Disboutiquers Part 16 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

Oh dear Queen! Don't you know that you deserve your very OWN post??? I am so glad you made it to the very first page, as befitting your status! :worship:

:lovestruc Awwwwwww...... thanks. Now I'm really feelin' the love! :lovestruc
HAHA I would meet up with you and give it to you for your DD's bday the next day, but with that much white on it, I can say without a doubt it probably won't look wearable after Taylor wears it on her bday :rotfl:. I figured it isn't one she can wear over and over again since it says bday girl, so I wasn't worried about the white too much.
Can I CASE your dress. I remember saying on another thread that I hoped someone made something with it, because I am not good with an original idea. I only have a 4 X 4 hoop. I'm trying really hard to be happy for what I have. Hoop envy is a terrible thing.

I am making curtains for someone and using the money for my serger fund. Maybe if I get enough business I can hope for a sewing machine with a bigger hoop.


I'm so sorry about your trip. I hope that you are all well and the bad/unhappy memories fade quickly. I will keep you in my prayers. I wish bad things didn't happen to good people.

On a side note, I hated Pop Century. We stayed 3 nights and then moved to the Wilderness Lodge. When I went to the WL to pay the difference, they seemed surprised it mattered enough to me to change. I know people love Pop Century, maybe I just hit everything wrong, but I didn't like it.

I once said I wanted to stay at each hotel at least once, so now I can just move onto another one.
Boo! No moving buddy for me. Well, my phone is still in my car, so I could be mistaken. . . I am here though.

I was JUST going to call you!!! Well text you because it's 9pm. Maybe I should do it now so you think that I did :rolleyes1
Here's a fall dress for Lily. I haven't made her official first day of pre-school dress yet but I have the fabric all ready to go. It won't be anything fancy, but I think it will be cute. The pre-school asks that you take "first day of school" photos at the orientation day which is coming up in a couple of weeks. :scared1:


Sorry about the giant photos. Photobucket shows them as having been resized so hopefully it will correct itself. UGH>
This is gorgeous. I live in the jeans and t shirt capital of the world. I wish people dressed their kids for school like this. I love the boots, the dress, the view, everything.

I could have sworn I flagged a bunch of posts to quote but now I don't have any. :eek: I know I don't remember them all so I'll try to do my best:

Elisa - Love the Halloween dress!
Kira - Wow, I love the smocked dress. I'd be afraid to put something like that on Zoe.
Tink561 - Gracie looks amazing in pink and red.

I finally got the Vida done so I could get photos for my tutorial. Click on either photo to check it out. I'd love feedback if I missed anything. I'm not crazy about how it's formatted but I didn't want to mess with it too much... I can lose way too much time if I let myself obsess about such things. :rolleyes1

This might be my favorite of yours. Although, I don't know how I'd ever pick a favorite.

I'm totally in awe of the smocked dress. The detail on the buttons and everything about it is amazing.
I just wanted to commend you on moving your quotes over from the old thread!! :banana::banana::banana:

Thanks! I read your directions on the last post--probably why I was on page 2 instead of 1!:lmao::rotfl:

HAHA I would meet up with you and give it to you for your DD's bday the next day, but with that much white on it, I can say without a doubt it probably won't look wearable after Taylor wears it on her bday :rotfl:. I figured it isn't one she can wear over and over again since it says bday girl, so I wasn't worried about the white too much.

Yeah, white probably won't hold up as well through Disney. It puts my cupcake shirt/skirt combo to shame. Heather didn't do all those birthday designs until after I finished the cupcake Mickey. Since I had to borrow a friend's embroidery machine, I can't now go changing outfits (esp since the military is moving her--don't they know I NEED her machine????!)

I'm so sorry about your trip. I hope that you are all well and the bad/unhappy memories fade quickly. I will keep you in my prayers. I wish bad things didn't happen to good people.

On a side note, I hated Pop Century. We stayed 3 nights and then moved to the Wilderness Lodge. When I went to the WL to pay the difference, they seemed surprised it mattered enough to me to change. I know people love Pop Century, maybe I just hit everything wrong, but I didn't like it.

I once said I wanted to stay at each hotel at least once, so now I can just move onto another one.

Thank you so much! All the prayers are appreciated.

I have spent a lot of today (when we weren't napping) going over all the GOOD things with the girls. I'm hoping that way the happy memories will outweigh the "not so happy" ones.

