Discount Web Site


<a href="
Aug 21, 1999
Ms. Cheap in the Nashville paper (only in Nashville!) had a web site that gave discounts on gift certificates for meals and other stuff. I went out and checked and they also offer stuff in Orlando. The website is and the deals look ok. It has both auction and purchase deals. You might want to check it out. I found about 20 to 30% savings on resturant certificates.

Wow, this is great. They actually have my city (which isn't a major one) too!

Thanks for the tip!

Just wanted to thank you once again for alerting me to this site! I got $120 worth of dining gift certificates for only $46! I don't think anyone knows about this site yet because there were few, if any, bids!

I got 2 gcs worth $25 for $10 each, 1 gc for $30 for $10, and one $40 gc for $16. These were all for local restaurants that my husband and I regularly frequent anyway. I didn't bid on anything in the Orlando section because we've already got all the meals for our Feb. trip covered but there are a ton of fine choices with NO BIDS.

For anyone who isn't devoted to eating only at WDW, go there now! You just can't beat the deals!
Great site! Thanks for the link!

Bid on stuff right here in Boston!


<font size=2><font color=red>
Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font>
Inauguaral Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders</font>
<font size=2><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on! Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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