meet yesterday it was FREEZING and we usually bring a few towels but I made up my mind we needed to buy a few cheap blankets because when you have to get out there at 5 a.m. it is COLD! So we ran up there to get those and a bunch of other stuff we had on our list. Didn't find any blankets there that I liked but we needed a new smoke detector and Shane needed some clothes for work etc. Anyway then the girls and I ended up going back out to Target and founds some nice snuggy blankets and Katy is now in LOVE with Justin Bieber and they had his movie on sale for 12.99 so I let her get it. We then came home and watched it and I must say I didn't think too much of him before esp since up till recently both of my girls HATED him LOL. I always suspected that secretly they liked him but for whatever reason just didn't want to admit it and now I know with Katy LOL. Don't know if Shelby will ever convert ;) But anyway I was pretty impressed with how talented he is and the fact he came from a teen mom and has done so well for himself. He seems like a pretty good kid.

Anyway the rest of the day I have just been trying to make a dent in my laundry pile and we have just been relaxin!

Hope you had a good day and anyone else that is checking in but maybe not posting!

Guess everyone is enjoying their weekends and I guess summer is coming so hopefully that means everyone is out having a good time! :)

Have a great evening everyone!
JB is very talented! Just because he has a mom who was teen mom didn't mean he would turn out poorly. I was a teen mom and my son is good, well other than he is a smart a**, although I am not sure where he got that from.....:rolleyes1

It's been a lovely lazy weekend here. Watched season 2 of Army Wives, a babyshower yesterday, now having taco pizza from Papa Murphy's and gonna watch Sister Wives & the music awards! Oh and last night I clipped coupons! I live on the edge I tell ya!
My best friend had a teen mom too and she's turned out pretty well . . . .but I think the point was that it probably is more difficult for a young Mom--but I think there's "rotten apples" even with people who have an "older" Mom!

Did you guys hear that they arrested a suspect in the beating of that guy at Dodger Stadium? I hope they get the other one too--geesh, you go to a baseball game and end up in a coma! Just a bunch of thugs.

Oh, and to those of you doing MA at WDW in November....I am going to be there! My cruise is Nov. 6-10 and I will be in WDW Nov 10-16! I can't wait to see the divas in action!


HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!! :cool1: Right now I'm planning to be there from the 6th to the 14th--even though I'm not doing MA

Have a wonderful time at the show Sarah! I really liked it but my DH and I still think it will be next to impossible to top Wicked for us.

Wicked is amazing--I've seen it four times!

Great!!! We'll be there Nov. 9-14 so we definitely need to meet up a few times! MA is November 12.

We probably need to make an ADR or two, don't we?

As for me, I didn't do a lot today--gardened a bit (and yes, continued to eliminate snails). I'm going to DL in the morning for the Star Tours AP preview! Meeting up with Chris and maybe another friend from another site.
So cute!!!
Do any of you have a Kindle or Nook or other e-reader? I'm looking into buying one but I really know nothing about them so i don't know which would be better.

I LOVE my kindle! You can trade books for two weeks with other Kindle users, so if you get one I can send some books your way. From all the reviews I have read, the Kindle seems to get the best ones. I didn't even want an electric reader at first, but my mom bought me one for Christmas. After I figured out how to work it, it quickly became my best friend.

I spent the weekend at Donner Lake with my Fuel staff. It was a great time coming together to plan out the next year and discuss problem students and where to place our students with great potential. My co-leader Marci and I even took a paddleboat ride across the lake and played in the snow that was there. The best part was sneaking snow back across the lake and pelting the other leaders who were in the hot tub :rotfl: I left early this morning and DH and I took the kids to the Rivercats game. We had such a blast. Two more days off then back to work for finals....woo hoo!
Morning all.

Cheryl you are right I just meant that it is tough being a teen parent. I never meant the kids would turn out bad but that it just makes it a lot harder when you add being young and probably not having another parent's help and being young yourself, possibly still in school etc etc. She seemed like a really good mom and had GREAT parents and that unfortunately is not the norm. There are those that make it and do well but unfortunately there are a lot that don't. I unfortunately have seen the opposite side of the coin. My cousin started having her kids at 14, has 3 all with different dads, she has been in prison 3 different times, lost custody of her kids and now two of them are single moms. It is REALLY sad. So it is nice to see when it turns out good.
Hey, howdy, hey, ladies!! :cool1: Happy Monday morning to you all. Hope you are all doing well. :)

It's been a lovely lazy weekend here. Watched season 2 of Army Wives, a babyshower yesterday, now having taco pizza from Papa Murphy's and gonna watch Sister Wives & the music awards! Oh and last night I clipped coupons! I live on the edge I tell ya!
Whoo hoo! Clipping coupons!! You are a wild one. ;)
I want taco pizza. Not sure what that is exactly, but I know I like tacos and I like pizza.

Did you guys hear that they arrested a suspect in the beating of that guy at Dodger Stadium? I hope they get the other one too--geesh, you go to a baseball game and end up in a coma! Just a bunch of thugs.
I hadn't heard about that. How sad. What is wrong with people these days??

HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!! :cool1: Right now I'm planning to be there from the 6th to the 14th--even though I'm not doing MA

Wicked is amazing--I've seen it four times!

We probably need to make an ADR or two, don't we?

As for me, I didn't do a lot today--gardened a bit (and yes, continued to eliminate snails). I'm going to DL in the morning for the Star Tours AP preview! Meeting up with Chris and maybe another friend from another site.
How fun that a couple of you will be in WDW at the same time! :thumbsup2
Enjoy DL and Star Tours with Chris. Sadly that ride gives me a headache. I'm getting old!

I want to see Wicked. They are opening a new theater here in Vegas, and Wicked is going to come play there. I'm just a bit skeered over those high ticket prices!!!

My co-leader Marci and I even took a paddleboat ride across the lake and played in the snow that was there. The best part was sneaking snow back across the lake and pelting the other leaders who were in the hot tub :rotfl:
:rotfl2: Sound fun!

My cousin started having her kids at 14, has 3 all with different dads, she has been in prison 3 different times, lost custody of her kids and now two of them are single moms.
:scared1: Noelle's 14!! I cannot even imagine her as a mom at this age.
JB is very talented! Just because he has a mom who was teen mom didn't mean he would turn out poorly. I was a teen mom and my son is good, well other than he is a smart a**, although I am not sure where he got that from.....:rolleyes1

I was also a teen mom times 2. I had Devin & Adara before I was 20 :eek: and we're all doing fine ;).
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