DISMEET for WONDER 1/26/03, who's in?


<font color=navy>I Owe, I Owe, so Off to Work I go
Apr 30, 2002
Well I know I will constantly run into mickeymom629 'cause we'll be neighbors!

And looking forward to meeting Minybear!

And since someone mentioned DisMeet, let's have one!

Any suggestions? How about during SuperBowl!

Hello Scratch42.

Dismeet I Wonder who mentioned that :).

Looks like I am in. I want to meet my good friends and the other Dis people on this board.
when you don't keep up with the boards! I missed something.

Just toooooooo excited!LOL

Hi you all!

I am late dinner seating, so I think we are missing some of Super Bowl. Aren't you guys going to be at the port early??? Listen, if I can't meet at the "meet" I'm going to describe my family and there's no way you can miss us if you see us. Well, maybe you could (we're not bizarre) but we are distinct. :cool:

Anyway, we're planning on being at port by 11:00 and it sounds like there'll be plenty of time to "meet". Don't have anything lime though. :rolleyes:
Hey Mickeymom629,

Both Minybear and I have DCL transfers and won't be able to get to the port until much later! If the times are correct, I don't leave CBR until 11:45 a.m.! I can't remember the time for Minybear but I think hers is around 11:15 a.m.

We'll figure something out by then!

You guys definitely plan something that you can do. But let's think of where I can meet you at another time (by the pool, walking on deck 4 (I plan on doing that everyday after breakfast),
having a glass of wine SOMEWHERE! :teeth: later in the day!)
I vote for the meet with a glass of wine!

But where and when?

I'll be bringing wine, so you can come next door, we'll pour a glass and then go to a good place to meet!:teeth:

Let's think about this; it's not so much the place that's the problem, it's the time.
DD knows now! She is looking forward to meeting her!

PS How do you peel a child off the ceiling?LOL

Well, I am back to the boards. My family and my best friends family (10 of us in total) can not wait 2 more weeks.
Mickeymom, we hope to be at the dock by 11am. I still hope to get to the Disney store.....but my life has been crazy. I will e-mail you!

Let me know where you all will meet.
There are 6 of us....Disney friend, her daughter and sn in law and there two children. I belive I am the only one out of the 6 of us that is on this board. I would love to meet..I will also becoming fron the DCL bus and I dont really know what time but am coming from POR......I will also be attending the return cruisers party am planning on doing Discover Atlantis tour and Sanctuary Bay. I am on deck two...let me know where to meet. Just think two weeks form tomorrow we will be on the ship yippeeeeeee.:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We haven't really gotten to know anyone on the boards, but we'd love to! Let us know time and place and we'll be there.
Disney Duo and Disney753 - are you late or early seating? What floors.
We are still trying to figure out where and when to meet! Mostly, when!
We are late seating too. How old are the two children you are coming with? Mine are DS15, DS13, DD11 and DS81/2.
They are 2 and 4...one of them has a birthday the day we sail but i dont remember which one. are we going to wear line green anything so we can spot each other...i have done that several times in the parks and have had sucucess about 50% of the time
last time I sailed on 3/2001 Magic ....I met lots of people but none from the Dis board...in fact two of the couples one fron NJ and one fron Florida have remained friends and we all met for a few days in WDW in 2002. One of the coulpes is flying into fla for a magic cruise the day i leave fla (2/7) so we are meeting for lunch at DTD before I fly out. Just think 2 weeks from today I should be on the DCL bus heading to the ship..it is so emotional as you watch the video on the bus then just as it ends you go over a hill and there is the ship...made my eyes water ...see you soon
just to see what you will. Anyway, DISNEYLOVER5 said that she thought a good meeting time and place would be around 5 near the Mickey pool (after everyone clears out from the sail away party, I guess). What do you think, everyone?

Lime green?! I forgot and, believe me, I don't have ANYTHING with that color:rolleyes: so I'd better write that down as another thing I need to buy!:teeth: (Shopping is one of my favorite things to do)

Cindy(Disney753, that is), Disneylover5 is also on your floor.
So do we meet at the Mickey Pool Now?

I will wear my Lime Green Socks so you can't miss me! It's a good thing it will be dark by then!LOL

Who will try to be there? I think the thought is immediately after the sail away party, whenever that is. Disneylover thought 5. Believe me, I am not the expert, but I DO want us all to say hello as soon as possible. Where were you all going to try to be during sail away? In the middle of the action? Above it? Below it? Getting a massage and escaping from it?;)


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