Discovery Magic Pkg


Earning My Ears
Feb 11, 2002
After looking at what the value is of some of the things you would get for your magical wishes on the Discovery Magic Package and what we are actually paying for the package (which is apparently a very good price), I still can't justify it. We wanted to spend some of the wishes on dinners. With a family of four (two teenage girls), would we actually be getting $150 worth of food, tip and gratuity in someplace like the restaurant 1900 Park Fare? There is no way that four of those wishes used on a character breakfast could be worth $150.00 with the character breakfasts at $16.00 each.

Help me understand how to get the most out of the package. :)
Rab, From my understanding each "wish" computes to about $35 per person, so you're right about losing if you use them for something that costs less. The best thing to do is research how much meals and recreation cost and see if you can make it worth your while. I'm planning on using most of my wishes for fine dining, cirque du soleil tix, and spa treatments.
We have used the Discovery Magic Plan 2x and used the plan. We got more than our moneys worth both times. We used the plan for supper and ate at the most expensive restaurants, Citrico's, Flying Fish, Yachtsman Steakhouse, ect. It was wonderful, could eat till you couldn't take another bite. You can order the most expensive item off the menu, and not worry about the price. I had lobster and steak almost every nite, and the tax and gratuity are included. We also went to Cirque du Soleil and had fabulous seats which would have cost 78.00 a ticket. You just have to watch what you are using your wishes for and get the most out of them. Don't use them for breakfast or minature golf, get the most bang for your buck, and you will really come out ahead.:bounce: :bounce:
My husband and I have utilized it two years in a row and hope (crossing fingers) to be utilizing it again this May... We love to eat good meals and have a sit down restaurant experience - so it truly ends up being a GREAT deal for us - PLUS it is PAID FOR before you even get on-site. Way way way way bonus! We also like the little perks like being able to have a good seat to watch the MK fireworks or the EPCOT fireworks... believe me it is GREAT to not have to stake out someplace to watch hours before the event... you also get a TRADING PIN and a few other bells and whistles... we like it.. :D
My DH and I took our first "Mommy/Daddy only" trip Nov. 1-4, 2001 and used the plan the same way. Since going out to dinner is almost non existant now that we have a 3 year old and 18 month old, 2 hour lingering dinners was the entire reason we went to WDW!!

We stayed at WL. In the morning, we paid for bagels and drank "free" coffee from our 25th Anniversay Refillable Mugs in the morning. A cheap breakfast and it's fast.

Lunch was at Cantina de San Angel at Epcot and a pastry from Boulangerie Pâtisserie or back to WL between parks for a fantastic Philly Cheesesteak sandwich with fries, plenty for two.

Then dinner!! We used our wishes for one special night of Cirque du Soleil and Wolfgang Puck. The next night we "stayed in" and went to Artist Point and our last night we went to our sentimental favorite, Bistro de Paris. Our receipts each night ranged from $124-$138.

Our final wish was used for Sunday lunch. We've always wanted to go to the Brown Derby. Our lunch was $84!!!

If your too full for dessert, either take it to go for when you get back to your room or do what I did--ask the table next to you to choose from the dessert menu and give it away. See, you too can share the magic!!
We also are doing the DM Plan May 5-12 (used it the first time in Nov. 2000).

We got more than our $ worth before...but we did not use it for breakfasts, character meals or buffets. I would have to agree that if you are big on those then you wouldn't get your $ worth with this plan.

kiahrah: If you are out there...

Could you answer the question of where the fireworks viewing at MK is located and viewing for Illuminations?

This is new since we did this package and I know others would be really happy to have the "how to's".



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