I can see why many people would love Pop Century. For us it just wasn't a fit. And it most definitely wasn't a "fanciness" issue, as our first trip we stayed in a family suite at All Star Music and LOVED it. I think a few issues for us were the "feel" of it being smaller, the poolside movies at night and kids activities, and being closer to where we could refill our mugs!

Now I need to figure out where we can stay Dec '10. We will have five kids ages 14, 12, 9, 3 and 2, plus of course The Husband and myself. Any suggestions? (other than adjoining rooms?)
WHAT???? I go out for a few hours to celebrate a friend's nursing school graduation and there's a new thread on page 4 already????? Gotta go catch up now!
Can I CASE your dress. I remember saying on another thread that I hoped someone made something with it, because I am not good with an original idea. I only have a 4 X 4 hoop. I'm trying really hard to be happy for what I have. Hoop envy is a terrible thing.

I am making curtains for someone and using the money for my serger fund. Maybe if I get enough business I can hope for a sewing machine with a bigger hoop.


I'm so sorry about your trip. I hope that you are all well and the bad/unhappy memories fade quickly. I will keep you in my prayers. I wish bad things didn't happen to good people.

On a side note, I hated Pop Century. We stayed 3 nights and then moved to the Wilderness Lodge. When I went to the WL to pay the difference, they seemed surprised it mattered enough to me to change. I know people love Pop Century, maybe I just hit everything wrong, but I didn't like it.

I once said I wanted to stay at each hotel at least once, so now I can just move onto another one.

Sure you can CASE it. I am a beginner to sewing, so I am flattered that someone would want to CASE me. Post picture though, I would LOVE to see it!
Hey I made and brought quotes!

Here you go! I hope you'll share photos of Hannah in it... once she gets to actually wear it. :rotfl:


BTW - I'm always nervous to send something to someone who sews! I worry that my seams, stitching, etc. will be inspected with a magnifying glass. :rolleyes1

I hope the tutorial makes sense. I wrote the steps last weekend and then added in the photos once I'd had a chance to edit them. They aren't the best photos but hopefully they show what I mean. :laughing:

Thank you! I have to admit I'm not a fan of the 'cuties' but I'm definitely changing my mind now that this dress is done.

I really think the Vida works without any extra applique or embroidery. I did this dress last Halloween and really liked the look.


I was thinking of documenting how I do the 'butt ruffles' for the Feliz since I'll be doing those for a special dress very soon. :rolleyes1 I now there are various ways to do them but the pattern itself is very vague about it.

I should make another version of that. I did that one not long after I started doing applique so it was pretty basic. I think it would be really cute with some of the large scale appliques I like to do. Hmm, ideas are forming... :laughing:

I am cracking up because I did look at every aspect of the dress. LOL I wanted to see how perfectly you made it and guess what . . . it is perfect!

Just to let everyone know when Lisa sent the set Hannah was being . . . well . . . a complete pain in the butt to put it nicely. LOL Luckily she has mellowed a bit and I am again happy to give her things. She was supposed to wear the dress on her sisters bday but the theme was changed to The Little Mermaid. Goodness sakes you cannot wear an Alice dress to a mermaid party! :rotfl2: Hannah is wearing this to WDW next week and then to Kindergarten Orientation.

Cute outfit! Love the boots! Where do you live? That view is tremendous!:love:

Jeanne Where did you get those amazing kick a$$ faux Doc Martins????? OMG I had those in 1992. My children NEED them!!! LOL I adore this dress. What fabric line is that and do you mind sharing the pattern? (Sorry I think I qouted the wrong post.)

I finished Taylor's Magic Kingdom birthday dress today. Once again HeatherSue is my hero (and Marah too). Thank you ladies for coming up with such cute birthday appliques! I don't know what I would do without you!

Of coarse Taylor was convinced today was her birthday when I wanted to try it on her. She was really excited about this one, so forgive me for too many pictures. I was trying to get a decent angle on all the appliques, and she was so happy about the dress. I think I snapped at least 100 pics in just a couple mins time.

I am hoping to finish 3 more outfits before we leave on the 15th.... plus some stuff for the adults.... I have way tooooo much to do and I have to be out of town all next week for work. Hopefully I can get another outfit done before I fly out on Monday.



Words cannot express how happy this dress makes me. I would wear it on my bday.

I love the look of this Vida. it makes it seem like "ordinary" people can do it too:) Not that your fabrics are ordinary:goodvibes You have unbelievable skill in fabrics!

So that feliz you are making....you know with "butt ruflles"?????? A person can never have too many of those:) Oh and a tutorial would be great. I have seen lots of people complain about the "vagueness" of that pattern and the butt ruffles. Well not the butt ruffles themselves....really how can anyone complain abut butt ruffles??

BUTT RUFFLES!!! They have been on mind all day!! LOL
Thank you so much! All the prayers are appreciated.

I have spent a lot of today (when we weren't napping) going over all the GOOD things with the girls. I'm hoping that way the happy memories will outweigh the "not so happy" ones.

I can see why many people would love Pop Century. For us it just wasn't a fit. And it most definitely wasn't a "fanciness" issue, as our first trip we stayed in a family suite at All Star Music and LOVED it. I think a few issues for us were the "feel" of it being smaller, the poolside movies at night and kids activities, and being closer to where we could refill our mugs!

Now I need to figure out where we can stay Dec '10. We will have five kids ages 14, 12, 9, 3 and 2, plus of course The Husband and myself. Any suggestions? (other than adjoining rooms?)

At Port Orleans Riverside you can get 5 to a room and with connecting rooms you should have more than enough space,just make sure you request connecting not adjoining rooms,a few years ago we requested adjoining and they made it clear that adjoining is just being in the general vicinity of the other room, connecting means connected by the interior door, which in my opinion is a big difference. POR is a moderate and very nice, great pool, beautiful grounds, lots of activities and boat to downtown disney.
At Port Orleans Riverside you can get 5 to a room and with connecting rooms you should have more than enough space,just make sure you request connecting not adjoining rooms,a few years ago we requested adjoining and they made it clear that adjoining is just being in the general vicinity of the other room, connecting means connected by the interior door, which in my opinion is a big difference. POR is a moderate and very nice, great pool, beautiful grounds, lots of activities and boat to downtown disney.
We are staying at POR for our second time when we go in Sept. I liked it the first time. It was peaceful, very laid back and cheaper then the BeachClub, which was where we stayed our first time. The only down I remember from that trip is that we were on the 2nd floor and dd2 was only 12 weeks old. There aren't elevators and I would have had a hard time going back to the room by myself with dd2. We had our huge carseat stroller combo with us.

So if any of your children are still in a stroller request the ground floor!
Thank you so much! All the prayers are appreciated.

I have spent a lot of today (when we weren't napping) going over all the GOOD things with the girls. I'm hoping that way the happy memories will outweigh the "not so happy" ones.

I can see why many people would love Pop Century. For us it just wasn't a fit. And it most definitely wasn't a "fanciness" issue, as our first trip we stayed in a family suite at All Star Music and LOVED it. I think a few issues for us were the "feel" of it being smaller, the poolside movies at night and kids activities, and being closer to where we could refill our mugs!

Now I need to figure out where we can stay Dec '10. We will have five kids ages 14, 12, 9, 3 and 2, plus of course The Husband and myself. Any suggestions? (other than adjoining rooms?)

Have you looked into renting points from a DVCer?? These DVC rooms would be great for your size family and you can really get a good deal renting points. Go hang out o the DVC rental boards for a while. Read some- see what people do and how they do it. READ ALL THE GUIDELINES and do some research. In general, people rent their points for $10.00/point. 5 days (arriving Sunday, leaving Friday- this would be the first 2 weeks in Dec.), in a 2 bedroom, at BCV during that time would be about 170 points- so it'd cost you $1700.00 for the stay at BCV. Now.... you don't get daily maid service, but you will get an awesome resort, in an awesome location with an awesome pool, an awesome full kitchen , living room, 2 bedrooms and a washer & dryer. Is that awsome enough for you???

OKW would be even less points - 130 pts. to be exact and those rooms are HUGE!
:rotfl2::rotfl: Yeah, but that was just toooo funny!:rotfl2:

WAIT! I missed something? Where was Lilo naked?

Thank you so much! All the prayers are appreciated.

I have spent a lot of today (when we weren't napping) going over all the GOOD things with the girls. I'm hoping that way the happy memories will outweigh the "not so happy" ones.

I can see why many people would love Pop Century. For us it just wasn't a fit. And it most definitely wasn't a "fanciness" issue, as our first trip we stayed in a family suite at All Star Music and LOVED it. I think a few issues for us were the "feel" of it being smaller, the poolside movies at night and kids activities, and being closer to where we could refill our mugs!

Now I need to figure out where we can stay Dec '10. We will have five kids ages 14, 12, 9, 3 and 2, plus of course The Husband and myself. Any suggestions? (other than adjoining rooms?)

DVC 2 bedroom? We also really like POR.

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